Age Progression Thread

haven't seen one of these in a while
rate, hate, do whatever

wtf how is this music related
kill yourself faggot

Can you attach a note that shows your dick length for each age?


post the template faggot



this better be bait

>instrumental hip hop

Metal leads don't listen to post punk, who do you think you're kidding



not bad

Oh shit I forgot Weird Al

what's the bottom right one tho

You need to go back


Is Spoon any good? Never checked them out.

>Age 11
Classic Rock

>Age 14
Zappa, The Beatles, Wings, Mr. Bungle, Avenged Sevenfold, Hip Hop (current but more like 15/16), Folk

>Age 19
Funk, Jazz Fusion, Disco, Folk

>Age 23
Classical, Jazz, 90's Hip Hop, occasional black metal
(still enjoy Zappa and Bungle, along Funk, Disco, Folk among others)

Kill yourself

yeah I'd rec them for sure! theyre decent, not-too-intense indie rock. dont expect like masterpiece albums, but all their albums are consistently good.

if i had to pick, id say check out kill the moonlight, ga ga ga, gimmie fiction for starters


Thanks dude, will check

10: didn't like music at all
13: early hip hop and buttock
16: black metal and death metal
21: literally everything (metalhead to indie kid)



Still manages to be the worst ITT apost we can all stand by

hello friends

>arcade fire
we better be talking about pre-The Suburbs, right???

I don't believe this shit

Peaked at 13

if that includes The Suburbs, yes (its my fav)
my older brother sorta gave me a head start on the indie scene when I was 8, I owe my music taste to him. I branched out on my own when I was like 15 so yea




what the fuck is this template, i'm 24 fuck this ageist shit who cares about what happened between 10 and 16


you're all faggots for posting this attention-whoring garbage

Was a pleb, a bit less of a pleb now lol

>All favorites FOTM or Sup Forumscore
Maybe the ban will give you time to reconsider your shit taste

hows this




I'm 27, am I the oldest one here?

i got lazy for current age

>listening to boring ass ""instrumental ""Hip Hop""""
>2017 and still whining about """muh dont like rap lyric"""
People like you deserve to considering suicide. Also you're a pleb.

Don't listen to these faggots, metal and goth are the shit

ITT: normies pretending to listen to old ass music too make them feel ""special"" just like every idiots on the internet
Rock wasn't even great at all and has alot of shitty bands.

There were a lot of dudes like you in my high school

Best in thred

I'm 22 and I'm feeling old here these days. How fucking bad it must be for you

20 years old here, what's on your mind dude?



Music taste hasn't really changed much since 16 other than I listen to a lot more of the same stuff.

I'm a simple man...



My nibba


badly made shit meme

wow, who would've said that the music you listened when you were 10 is way better than the music you listen now, your taste became worse and worse


>forced to like gorillaz
Your filename fits perfectly

No one gives a shit.

please tell me you actually went from oldest to youngest here

which trip is this

you and I would get along really well

also based

how'd I go?

>which trip is this
I don't do that gay shit

It's not like you can change the age to whatever suits you or anything


What does Sup Forums think?

it's lucky here nehneh


suck a dick loozrz


muh im fred i wish people liked me but i wont say it duhhhh

get the fuck off my board faggots

me on the left

desu bach is just too basic for me nowdays, I need something that I know is rare and unique

No its not poser

>doesnt give a shit
>cares if i cyberbully him on Sup Forums

i wis i had big pebis so i cud do sex wit gracy

You're doing gods work user

just a heads up, this guys not even 16 yet

Can confirm that Fred is a highschool faggot

neither is this guy

go away you spiteful lesbian


mmmmm lick pu$$y

Look at this very cool >man with his sick clapback to someone calling him a loser on Sup Forums

>16 and current age are separate

Can you retards stop spamming the thread?

no u

I'm also 27! [spoiler]but i stopped visiting this horrible place years ago[/spoiler]



Same age.
Most people outgrow this edgy site. I rarely post here tho.