ITT: >shadman
ITT: >shadman
I know shadman but i dont understand meme pls explain
They all criticise Shädmans art style and his "degenerate" fetishes and the fact that he basically draws Loli half the time.
And that's ironic, Sup Forums is known for having degenerate fetishes and having a Loli/shota thread once a day.
Shadman is fucking great.
They must be faggots, shadman is awesome indeed
>So...he was behind of it...
not entirely accurate.
>his "degenerate" fetishes and the fact that he basically draws Loli half the time
No, it's not the loli thing. Only moralfags have a spergout because of this.
Edgy kids have a problem with his "crossing lines within the social acceptance" attitude. Mostly drawing dickgirls or IR thinking he's "tearing down the moral walls" as he stated once himself, while totally being a subject to the social engineering agenda.
Lolis only trigger moralfags who come to Sup Forums to complain about racism and stuff. If you knew what Sup Forums was about back in the days, you would understand that nobody - although actual pedophiles are a minority by far on this site - had a problem with lolis/zoo/cp and other potentially illegal content.
>having a Loli/shota thread once a day
>once a day
his art style is fucking garbage and you know it
>although actual pedophiles are a minority by far on this site
KYS faggot.
t. shadfag
Sorry to disappoint you but this is true. Back when obvious CP threads used to stay up for hours, people encouraged OP to drop his shit instead of crying MODS just for the hell of it. Only a minority sat in the their chair with the pants down their ankles.
It's all fine and dandy until he adds the 4 year old child getting raped by the 18 inch black dong of Tyrone to his archive.
And how do you know how many btards sat in the their chair with the pants down their ankles you faggot
>1 gorillion hours of MS paint later
can I bump my own thread?
yeah, why not
also more shadman pics, c'mon
don't know why. sometimes it doesn't work tho.
'cause it's one of the rules: you cannot bump your own thread. if it can possible, all Sup Forums being full of same sage threads
yeah but this time it worked somehow.
someone has the one with grampa and bart?
But are the watches still free?
i think that you can bump your own thread only one time
>nobody is posting shadman art
Didn't he do some LoL crossover pics?
at least sometimes he is actually funny...
>reddit spacing
Go read a book you degenerate.
That's fucking art... wow.
Pick one
I agree except for the last line.
Shadboi is fucking garbage.
Not him but fucking neck yourself, newfag.