I’m going through a crisis right now. Can somebody please help me? Alcohol dependence, loneliness, panic attacks...

I’m going through a crisis right now. Can somebody please help me? Alcohol dependence, loneliness, panic attacks, constant suicidal thoughts are consuming me. I feel absolutely miserable both physically and mentally. It’s fucking hell and I can’t cope much longer. I’m seeing mental health “professionals” but it’s not fucking helping. I just got a new job and I really could give a fuck less. If I don’t find relief soon, I’m just gonna fucking end it. I’m crying Sup Forums please help

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Do you have any friends you can call or text right now for help? Sup Forums is not the most supportive environment.

there's no such thing as "relief", user. "relief" makes it sound like you want some kind of drug to magically make things work or something.

Stay with us Man don’t let those thoughts get to you.

look user, im going to be straight with you. Why do you want to kill yourself? is it because you lack something to make you happy or because you feel empty and hollow on the inside and just cant figure out why? Look, the easiest way to not feel these things is to throw yourself into something. be it work or the pursuit of something greater

Zero friends. Have family but I don’t want to talk to them

suicide is the permanent solution to temporary problems.

where do you live?

youre not helping

do it faggot

Read "your erroneous zones" by Wayne Dyer
It'll help a lot

Nw US. In an isolated part of the state.


Go do it like the fag from r9k.

KalTec to the dome

Bro in same boat literally let's talk

Logger here. What do you do all day user? What’s your job? I don’t call myself an alcoholic because I’m not recovered I am a functional drunk. Yes getting drunk does cause occasional panic attacks I’ve had them. Give me more

I don’t want to die, the pain is just fucking unbearable

go outside for a walk

hey bud. I feel you. attempted twice. alcoholic too.

you're going to have to quit drinking (I would say moderate, but you described yourself as dependent). you can make progress some without that but it will be minimal.

Forgot to add age and education

About my alocohol dependence? Let’s just say I can down a fifth of whiskey in hours

22 high school diploma

If you believe in some kind of heaven it might be easier for you to do it. But the reality is there's nothing after death. Absolutely nothing. Why would you waste your chance to experience something rather than experience nothing ? If you're having suicidal thoughts try to start by living your life recklessly. Like you're not thinking about tomorrow. With that kind of confidence and not giving a fuck about anything or anyone you might just enjoy that feeling. Nothing should affect you in any way specially people. Give 0 fucks about everything and everybody.

For me it's a mix of these two things if u are young wait you can maintain a job have a wife to nail just drink to not be in withdrawal not get plastered u get use to if after awhile and kids are cool to watch grow up, attempted once.

Youll be ok OP, and remember there are crisis hotlines available

Fuck do you blackout right away? I drink a 375ml plus 3-4 16 ounce beers per night and I’m pretty drunk. Btw I will not disrespect your good thread by Logging on it, that’s only for the cancer threads

>hello man

>for the purposes of this thread, im john

>I just want you to know that i am also having constant suicide thoughts. But the fact that you are also struggling with this makes me feel a little better. Maybe we can help each other through our pain

>Know that i am praying for you, and telling you to keep up the good fight

>every storm runs out of rain. Keep up the good fight.

holy fuck this is pathetic
were you looking for the cringe thread?

it was pretty tough for me to quit. was in the hospital in 2016, and drank through most of 2017 -- drinking in the morning, at work, whatever. but I have 6 months sober now and it's given me some space to work on other shit.

would you quit drinking for a little while, just to see what it's like? i'm talking maybe only a few weeks. you can always go back to it.

I’m not a believer in anything. I don’t know what happens after death. Like I already said, I don’t want to die, I feel miserable and living is just pain

I get drunk but it doesn’t effect me the next day

This. Logger here live in the moment concentrate on the positive minute to minute. Live in the now. Do not think of the past and don’t worry about the future it will take care of itself. What you do right now is important. Fuck everybody else it’s your life. Things will work out 44 family of six and I have a good job, it was hopeless at one point. We both need to lay off the sauce though that’s a given

Logfag here how did you quit?

What’s cringe?

user, suicide is illegal in the U.S. you could get fined for it! It might even get put on your permanent record! Is that what you want user? To have a suicide on your record?

Hey buddy - listen to something I made for my non-biological father. I hope the fact it exists gives some insight into why you need to try a few things?

> Jordan Peterson lectures
> change the music you listen to, treat them as loading programs, everything with vocals is corrupted. Go instrumental only. Your IQ will increase
> get over fear of NSRI (CYMBALTA) get some & stay on them
> freemasonry is still alive.

But first, something inane & colourful to fap to


You’re full of shit

two ways -

1) i take 100/mg Naltrexone per day. it helps control cravings, but also (perhaps more importantly) stop the pleasurable effects of alcohol. when I wake up, first thing I do is take it without giving myself a chance to have second thoughts.

2) AA. it gets a ton of shit from people I know, but it helps keep me accountable and provides a good support network. I'd be happy to answer questions about whatever hangups you might have. i'm not a big book thumper.

crisistextline {doot} org

If your life is in shambles, join the army. They will make sure you don't get access to alcohol. And if you still want to die you can always jump on a grenade and save some people.

741741 from anywhere in US

Fuckoff fb/fap newfag back to your fb/ig fap threads you should consider an hero. You are the cringe on this thread

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Thanks for the advice user. Your a good man

yah of course dude. i know what it's like. life sucked.

Prove me wrong, faggot!

if you care about saving your life I would drop everything and move to a major city along the coast. I know its they are full of scary liberals but as someone who has been exactly where you are the way I saved myself was moving to New york into this shitty ass closet with a bunch of roommates. I was forced to be active and communicate every single day with little downtime just in order to survive, after about a year my addictions, loneliness, depression, all seemed like a distant memory.

Again cringe your life will deal you a shitty hand don’t worry just wait

Hmm this sounds like a good option for user

I can’t at the moment. I’m stuck where I’m at. No savings. I have plans to leave, I just need time to save. I hope I can keep my sanity until then

>He was behind..

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Logman here. Not trying to dox you but what city size/situation are you living in?no details necessary

Live 30 miles outside of a city with a pop of 60,000. The town I’m in has about 2,500

I feel ignored. Means my advice is correct.

im not sure i can help you because if i were in your situation i think i would try the same thing, you know, asking advice for strangers, because sometimes the internet seems amazing for the amount of different people that you can find with all types of problems, but in the end its hard to describe how you are truly feeling and you can end up feeling stupid for going here, why dont you try something you like or watch some movies, or go out even if it is alone, watch other people, try to have other perspective, i hope you find something good in this message
btw, im from brazil and im 18, idk if that matters but i guess i would wanna know

Well this Logman is in a town of 250,000 in the Midwest. There are lots of 2500 pop towns around and I travel to them. Seriously user they are the most depressing shit I’ve ever seen. Do you have any way of leaving?

I appreciate your advice, it’s realistic that’s for sure

Not at the moment. Like I said, I have no savings and just got a new job, so it will be awhile