What do Soyboys listen to?
What do Soyboys listen to?
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we get it, you have a large fedora collection
How'd you know? What do you listen to, user?
Goatmoon and Bowery Electric
Portugal The Man
Death Grips
Animal Collective
Whatever can be categorized as very aggressive lyric-focused rap music and sardonic weepy folk music. The first covers their anger and party spirit. Since they all have bony alien arms and are non-athletic they live vicariously through a bullish black guy. The second covers all the other feelings they have which can be characterized as ressentiment in one disguise or another.
I like Beavis and Butt-head
whatever you listen to
But I don't drink soy
Fuck illmatic is one of my favorite albums. Am I a certified nu-male?
the Sup Forumscore essentials except pinkerton
That's just a chart of meme albums Sup Forums enjoys cramming down your throat
depends, are you white? if so, 100% yes. if not, you're in the clear.
I'm half white, a quarter asian, and a quarter mexican
just say you're ugly you didnt have to go into detail
because Sup Forums is mostly nu males
i'd say you're very likely safe, that's probably not-white enough to stand out in a white crowd
so am I a nu-male then?
>I-I'm not one, I swear
wtf is a nu-male?
>tfw I love metal and don't like a single one of those abums
James Ferraro
nvm I read on urban dictionary
Actually you do.
r u sure cuz the angelic process is the greatest band
This chart changes every time I see it
depends if you fit the definition
>Nu-males are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. They're a step above "Nice Guys" in terms of beta they are.
>Nu-males are almost exclusively white (although some exceptions exist), ultra liberal, hipsters, wear some form of thick framed glasses with a matching obnoxious beard, submissive but outspoken (only online), in their 20-30s, harbor any form of self-hatred (white guilt, male guilt, etc.), either are thin as a twig or are overweight and very active on social media. They're often pseudo-intellectuals and will opt to blocking as their form of arguing online to any opposing opinions or valid criticism in order to protect their fragile egos.
What is this new soyboy meme? I haven't gone to this cesspool in recent months so I'm not up to date on the dankest memes sorry
Whatever music you like and I don't, OP
t. nu male
>listening to music at all
soy boy detected
You are what the Jews call "the future"
AnCo, King Gizzard, Kendrick
>le 56% face
Amerimutt is the correct term
rare le 56er
Lacks Metallica and Burzum.
>a quarter mexican