My girlfriend's pussy smells pretty gnarly. I'd like to eat her out but that smell keeps me from getting too close. It's a beautiful pussy too, almost exactly like this webm. It's gorgeous and I want nothing more than to attack it like a warm and fresh donut. How can I politely get her to do something about this?
My girlfriend's pussy smells pretty gnarly. I'd like to eat her out but that smell keeps me from getting too close...
If you're not a grown man, & know what really gnarly pussy smells like, & the difference between pheromones, just man up, & get used to her smell you ungrateful bitch.
You think your ball, & dick smell good? Or like nothing at all? NOPE.
Would you like to try that in English? And not North American Pavement Ape jungle speak?
Stop being a pussy and eat the pussy
She probably has some infection going on. It's fairly common.
Tell her, after fucking you got her smell somehow. Do this enough times ( always politely) and she'll get it checked
Didn't take long to find the ape that doesn't know what personal hygiene is.
got pics?
>being this much of a neck beard
Get off Sup Forums and go get some pussy you faggot
dude, just say: "is everything okay down there? you smell a bit off..." and be nice and just act concerned. she can fix that problem. how would she know unless you tell her, it's not like her face is down there...
Some women are prone to infections like these. Also wash your dick before fucking
Thank you, anons. And again, it's a shockingly beautiful pussy. I was stunned the first time I saw it.
>it's a shockingly beautiful pussy
She has something going on down there. Shouldn't smell like that. Maybe she's cheating on you
Quit cumming inside her fag
Don't have any. We've only been fucking for a couple of weeks.
well tell her to send some right now so you can post them here.
Not a bad idea.
give the girl a break. pussies take a lot of maintenance. its an easy fix, tho. marriedfag here, seen my fair share of pussies.
Oh definitely. There's chemistry involved. I respect the maintenance side of it. With that said, however, if I was the star of a Rob Schneider film where I woke up as a chick, figuring out my personal hygiene, including my pussy chemistry, would be my #1 priority. I don't get how some girls can be so neglectful. Do they just give up?
what about cocks? they're awfully yummy