Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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>being proud of uncontrollable circumstances

Welcome to the future, faggot.

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i feel like im the only white man in the states that still fights for white culture

and that would be good news user, your cause is as outdated as communism

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>i feel like im the only white man in the states that still fights for white culture
Americans have no culture in the first place

good point user

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White culture isn't real and there's nothing to be proud of about being white. When black people say they're proud of being black, they're saying they take pride in the adversity their ancestors have gone through. The only thing white people have collectively done is he that adversity.

If you want to be proud of your heritage while white be proud of it. Be proud of being Irish, or German (depending on which parts you're proud of), or Russian, because those actually mean something. Being white doesn't.

That is a common statement, but its a lie. Americans do have a culture, it's just poisoned by niggerdom.

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I have other stuff I'm proud of that doesn't involve telling everyone else how shit they are.

Your right, we need to pout a stop to black pride, jewish pride, asian pride as well!

You're confusing pride with hatred.

define "white"

i was raised "russian with jewish influence". i never liked the jews. they have a weird, slimy invisible vibe and an odd energy to them; like a drive to be irritating. i think of that as the "middle-eastern" soul. mexicans have it, despite their move from being retarded human sacrificing animals to christians and hating jews like it's a gang thing.

all western european white people come from iraq/mesopotamia, and they're mixed with jews, of course.

remember, however, that i'm russian. i'm bored, too intelligent, and actually pretty chill compared to whitey. now, whitey can impress me... that middle-eastern boot up their ass drives them in ways that i don't possess... i'm lazy as fuck.

one thing that's also different is a psychic wavelength. some whiteys are just so off, they feel no one; this leads them to be complete goons and not realize what a dipshit they're acting like but it also helps them NOT CARE about the vibe of others--they can't tell when people think they're idiots, etc--and it helps them just BE and with their brash, extroverted nature, they actually dominate and succeed.

i'm always surprised when i impress whiteys, because i can't believe i proved myself but it happens. i'm a bored stoner half-alcoholic who just wants to watch seinfeld reruns or the same damn movies over and over and then turn to porn when it gets late enough and that's another thing... whiteys are repressed. i don't think they really obsess about porn... i wonder if they've jerked off 98% of the nights since they were 12... i think they're... scared of porn? i also think they have an issue where they can't watch a movie more than once because it bugged them a little. even when that happens, i can watch a movie 100 more times.

as what might be a good example of the most capable "master race" hybrid--who gets great vibes from chicks; even/especially blondes and isn't scared of them--i think whitey sucks. for THEM to claim white "supremacy" is like a nigger attitude.

>white culture

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>not taking credit for others' accomplishments
fixed, OP. you're not shit until You make something of yourself

I had no choice in the matter.
How can I be proud of that?
Why should I be proud of that?

I can only take pride in my own personal accomplishment, and I didn't achieve being white, I was born white.

People who take pride in the color of their skin have always baffled me, no matter what their race.

Yes, they're all retarded

> Plebeian ignorance

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Majority of white supremacists are just depressed that they can't get bobs and vagene and blame Jamal. Also check em.