Why do you atheists plebs participate in RELIGIOUS holidays

Why do you atheists plebs participate in RELIGIOUS holidays.
You understand that Easter, Christmas, st Patrick’s day and other holidays are RELIGIOUS right? You have NO RIGHT to participate if you are an atheist.

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weak bait

Yeah it was pretty pathetic. Kinda like your sad life. Kill yourself faggot lmao

0/10 bait
not even mad
try again

Not an atheist, but does it really matter who celebrates what holiday once it becomes nothing but a multicultural excuse to spend money?

I mean, "Christmas" was barely about Christianity to begin with. Why not use it as an excuse to give and receive gifts between my friends and family even if I don't believe in a christian faith.

Wouldn't "participate" mean going to church? Who does that aside from the religious morons? Or are you talking about going to work when everything's shut down so the morons can go to church? Or get drunk.

If you shit on god then go and celebrate a holiday about god or some other religious figure, that seems retarded to me.

Why do you use medical science instead of waiting for your imaginary friend to heal you.

Easter and Christmas was originally pagan celebrations, why do Christians celebrate pagan holidays and doesn't that make them as hypocritical as atheists for celebrating them?
If you get to celebrate pagan holidays and call yourself a Christian, I get to celebrate religious holidays and call myself an atheist.

Religious people are very often expressing their "faith" by shitting on nonreligious people or different religious people. Or shitting on people in their own religion, wanting to oust them, as if it were a countryclub. This "expression of faith" is often the only evidence that the person belongs to the particular religion to begin with, and you wouldn't be able to tell otherwise.

I think you got them confused with athiests

Obvious bait is obvious. Also, whatever, I do what I want. Try and stop me.

No, I'm sure I don't have it confused. The "work" of religion consists of exactly what I just said.

God will stop you, you just wait and see.

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I have waited, and I've seen that your god is powerless.

>I mean, "Christmas" was barely about Christianity to begin with
It wasn't about it at all. It was a pagan festival that the early church co-opted for convenience and to help with conversions

It was a sex holiday where they just fucked and passed everyone around playing Twister and swapping cum.

Why do you Christian plebs celebrate PEGAN holidays? You understand that Christmas, Valentine's Day and easter are pegan right? You have NO RIGHT to participate if you a Christian.

Just keep waiting, you'll see what's in store. God likes to toy with His prey.

I've been an atheist since birth, not once did God stop me from celebrating christmas and easter.
And by saying atheist since birth, I mean no one told me to believe in a specific god, so I just didn't think about it, it's not like my parents read me Richard Dawkins as a bed time story or something.
Christmas is a coopted winter solstice and easter is a coopted celebration of the fertility goddess Eostre, hence the name, eggs and bunnies.
Since I've had no pagans tell me off for celebrating their parties or had any pagan gods stop me, I'll continue celebrating.

Easter is derived from the fertility Goddess Ishtar, as is the icthus fish symbol. It symbolizes sex and the spring equinox. Christmas is just a pagan celebration of the winter solstice.

All Abrahamic religions and Islam worship Saturn.

All holidays are pagan, and are only shadows of their former selves, wrought with mindless consumerism.

because we can
also, bait

If god is all powerful why does he have to steal holidays from other religions?

It's a strange way to toy with someone, not existing.

It's state holiday in my country, so nothing else to do except drink some wine during Easter and get wasted on guinness during st patricks

No "right?" Uh, learn some basic history, mate.
Christian holidays were derived from pagan holidays to begin with.

This is literally what Christmas is about brother.

It's about the birth of our lord and saviour.

I won't be like the rest of you and say atheists shouldn't celebrate. After all everyone's a creation of God, and Jesus car to this earth to save everyone including sinners and to make non believers turn from their ways. Celebrate the saviour man. :)

I won't be replying to anybody else. May God bless you all :)


>It's about the birth of our lord and saviour.
It isn't though. If it was, it would be on Jesus' birthday.

But jesus was a September child...
Sure the archangel Gabriel announced his coming in December, but then it wouldn't be a celebration of his birth, but his conception.
You know the phrase yuletide that is connected to Christmas? That was the original celebration that Christians coopted, it was about eating, drinking and being merry to show the gods that we were happy about them letting the sun come back.

>Steals other religions holidays to make themselves more popular.
>Denigrates people who are forced to celebrate religious holidays because they're fucking encoded in the law.
>Doesn't see anything wrong with this.

Man, religious people are fucking horrible. Like, on the inside something is wrong with you that you can internalize a fairy tale so hard that it causes you to ostracize and judge others.

May God have mercy on all the souls who denounce him. I'll pray for everyone of you. Especially now in this time of lent.

God bless

Now you're judging.

Some of them I imagine like being socially active, and know that holidays exist in the modern day for consumerism only.

Or I guess you could be fat, pig nosed, and walk around spouting your opinion all the time. I hear they are going to make laws againat calling those people retarded.

One day doctors are just going to stop coming to work like, "haha fuck it, why even?"

>I'll pray for everyone of you
What do you think that will accomplish?

4 teh lulz

The repentance of a few. And hopefully mercy for a few others.

I too will follow the other user and stop replying. Once again. God bless :D

So you think your prayers will cause God to interfere with free will or change his plans?

Prayers are prayers my friend. If you as an atheist choose to believe prayers won't work, I as a Catholic and Christian choose to believe prayers will work. The humble will be exalted, and the exalted will be humbled. The smallest prayers from the most insignificant people will be heard. For he did not come to this earth to be one with the righteous, he came to turn the sinner away from his sinful ways. With a humble heart I will pray, and with a humble heart I will beseech mercy for all people who think God is not real.

So you do think that your prayers can change the will of God? How arrogant is that?

i can do whatever i fucking want faggot

those are commercial holidays they no longer belong to religious groups

they belong to retail america

Prayer is like standing around with you mouth open and waiting for a fried chicken to fly into.
Granted something might come of it if you wait long enough, but I wouldn't bet on it.

How foolish is it to think the same God that sent his son to die for unworthy sinners, will not listen when his people cry out to him. There is no point in forcing faith upon you. I can merely tell you and try imparting my ways to you. Faith is not given. Faith is found. Seek, and you shall find. Ask, and you shall receive. Nevertheless. I will still pray for you brother. He will always use the non- believers to exact his will. Such as when Saul was converted before all his henchmen. I pray you too shall be converted to exact his will. God bless (:

You speak in contradictions. You say that there is no point in forcing faith on me, yet that is what you are praying will happen. You say that you are humble, yet you believe you know better than God.

P.S. I did seek, and I didn't find any gods.

Have you ever considered that praying for people who don't want your metaphysical word put in for them with god, could be considered rude?

>How foolish is it to think the same God that flooded the earth and everything living on it, will listen when his people cry out to him.

I never claimed to know better than God. That would be blasphemous. I merely use examples that have been written for me and you in scripture. Maybe my prayers won't work. There have been plenty of times when God has not answered my prayers too. Just like how Jesus walked through the desert for 40 days, constantly being tempted by the devil, sometimes we too must walk through that barren desert. Though we do not hear him in those times, he is still there. Working in the smallest of ways. You need only trust my brother. Maybe you did seek, but this is your test. He is there. Ever ready. And always watching over you. My prayers shouldn't be likened to a gun being aimed at your head. Don't misunderstand me. Even the prophets of old who were sent by God himself were not trusted. They too were rejected. What more I, a normal man. But I have faith that if I prayed and asked everyday. Even if it's just one soul. One soul that reads this and feels that conviction to go to church, or even to do something as simple as make the sign of the cross, or put his hands together in prayer. Then My duty as a Christian would be satisfied. And I would have another brother in Christ. God bless you brother. I hope you keep on seeking. And I pray you find the peace you seek (:

Hey user, I made this post What do you think of it?

Terrible bait, neck yourself newfag

>I never claimed to know better than God
You have claimed just that though by asking God to do something. Do you think God doesn't know what is going on? Do you think God doesn't have a plan? Who are you to ask God to do something other than what he's already going to do?
>You need only trust my brother.
I can't trust something I don't believe exists.
>Maybe you did seek, but this is your test. He is there.
Where? I look but I see nothing.
>My prayers shouldn't be likened to a gun being aimed at your head.
>One soul that reads this and feels that conviction to go to church
Then you aren't really praying, you're putting on a show hoping to impress people. I can tell you that I'm not impressed.
>I pray you find the peace you seek
I already have, just not with your god.

But that is exactly why he sent his son brother. To reconcile us to himself. Jesus was sent to open up the gates of hell itself and to give new life to all the peoples. In the days of when Moses built the ark, the people rejected the idea of their creator. They forgot the God who brought his people out of Egypt away from the torturous ways of their captors. He did even say in scripture, there will be no more flood. This was I'm the times when after God had shown the people all his wonders, parting the sea, allowing water to flow from a rock at Horeb. And his people still chose to worship idols and false Gods. Our God is a jealous God yes, but this same God could also make the stones cry out in praise if we, his creation will not worship him. But don't misunderstand. He is loving. He sent the flood to wash humanity of their treacherous ways, and to start life anew. When he saw that people were still turning to their sinful ways, he decided to show us how much he loved us by sending his son. According to scripture, even though he was the son of man. A king in his own right, he was born in a manger, among the company of farm animals. His earthly father was but a carpenter. He himself took up the craft. He never claimed to need gold around his head, or fancy robes. In his lifetime, he went around curing the sick, preaching the word of God. Eating whatever was provided and staying wherever he was offered refuge. When he was thrown out of a country, he did not make a fuss about it, he accepted it, and chose to pray for them. While he was carrying that heavy cross up to Golgotha, he did not complain, or state his claim to a throne. Even at the cross, nailed by his hands and legs, he still asked his Heavenly Father to forgive the ways of men, for they knew not what they were doing. Even after being raised up from the dead, he never went to claim an earthly throne, but rather implored his disciples to continue his teachings.

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If your heart is so hardened. I as a man cannot help you. For I am only that, a man. I will still pray for you. I will pray that our God will shine his light upon you. God bless my brother.

tell me, do the religious people even "participate" in any way as the majority?

Hey dude, why are you ignoring my posts

Is it rude to ask for a man to find peace in his creator? You find my faith distasteful to you. But I will still pray for you. All of you. Even the ones who don't want it. That is the way of our God. He is not hate. Our God is love. God bless brother (:

Again with the arrogance. If God was going to "shine his light" upon me, he would do it regardless of your prayer. Your prayer is pointless showmanship, an attempt to look pious and kind to try to show others and God what a good Christian you are.

Atheism has no dumb rules, we do what we want

K well then by those Standards you have No Right to live or breathe outside of those religious days of celebration, You can ONLY live and breathe within those specific times. Any Other time you're sinning and you're going to hell so enjoy your firey tomb of make believe fear.

So you are not worried about doing things to others they don't want, good job user, you're faith raping me.


Is it just me, or does the "I will pray for you" line seem to come off as passive-aggressive?

Because it's PARTY TIME!!!!

Thanks I guess, but you weren't the one I was trying to get to answer a question.
It's passive aggressive judgement, he's basically saying "I don't respect your point of view and hope some all-knowing being will change you so I don't have to bother with the ideas you share".

If that is what you say. But remember this brother. He created you. It isn't his job to show his face into you, but for you to seek him and find wisdom, peace and solace in him. You speak of arrogance, and yet you want the creator of man to come to you when you show little to no faith in him. My prayer is my request, I never claimed that it would be fulfilled, but like the parable of the friend at midnight, if I ask enough times, and I believe, it will be granted to me. Not even to me, but rather to you. If I truly wanted glory of some kind, I would tell you who I am. But I post here anonymously. As nothing more than a man wanting to fulfil the Christian duties that have been given to me by my God, and that is to spread the Gospel. Nothing more, nothing less. I will still pray for you. (:

>SO.o...HE was behind of it..

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If that is how you perceive it (:

It's more like someone doesn't have the time to tell you that you're fucking stupid and sit there and argue with you so they make a mental note to reflect on your plight during their daily meditation.

It's actually a privilege being handed out, but it's no surprise that it dissatisfies your need for instant validation

Do not misunderstand me brother. I genuinely mean it. I will pray for you. I would ask for your first name so I could at least make the request properly, but you might not give it to me. In this, I trust that God will know who is typing these messages. And I trust my prayers will be directed at you (: no hate, no "passive aggression" just me being genuine (:

It is, I have no issue with you believing what you want, you do you. It's when you passive aggressively wish for me to join you and do something on my behalf I get bothered.
How would you feel if I told you I hoped you'd find the glory in Satan soon and that I actively wished for you to change your worship over to him?

Christianity invented their own holidays, and pushed it upon others, gradually over time, to help popularize the religion.

They are all based upon even older Pagan (and other / older) religious holidays that the church (by that I mean, whoever was the dominant religious sect in any given area) wanted to just overshadow to remove them from public favor, and eventually popular culture, in a sense.

Modern Christianity, like with the other religions, are fundamentally based on power. Control over each other for their own interests, as varied as that can be.

Not only the interests of individuals, but any of the sub-groups of people in any possible groupings. People who live in the same place. People who believe in this or that, People who happen to share a common view on something. All separate cultural things that we, as humans, like to take sides on to be a part of a group. Whether conscious or not, from deep generational views, to hanging out on the same website, it is a social reward for the brain. Some people vary, obvious, but as social groups, companies, armies, political parties, etc all desire to get as many people on their side, the greed and obsession of it is rooted in power.

Anyone who doesn't see that the modern Bible, for example, is no different than more ancient texts, is being foolish. Even everything about Jesus, and other figures, literally rips off older stories and mythologies.

Not to mention all religious texts undergo massive changes and revisions over the years. Think about how many years it has been around. The majority of it before people even documented that much.

Whoever was in power could control what the revisions, and work by translators, would contain. Coming full circle again.

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I will still pray for you my brother (: that is my christian way. God bless you (:

>It isn't his job to show his face into you
It is if he wants me to believe he exists, let alone have a relationship with me. What father avoids their child?
>but for you to seek him
I have, and I found nothing.
>want the creator of man to come to you when you show little to no faith in him
Why would I have faith? Trust has to be earned.
>I never claimed that it would be fulfilled
>it will be granted to me
>If I truly wanted glory of some kind, I would tell you who I am.
Not necessarily, no, especially if you believe God is watching you. There's also the very real possibility that you are just trying to make yourself feel self-satisfied, that you don't really care about us but rather are doing this to feel better about yourself and your beliefs.

Because it's a good opportunity to catch your cousin drunk on eggnog and fuck her silly

>ITT shillbots expose themselves as mods

When you're peddling in propaganda, you gotta have an ace up your sleeve right?

If i get to stay home i don't give a shit, we could be celebrating Hitler's birthday nigga idc

Get my point already!
My relationship with god or lack thereof is my business, stop meddling with it.
Your christian way is making you act like a dick towards me, please refrain from doing so.

actually, you're being triggered. First day here?
my bad apparently they've been doing this all day

teying to make someone think times are a changin boys?


I mean. Not really, but I'm already doing nothing so

Yeah I'm getting triggered and no, I've been here way to long and probably should know better, but eh here we are.

So who are you trying to induce into thinking the "calm before the storm" has come?

Anybody I know?


You being a faggot. Me calling you a faggot.

All is right with the world. You guys kept your word and didn't mess with my booze

Faggot has lost all meaning anyway, people have to say gayfag now in order for people to know what they mean.
I don't mess with other peoples booze, on the hope that they won't mess with mine.

Is there any chance I could get a higher allowance of drugs? I promise I would shut up, even leave as long as it wasn't water pills

If he was avoiding you, you would be in torment my brother, but you just claimed to have peace, but just like Job, that peace may be taken from you, and you may be left with nothing. You claim you seeked the father and yet when he did not answer you, you gave up. Trust need to be earned only on a human level my brother. Our God is not human. He is God. By me claiming that it might not be fulfilled to me I remain humble, for once again, I too am an unworthy sinner and believing that it would be granted to me in mercy and love, this is what we call faith. Your idea of religious faith is construed. It was even foretold in scripture, that this generation will only seek signs before they believe, and no signs shall be given, for the prophets of old have come and shown them the signs, and the people still did not believe. The son of man came down and showed his signs, and the people of this world out him to death on a cross. The signs you seek, the trust that I have, is in the word of God. In scripture. This is something that I too had a hard time grasping. Until eventually God did shine his light upon me. And he spoke to me. I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety. A year ago around this time I had sexual intercourse with a female who I did not really know. This was before I started praying. Couple of days after, I noticed weird lesions on my privates. They hurt, I was pretty sure I had herpes. I sat with the anxiety for a solid month (if you lived with anxiety, you'd know this would be horrible) (and if you know about herpes, you'd understand why i was so scared). Until one day I didn't know where to turn, my mind listed situations in my head where I'd never have children (and I'm an only child), how I'd be judged, ridiculed. How I'd probably never be able to find love. How I'd die alone. I didn't know where else to turn. So for the first time I'm over 4 years. I got on my knees and I begged. The day after that I went and got tested. - cont

they always say the guys on the news who killed their girlfriends thought they were a prophet


do religious people look down on atheists (agnostics) and commit the cardinal sin of vanity in the process?

Probably because the majority of them are just as interested as christians to overshare their opposing beliefs.

If everyone kept their mouth shut, no one would fucking know!

oooo, ahhh

christmas is christian version of the original Yule

>If everyone kept their mouth shut, no one would fucking know!
… and they would still think it to themselves, how much better they are in the face of "god". the hypocricy in religious people is unmatched.

>If he was avoiding you, you would be in torment my brother
Sounds like an unfalsifiable claim to me.
>but you just claimed to have peace
Inner peace, yes.
>that peace may be taken from you
Short of something like brain surgery to make me a different person, no, it can't.
>You claim you seeked the father and yet when he did not answer you, you gave up
That's what you do when you find that something doesn't work. It's insanity to keep trying something that does nothing.
>Trust need to be earned only on a human level my brother.
I don't see that God would be an exception.
>The signs you seek, the trust that I have, is in the word of God.
I've read the Bible and I see no reason to trust in a god.
>And he spoke to me
I'm right here if he wants to speak to me.
>I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety.
I'm sorry to hear that, but I do not.

You can save your time with your personal anecdote if you want. Nothing about your situation is evidence of God.

None of the holidays are religious. The are government holidays. If they were religious holidays you would not need to go to church.

use google my friend

Easter is more closely related to the Jewish Passover than it is to pagan beliefs

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IDK about your country but over here, it takes 3 to 4 days before you get your results back for a full std checkup. Even when I went and the doctors checked it, they told me to prepare myself for the worst. I prayed. And I begged. Harder than I had ever begged in my life. I cried and I pleaded to God to save me. To not let my sins be the reason I be afflicted. I swear to you upon everything I stand for, God as my witness, on the 4th day when I was doing my daily readings, it was from the gospel of Matthew. The last line of the gospel said "oh you of so little faith, why did you doubt". And the moment I was done with that line, I got the phone call to come to the clinic and get my results. I was shaking like a leaf, and I had tears dripping down my eyes as I walked into the doctors office, and she looked at me with a smile and told me I was fine. That there was nothing wrong with me. My blood test, and urine test came back completely clean. And once again those words rang true in my head, I honestly have never been the same ever since then. Sometimes you have to seek harder than you know my brother. Sometimes when you seek, you simply down seek enough, until you're put in a spot where you have to seek as hard as possible. I learned this. And I choose to impart this to people so that they may not face these hard times to find God. But rather, to find God in peace and gain heavenly wisdom that they may never be put in a situation like this. You can choose to believe me, or not. Faith is not easy, finding God will never be easy. Buy like I said, seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive. (: it's almost 5am here. And I'm getting pretty sleepy Hehe. I had fun preaching to you my brothers, even if you may not believe my testimony, or even if I have not touched any of your hearts, I will still pray for every single one of you (: God bless all you. Goodnight (: