Hey Sup Forums Rekt Thread Maybe?
Hey Sup Forums Rekt Thread Maybe?
Kinda obligatory, but whatever
Pajeet here. He did it wrong.
what is it about chinks and cars
just a damn bunch of faggots, anyway.
Who drives worse: chinks or russians
I can't stop watching this
Chinks by far. They'recloser to bugs than human
Okay. Niggers vs Chinks, who is better.
that's a tough one but I'm gonna go with chinks because they usually only fuck things up accidentally meanwhile niggers have literally, and I do mean literally, zero positive qualities
Both. They are just horrible in different ways. Just look up images of "Beijing pollution" and tell me these people are not the niggers of east asia.
I meant neither
They're both azn's
This is the video that got r/watchpeopledie in trouble. My contributions will dry up for a while until they hopefully reopen, but got some back log, so four fresh ones for now.
like wtf? where was this taken?
>Pajeet here.
Shit in a toilet.
That reminds me of when I totaled my truck (front hit) and the worst pain was my whacking my knee on the dash. Not as bad as this guy, of course.
That guy's green.
Dang! They had front row seats to that.
your mother was rekt the night we conceived you
Me too. It's like that girl who tried to jump in the pool from the roof and missed by a mile. Not even close...
I heard this a while back.
So basically these buddies go out skydiving, engine sets on fire and both planes collide in an effort to transport the people in the damaged plane onto the plane that's not been damaged. Both planes crash into eachother, pilots die, and im pretty sure the skydivers got out safely with minimal injuries.
I do, because when I was in india, shitting on street, some guy kicked me, so I fell in mine shit.
did he died?
Does someone have like american prisoner execution? Electric Chair or something
look all webm with this song
so mysterious
What happened here, user?
nerve gas
where the fuck is the medical team?
nobody died at all
Why all pitpul owners are light and weak, so they can' control even their dog?
This is why White people shouldn't be playing Black people sports. They should stick to sports that don't have physical contact, like Tennis or Golf.
Like medically? No idea, beyond the details in useless for now URL in metadata.
Fuck off White people. White people are great.
the sideline reaction makes this clip
I split my Rekt videos into two category's. General Rekt, and China.
China's just on a whole other level when it comes to Rekt.
I lost.
Wait, this isn't YLYL.
Fucking pitbulls should be exterminated, disgusting nigger dogs
You can never relax in any situation in China.
>I lost.
Never safe
I'd like to see both owner and dogs publicly killed by throwing them into a wood chipper
moley joe
Terrorists getting rekt by Tommy Robinson, Britcucks getting rekt by arguments as well.
This is why they aren't allowed to drink alcohol.
China doesn't need a 1 child policy, they've already got plenty of population control.
If you can't even control one why the fuck would you get a second? Some people are just scum
Nice one for trip/dubs
what game is this
She doesn't even give a fuck about the cat getting brutally murdered.
Stupid bitch, if that was my cat i would probably kill the owner, not the dogs because it's not really their fault.
The dogs will probably end up killing her
Didn't thank you in skeletal calcium thread.
At least niggers would be strong enough to hold them, the fuck is that bitch doing.
WHat is this cringy gay shit. Who the fuck is Robinson guy.
Fuck off.
is he ded?
Why you keep posting hot chicks with that horrid song? Shit tier "music" is still shit tier.
Not really wrecked, but still funny.
It's a bot.
Thomas the tank engine song started playing in my head