First time listening to this

I dont really like the genre because they sound too bland and full of annoying screams. But holy shit this is something different. Its top tier album.

>first time listening to this
>the absolute state of Sup Forums - Music

Just a shame attention whoring roasties are out to ruin bands reputations now.

TBS > Brand New

fight me

Men are disgusting.

fuck off

daisy > deja entendu > the devil and god are raging inside me > science fiction > your favorite weapon

daisy > the devil and god > science fiction > deja entendu >>> your favorite weapon

fight me

You put daisy first and yfw last and thats all I really care about so you're good

vices ftw


So, recently, I got into Brand New, a band I didn't know that I knew (the very first song I heard from them was Jesus a few years ago on my local radio station), and checked out some of their work, mainly Deja Entendu, Devil and God and Science Fiction. Apparently, this band had a rivalry with Brand New a while ago, which escalated into some huge debacles between who was better or not. I never listened to any of TBS' discography, so, I decided to listen to this song, which I assumed was their magnum opus or signature song.

After hearing this, I quietely pondered the melody and lyrical structure, when suddenly, a candy wrapper came from my ear. Flabbergasted, I thought it floated mysteriously from my ceiling. As I looked up, alas, nothing but a concrete structure continually supporting the roof of my house. Perplexed, yet apathetic, I went back to my muses of this son- *PLOP!* A single droplet of an unidentified specimen permeated my plywood desk. Suspicious, I peered my head towards the goo and let the aroma approach the caves of my face. A little flashback to last night's sphagetti and casserole instantly triggered my memories, as it were a lost wanderer awakening an evil deity presumed to be vanquished. Ignoring the memory the droplet gave to me, I repeated my thoughts again, until a final disturbing image pierced all my perceptions of thought. Blood splattered a prickly grass field, followed with embers from the Sun scorching the ground. A face obscured with dangling hair the shape of a shattered parabola and battered bruises arose from the flames, as a hand I recognized wrote with its own nail, "Death to Horrible Music!" I ended my musings there, and assembled them here, in the fabric of cyberspace.
Basically, this band sucks, and I hate them. Anyone who tells me that this band is good in any conceivable measure will immediately face an eternity of my hatred.

>waiting until the lead singer is outed as a pedo to listen to an acclaimed album

very normal

TDAG is a masterpiece.

Anyone else hesitant to listen again after the news? It just feels weird.

the first time i heard about lostprophets was when ian watkins was sentenced to jail

that's normal

thats how i discovered my favorite artist Charles Cohen

fuck no. i mean who gives a shit? if you like an album you are free to hate the ones who created it. it's still great

The thing about that is that Jesse was or was not doing everything he was accused of before you knew so the album already has the undertones, you just didn't know them

t. Foul bachelorette frog

>what do you mean there are people who didn't get into music at the same time and in the same way as me



love the art not the artist

What's it called?

The Sun is the best track.

darude standstorm xd

most generic bullshit, I've ever heard. Nothing special about it. Only people who don't know anything about making music, who don't know basic music theory, like this album because they think their parents didn't gave them enough attention, and got their hearts broken by the girl who didn't even knew they got affection for them because they're too pussy to tell them what they really feel. Complete whino album.

it's hard when the artist is so interwoven into the art

Favorite sex offender core

projecting alot there, buddy

This is best sex offender core

To be fair, you have to have a sexual assault to understand Brand New. The melodies are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of musical theory most of the songs will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Lacey's pedoistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his lyricism.

Now I feel weird for knowing about lostprophets since 2004. Thanks, user.

If anyone actually wants to help disprove this roastie with weaponized autism come to /r/fightoffyourdemons

They never clicked for me. I also hate the genre

>hasn't even listened to every album ever made

And you call yourself a fan of music

Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
The kind you'd find on someone that could save
If they don't put me away
Well, it’ll be a miracle

oh, so these lyrics were always about fucking underage girls. now it makes sense.

>If they don't put me away
>Well, it’ll be a miracle

I like science fiction better. It just hits me more, it's a post-depression type of feel.

> there are people who haven't listened to this one album
>implying you've listened to at least over 5000 albums

>lets go play nagasaki
>we got to learn to love the bomb
>batter up
>it's never going to stop


Anything else in this genre I should listen to? I really like the following:
>the hotelier
>the radio department
Just really feels heavy shit.

Continue my legacy, my son

>Tried getting nudes (?) from a 15 year old over the internet, while he was 24

>Actually raped babies and children. Tried to get babies addicted to drugs so he could whore them out to other pedos

Not a great comparison desu. Ian makes Jesse look like a saint

I've literally listened to albums you've never heard of my dude

Sorry, I always ignored it because of the embarrassing emo trend it associated with. I was never pathetic enough to take anything out of seriously.

eh imo they stopped being comparable after Your Favorite Weapon (i.e., when BN went into the Deja and beyond era)




a spades a spade bucko

Why do people here talk like redditors now?

a ton of people here listen to more obscure artists without having listened to every popular one

Yeah, for example I'm really into folk rock and indie folk and stuff and I've never heard any Bob Dylan album. I'm serious.

This, being a groupie is a choice.

Bob Dylan blows ass and couldn't sing or play guitar

we wont stand for hazy eyes anymore fuck yeah brand new is awesome!

I'm going to find you and say this to you the next time you discover an album that wasn't made by some obscure azerbaijani bedroom plunderphonics ASMRockNRoll Guitar Hero by Harmonix

wat best song?