What even possesses someone to get to this point?
If you play video games past 20 you're pretty much set to fail
What even possesses someone to get to this point?
>phd in mathematics
>300k starting
>any job I want
>still play minecraft
Why? I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old. I'm fucked for life.
I know right? He should get a more mature hobby, like posting an antisemitic anime imageboard
if you watch TV, sports and/or movies past 20 you're pretty much set to fail.
Yeah, but there's a new dlc for GTA 5 tomorrow.
Playing with friends (real life ones) few hours a week is fine, it is a competitive activity like any other.
If you player 20-35 hours a week you are pretty much an escapist and that's kind of bad for you especially if you developp an addictive attitude and the activity dominates your thought s(ie: thinking or fantasizing about video games in your shower or at work).
Over you are a no life and it is pretty self explanatory.
same applies to Sup Forums and really the whole internet
>year ago was gonna become a sub for pro assfaggots team
>dad never liked it, hes a fitness freak and was saying as long as i live under his roof im going to live by his rules
>have to play football and work out, not that i dont like it but its different when someone is saying you have to do it or youre out of the house
>injure wrist playing football
>lose my chance to make decent money doing what i love and travel around the world to different lans
im still salty as fuck, moved out and barely talk to my dad
> thinking or fantasizing about video games in your shower or at work
M8, I'm a full blown escapist and I highly doubt people actually do that.
You think we're going to be impressed by you not talking with your father?
I fantasize and think about Sup Forums and Sup Forums in the shower and at work. I think in greentext. I swear this place is far more unhealthy than video games even.
He did the right thing, for the right reasons. Apologize to him.
>> thinking or fantasizing about video games in your shower or at work
>M8, I'm a full blown escapist and I highly doubt people actually do that.
they do
that's just because you don't work or shower
Says the faggot shitposting on an anime reaction image board.
Video games can't be your number 1.
Nice staircase wit there dumbass.
168 hours a week available
No Less than 60 hours a week:
Work and/or Education ongoing Education (keeping up with trends, markets, politics, finances, self improvement, literacy, etc.)
No less than 8 hours a week:
Physical activity (working out, playing sports, walking, jogging, etc.) You can workout while listening to books being read to multi task
No less than 40 hours a week no more than 60 will use 50 as average for Sleep and Naps
At least 5 hours a week socializing and networking (hopefully more, but this is the internet so 5 hours may be a stretch for some) and yes you net to socialize and network. It will undue some of the damage that sustain from Sup Forums and the internet.
That is 123 hours so 45 hours a week left for watching TV, playing video games, internet use, hobbies, etc or do more of the above suggested activities.
The problem is when you don't do the top activities to do more of the bottom activities.
>inb4 die normy, you NEET scum are dieing a slow soulless unfulfilled life so don't try to take anyone else down with you.
>wrecking someone's shit for no reason
>the right thing to do
ITT +40 year old bumpkin burnouts try to lecture us on why video games are bad
May as well tell us the evils of computers in cars too while you're at it
You're angry at your dad for trying to get you to be healthy? Unless he walked up an snapped your wrist, you need to apologize. Even if it wasn't what you needed, sounds like he was just trying to be a dad and give you a good balance in life.
Dont live with ragrets.
computers and cars were evil and degenerated society.
the Amish were 100% right.
>for no reason
yeah ok lets all take advice from the resident autist here
I have a job and play video games in my spare time
However I have now become very picky, I abandon most video games after trying them out once and only really put time into the really good ones.
Right now I'm playing Total War Warhammer because I like Total War games. Before that I put time into The Witcher 3, and before that it was GTA V on the PC. So I put time into maybe 3 games a year.
Ok, what was said good reason user? >Hurrdurr autistic/degenerate
is not a reason by the way
>and im a multi millionare oil boss thingy that make 6 gorrilion money a year.
Lie somewhere else.
i play ssbm competitively and it's just a nice hobby, get an excuse to travel with friends and meet people who are most likely similar to you
That's half-true, if you read books about history and philosophy, draw, play music, practice sport 20-35 hours a week you gain something valuable out of it, skill/knowledge/abilities.
Playing video games provides almost none of that, you just become good at a one type of video games.
This is one of the reasons you see so many people especially addicted to social games which ask for high investment in times/effort and provide a virtual source of reward, games like MMORPG or MOBA, people have difficulty to quit them because that would mean to throw at the bin a status earned in a community through hundred if not thousand of hours.
Most of them don't realize of autistic it is to brag about your MMR/rank/stuff in these games but they still feel really good about it despite having 0 relevance in the real world.
You can reply that not everything should be "productive" or that I have a very utilitarian point of view but the fact remains that these games ask for a substantial amount of energy when they provide nothing but short term pleasure.
28 years old and I'm making $40k/yr, still playing the vidya and I think I'm doing alright.
>IT engineer
>no problem with jobs even in my country
>can make a decent living
>still playing planetside 2 with my other IT friend from time to time
Playing games past 20 year old mark is not the problem my little burger friend, the problem is spending TOO MUCH FUCKING TIME playing games. Moderation is the key in everything.
says, it's really the competitive stuff, MOBAs, MMOs etc which are the worst offenders. I enjoy my retro games but never once touched WoW or anything like it and I'm glad I didnt. I'm autistic (actually diagnosed) but I did well in school, have a job in engineering and started working out recently. If I had got into WoW I might be a worthless NEET.
For a second there I thought SGDQ had already started.
I'm betting 80% of the white males on this board look like this
My bad, I misread you.
I remember when I was a teen I would play WoW for so long that I would see the game when I closed my eyes to go to bed. Like it would never end.
Now I sometimes get into a trancy state when I'm in bed half asleep where I'm reading literal shitposts in my head. I may be a little fucked, but sometimes I go to reply and then realize that I'm not even on a computer.
Video game music did motivate me to work harder at piano when I was a kid though and I don't regret it.
>Change clothes to fashionable
>Change bodies to lift 3x a day
OP caption reads: Why are these chads getting so much pussy and why are you such a failure?
Buy clothes from fashionable stores, throw out the cargo shorts and graphic tees. Lift heavy 3x a day with compound lifts.
Congrats you are now in the Top 75% of men in 6 months. Top 90% in 18 months.
You work at McDonalds or something?
stefan molyneux plays videogames so your argument is automatically invalid.
>Lift heavy 3x a day with compound lifts.
Gooby does not approve.
im 34, no job, live with mom in the BASEMENT, i play video games from when i wake up till i go to bed. i fap every day to anime porn and all types of shit really. i am not kidding. i am just waiting for her to die to get the house and get some money. there is no opportunity in this fucking work force but flipping burgers and if you do that then your less then even ME.
come at me wage cucks.
>Notch a gamer who still to this play plays games is a billionaire
>Set to fail
>Constantly see people on Sup Forums say playing video games and watching anime is bad.
What website do you guys think you are on?
>What are hobbies?
Some people have the means to have video games as a hobby, faggot. Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean it's not true.
sounds boring senpai
>Earn 60K/year
>Have my own place
>0 Debt
>Play video every day
>Smoke weed every day
Cry more faggot
Living the dream.
Gooby get out
>life 3x a day compound
>imply i'm 16 with no job in my last summer before senior year
I got a job nigga, 2 or 3 days a week for me is all I can handle.
I think if I was living like that I would grow to hate video games. I only enjoy them now because I work hard and come home to enjoy them.
They all watch anime and play video games.
Reminder, pol is satire.
I play way fewer games now though. Most are just shitty movies you push buttons to progress. The 'game' part of modern games usually comes down to adjusting variables in an equipment menu and selecting speech trees. RPG's in the late 90's ruined what it meant for something to be a game.
>proud of it
Did you have to grow up without a father?
Can confirm. I absolutely fantasized about games at work, in the shower, when I slept. Basically whenever I wasn't playing certain games.
I'm reformed now, but this was well into my lower 30's.
I didn't even ened to see the banner on the wall to know that bunch of soulless husks were speedrunningfags.
Speedrunning even beat magic the gathering in terms of looking like the biggest losers on earth.
wage cucks are the worst cucks
I beg to differ. I play a few hours of Red Orchestra 2 every week to unwind from work. Depending on what you're playing it isn't any different than spending two hours on a movie.
That image is accurate but don't pretend that modern NEETs are anything like the serfs of old
what game?
>le successful man dress
No faggot. Get big. Get fashionable. The bitches will come to you.
I see all these boys struggle like I used to. Their arms are no larger than a 10 year old or they weigh an intense amount. They wear basketball shorts or ill-fitting jeans and a t-shirt with running shoes.
They wonder why they are alone. These boys are around the same age I and they struggle because the have a short sexual history. Lack of affection from women in their lives in a constant, unless they get lucky.
Why submit yourself to such a torture when lifting weights 3x a week is such a small commitment and fast-fashion brands let you buy an entire new wardrobe for less than 100 dollars.
It's never been easier to be the man you were meant to be. Why do so many reject their own destiny?
Same, I play about 2 games a year.
>there is no opportunity in this fucking work force
that's mostly untrue, you just have to hustle and lingo your way through the red tape.
Also knowing people helps a lot. I hope you tell your mom you love her, what are you gonna do for cash when the inheritance runs out, you can't pay property tax, and you have to sell the house?
Just into hobomode?
Video games are for white men, why do you want to take that away from them?
sexual history isn't the most important thing and it's not how one should validate themselves.
Lift because you want to improve yourself first and foremost, not simply to get pussy. Marriage and family should be the goal not "sexual history"
It is never too late to begin.
Notch is like these kids you see in e-sport, gaining millions because they are really good at one game, or these 20-30 gaming youtubers who make 6 figures salaries.
It's a mirage, for one succeeding there is thousands who try VERY HARD everyday to emulate them without success.
>Army EOD (civi now)
>Twitch Streamer
>Day Trader
>Bitcoin investor
Net worth: $860k
Play videos games 6 hours a day and I'm 29.
Stop projecting your own weak life on others.
it's cause they still care about what women think of them satan
I am currently learning on my degree which will allow me to stay in remote location for all my years to come, work 8h/day and I plan on playing as much as I want because I love vidya
Even vidya gets boring though, sometimes you just need something else, like good book, movie, drinking till I drop, or visit in a fucking museum.
OP is a faggot
>try VERY HARD everyday to emulate them
well that's their problem right there
if you're gonna just copy someone verbatim why would you even try that hard?
Most people crave novelty, only autists want the same thing over and over again.
do you cheat? Or are you playing semi-skill based games like poker?
>Marriage and family should be the goal not "sexual history"
Hard to attract a wife when you wear cargo shorts and haven't gotten a haircut in months.
>determines success based on what other people think of arbitrary things
>thinks happiness isn't the ultimate goal
I'll do whatever the fuck I want with my downtime. Mind your own business.
I make twice as much, maybe you should get a better job
So this must be that "living the american dream" meme.
your dad was right, you were never good enough to be a successful pro and you're a manchild idiot. apologise to your father
Time to time I still play classics like Mafia 1 or Max payne. If you play vidya daily instead of working, studying or self development, kys
daily reminder that emasculation via video games is one of the reasons the west is in decline, if you play them for anything other than pure escapism for more than an hour a day you're part of the problem
Why playing vidya better, or more, or better titles, does not count on self development in your opinion?
>le everyone should be superficial hedonists
fuck off retarded faggot
Still browsing imageboards, growing ups werent
reminder: video games were designed to study monkey behavior
Oh wife just had a baby... Better play ARK!!!
Im not sure what you're saying but I think it's why playing vidya doesnt count as self development.
Vidya is escapism, like anime, tv shows etc
the whole internet was designed as a military propaganda machine by DARPA
the no-tech pill is really the ultimate pill
Speedrunning isn't playing video games. This is a whole other level of autism.
I play Poker, Blackjack (I use a basic +1, -1 counting method), Roulette (I use basic betting strats on red/black)
Elaborate on the roulette strategy.
>It's the doubling one
It's like how most of our father's spend most of their free time watching television, only now men sit closer to the screen.
>le 'deep' image macros
i really pity people like you who adopt the same social norms and standards that the majority holds onto. pathetic
Burn his house
The invention of electricity and modern communications / media technology is the single thing that destroyed the white race. We were too inventive for our own good. Jews would be powerless without electricity.
>Easily digestible images for complex concepts are bad
that's not cheating by my book, but I'm not gonna play you for cash at less than 2:1 odds.
>focusing on the greentext
>not addressing the point
Trump's schedule says the next rally is tomorrow in NYC. If I'm not mistaken you can legally carry around firearms.
Are any of you afraid, that there will be a major chimpout, when pic related tells one of those animals "to behave" and opens fire?
you are very mistaken. NYC is one of the most restrictive places for guns