What's the point of living or having children when you will become a minority in your own country?
What's the point of living or having children when you will become a minority in your own country?
In almost every white country, white males stake in it is diminishing. It is why we have the explosion of NEETS, this is what happens when you give your men no stake in society.
To create more soldiers that will fight back. If they fight back.
What's the point of living or having children at all ?
To not to become a minority? ...
>still thinking there is a point to anything
spreading your genes. At least it makes sense in life, even if you aren't spiritual.
I can't have enough children to make up for immigration and breeding machines on welfare.
Just because you don't want to see your daughter getting fucked by niggers doesn't mean you should deny me the pleasure of watching your daughter get fucked by niggers.
You've got so strange circular logic there.
Again, I cannot singlehandedly match the literal breeding machines.
There's no point. The battle is lost, norge. We are the waning civilization, the shitskin hordes will conquer and we will disappear.
Life is better once you acknowledge that.
Nice Subversion tactic / shilling. 1$ has been deposited to your account. Now kindly fuck off.
It is pretty demoralizing, which is why I made this thread.
I don't want to acknowledge that though.
Yeah, most people don't want to acknowledge reality.
come to America, land mediocre job, bang out a bunch of kids, get earned income tax credits and food stamps, be decently happy while repopulating the white race and helping to Make America White Again.
Europe is lost.
What's the point of living in general , user.
I'm sick of feelin lonley. On a top of that when i go out with some chick - i only see the degeneracy in her. Wich close the loop.
I'm hoping we shall do away with democracy or at least grant absolute authority to local communities, Ancient Greek Polis style
'80+ gen shall rule the world for a while after a decade or so, that would be the last chance for they remember what life was like, and what it should be once again
>Europe is lost
not all of it, Slavlands stronk
also like you would know, none of you burgers ever leave your #1 USA USA territory except for select few on business or few hundred thousand total military plebs to sit on base inside one of your "allies"
Like fuck we don't.
We just always return saying "Well, that was nice, but I'd never want to LIVE there". Murica isn't perfect, but it's still 100x better than third world hell holes like Mexico, India, or Western Europe.
i love seeing cumskin nerds gets butthurt about things people have been getting butthurt over for a while now hahaha
whats it like knowing youre like everyone else
>Make America White Again
explain how that would happen
data in pic related does not support your statement
you were great before Nixon, you nosedived after 2001; still relatively good even if authoritarian but once the rest of the world fucks off your fiat, you'll be in deep shit - not that I wish that to you (to be in deep shit) but I want to see all central banking crash&burn, especially your FED