I'm having problems with my room mate and he won't leave...

I'm having problems with my room mate and he won't leave. He's really more of a "friend" who isn't on the lease and keeps bringing up old minor favors from the past. I don't wanna fight him or call the police, Can i tell my apartment complex that there is a resident who is on not on the lease? I'm basically looking for a non confrontational way to end what started as me doing a favor and now i feel I'm being taken advantage of. But he refuses to go back to his rich parents and says he may just go be homeless because of me which he doesn't have the skills to do. Or kill himself.

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They'll just make him sign the lease and then you're really fucked.

Only way to get out of this is to man up and kick him out.

Change the locks on the apartment when he's not home and leave his stuff in a box outside with a note, don't respond to him banging on the door. Ghost on social media.

This is the least confrontational way but perhaps not the best way.

How should i word that to the office people to make me look less shitty to them as a tennant?

I think YOU think the favors were minor. Roommate probably did you HUGE favors and you are just a selfish little cocksuckig butch.
Kill yourself, save your roommate the trouble of having to do it because that's the only way to get your incessant whining to stop.

A huge crab

He is the incessant whiner. He lives in my house for free. The favor he did me was let me crash at his house every once in a while when he wanted drugs from me. I changed my life, moved states. Then made the mistake of housing him for 4 months and no end in sight.

Guys, i found the roomate

I didn't act the way he acts when i crashed at his house twice a week. He's rude and i just want my living room back.


No, it's a one bed room. Seems like my best option so far.

Well the do what this person said

You can have two people living in a one bedroom...

You know, married couples. Unless your lease specifically mentions that there can only be one resident, which I doubt. They'll just ask your roommate to sign the lease too.

Living room, sir. He stays in the living room while i stay in the bedroom.

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Are you stupid?
I'm out of here.

So you are female he is male?


So are you saying this plan will not work? DIck Chenny.

I'm male he is male. This isn't Chuck and Larry.

Tell him your mother or sister or someone he doesnt know needs to move in with you for a while and need your room, say its temporary and get him to move out first. Then just dont let him back in

It will work since i'm not letting him sleep with me. Thanks for the help.

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Plant some cocaine on him and call the cops.
Put poppy seeds in his food or put poppy oil into his drinks too

You cant. and depending your lease agreement, you might get kicked out for having a resident who wasnt on the lease IE breaking your contract.

If he isnt on the lease and has no way to show he pays to be there, call the cops and have him removed. Just tell them its a house guest that overstayed his welcome. they deal with that shit all the time. They'll send a cop to watch while the dude packs his shit and leaves. If he refuses, they send a second cop to escort him off the premises while the other packs the dudes shit and removes it

Maybe i can just ask the office if my house guest can be put on the lease and end it with that. But the police thing sounds pretty easy but that's my least proffered method for a few reasons. Hate to admit it but iguess it's mostly I'm insecure about having someone IE the police remove someone for me like it makes me a pussy.

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You don't have the balls to make him leave and are looking for roundabout ways to make others deal with your problem

Buddy, you're already a pussy

Yes, that is why i made this thread. The actual question is which method to use. Thanks for your input.

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Oh i see your point i'm already being a pussy why not get the police involved and let everyone know while I'm at it.