I've started a project, i need material, i must say its quite hard to find what i need, but i know you guys have it...

I've started a project, i need material, i must say its quite hard to find what i need, but i know you guys have it, i need videos with aborted children that are still alive after the abortion, i dont mean that they are developed enough to make it, i mean their last minute of life.

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I am gonna stop you right there

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Serious question, what kind of project??

Tryin to make a prolife video or somethin?

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I debate a girl on abortion, she had one when she was 16, i need to show her what that undeveloped creature went trough.

you’re the same fuck who wanted that 3D naked 3 loli model huh

Good luck.
Do it while she's on her period. Take advantage of her being prone to depression.

probably gonna fap to the fetus no doubt.

It went through nothing you ignorant recentfaggot. The fuck outta here

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If the brain is developed enough to support the movement of the head/hands etc its developed enough to feel the pain, 1st you are a total faggot, 2nd imagine beeng burned, your whole body on fire, including your lungs, that's the feeling that poor thing had when his underdeveloped form had contact with the outside of the womb, now i do respect other people's opinions and im ready to debate them, but i wont even try with someone that is retarded enough to not even start a conversation but to curse and talk shit.

>now i do respect other people's opinions and im ready to debate them

I'll bite!

Assuming what you say is true; would you really want that fetus to be born into the world with a woman who wanted to kill it to begin with? Just another mouth to feed, another organism to use up resources, someone to most likely grow up dysfunctional since it's own mother doesn't want it or anything to do with? It will most likely grow up to become a burden on the state. What would you rather be done? It's brief moment of pain (assuming it is capable of feeling pain) I think pales in comparison to a life of torment and despair being born into a world where it's own creator wants nothing to do with it.

Who in this thread remembers being a 6 week old fetus?

Memories don't even start to develop until between the ages of 6 and 8.

i can remember the age of 4

So you're saying that people are solely a product of how their parents treated them? That a human life is only worth living if Mommy loves you and thinks you're special? That you are in no way responsible for your choices or actions in this life because you should just be able to blame it on shitty parenting?
Your arguement is nigger tier.

To say that just because you cant remember any pain is equal to say that its ok to shoot someone in the head just cause the brain would be dead before the brain could percive the pain, your argument is stupid and retarded.

Rtaher than another shock jock gore film about abortion why don't you actually help solve the problem by encouraging birth control and adoption.

Do YOU adopt?

If not you are a hypocrite of the worst sort.

Brief moment of pain, i just told you to imagine beeng burned alive, a human wont stand a lighter's flame on his hand for 10 seconds, and you think that over a minute of intense pain, until it dies is "brief"? How do you even consider yourself human?

>So you're saying that people are solely a product of how their parents treated them?

Not necessarily but, to say that parents have absolutely 0 impact on your life and your upbringing is extremely naive. They are the ones that help substantially with your development through early adolescence.

>That a human life is only worth living if Mommy loves you and thinks you're special?

That's where the bridge between 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' comes into play. Many argue that a zygote does not qualify as 'human' life for they have not developed enough to be considered as such.

>That you are in no way responsible for your choices or actions in this life because you should just be able to blame it on shitty parenting?

What about instances of sexual assault or incest? Do you not believe in any second chances? Are you saying absolutely 100% of all abortions should be banned?

>Your arguement is nigger tier.

Racial epithets do nothing to improve the quality of your argument.

1st no, i dont adopt, im 22 and im not ready to take care of a child and i dont consider myself able to educate it as it should, than as when i should be punished if i kill a man, i have to take responsability for my actions, so if those human trash sluts fuck like the pices of shit they are without even using protection they should deal with what they did, no argument will convince me that someone has the right to take another life in any form.
If you care about your life but you are willing to close your eyes when it comes to legally killing millions you are the real hypocrite.

I agree with you so fucking much man

Fuck outta here op. A 16 year old is barely apt to raise a human since, yah know, they're in fucking high school. She's an idiot for getting knocked up that young, but she'd be an even bigger idiot to bring that thing into the world. And you're an even bigger one than that for making a piss poor attempt to change her mind.

On the topic of that, if that thing we call a fetus can't perceive it's own existence or grasp its own senses, the how the hell is that jellyfish out of the womb - if it somehow manages to live - can even perceive that it's dying?

Also, if you're a dude, you're a piece of shit lol. It isn't your body and even if you're the one who blarted in her you still have 0 say so in the matter. Just do everyone a favor and fuck off of Sup Forums with your faggotry.

Under 1% of abortions are about rape or incest, i dismiss this argument.

And if im brain dead, im a vegetable, sustained by machines, im not aware of my existance and i dont percive anything, do you have the legal right to kill me without facind any persecution, jail time, trial?

And excuse me but yes, if this pice of shit liked taking a dick when she had more important things to do
She should take responsability for that child, he has no fault that his mom was a fucking pice of shit.

If you're draining funding away from the state, then yes?

If your family is paying for your continued existence? It's up to them.

No one should be burdened with paying for something they don't want to.

Well, paying for someONE they don't want to. To be more specific.

If it's just the brain stem it's not really alive. Even if the brain was partially developed, it doesn't' even know of it's existence. All it knows is not existing so "killing" it would do nothing except letting it learn of existence. Yes abortion is kind fucked up and messy but if someone wants to do it, they can.

That is not what i asked, dont avoid the quescion, if they decide to pay its up to them, as i have a chance to come back from the come that child has a chance to live a life, my quescion was, are you, as a person allwed to end my life for whatever reason without facing charges?

If you are useless to society, I believe that should be acceptable. If you contribute nothing and are nothing but a burden. Consuming resources. Leeching off of productive people, then yes.

I believe we should eradicate burdens from our society.

This discution is over, i will not have a conversation with someone that admited that my family will pay for my life support so nothing for society to lose yet dosent value life, you are just a selfish pice of shit.

>No one should be burdened with paying for something they don't want to.

You just described taxes, you moron.

Of course we're saddled with paying for things that aren't in our immediate self-interest, because most people are too selfish or idiotic to realize that they have an obligation to do good that extends beyond themselves. Government has a responsibility to force us to provide for the poor and the needy through entitlement programs in the same way that they should force us to take responsibility for the life we create through the decision to engage in unprotected sexual intercourse.

And as an user pointed out earlier, fuck the rape and incest argument. Extraordinary circumstances can found the basis of an exception, but shouldn't be used to argue for a rule.

But it is still greater than 0%. I am asking you a simple question. Do you believe abortions shouldn't be considered under any circumstances? I am not judging you even if I disagree with you. I am just trying to see where you stand.

I said previously though that if they decide to pay it's up to them? And thus there's not a problem?

I also corrected myself. I said someone, not just something. No one should be responsible for supplying welfare for people, but that's a different debate altogether.

I do concur about the rape and incest argument. Since I am not the original person that was responding to OP.

He is just a selfish pice of shit

You're right. They should put it in a blender right away.

Not a joke. Disincorporating the brain cells and the nerve cells from each other, disintegrating the tissue would lead to a much more human termination of life. All pain would cease in less than a second.

Tell me, are you vegan as well? Does this concern with the pain of other only extend to "humans" that have never experienced life, or do you eschew all meat products as well?

And what of the mother? Are you not concerned with her pain? Do you think choosing to end a pregnancy is a flippant decision? Do you think women rely on abortion as the primary means of birth control? Do you believe women should have the right to birth control?

Do you view pregnancy as a form of punishment for promiscuity? What about rape and incest? Should a woman be forced to carry her attacker's child?

Much like guns, do you think outlawing abortions suddenly makes them go away? All outlawing abortions does is increase the mortality rates of the patients. Is that what you want? Do you think a woman should risk death or be shackled to an unwanted child for 20 years just because a condom broke?

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I agree on abortions when it endangers the mother or if the fetus has ireversable damage and wont live a normal, and by normal i mean decent life.

If you think that an individual's personhood should be treated as a function of their "societal productivity," you're fucked in the head. That's a COMPLETELY subjective measure which allows people to rationalize the destruction of people on the basis of fluctuating definitions of societal contribution.

That kind of logic supports the fucking Khmer Rouge murdering people whose perspectives inhibited society's "progress" towards communism.

Not the user you have been posting to.

But let me state in most things I believe in 3 Strikes.

Abortions should be permitted 3 times and after that a forced Norplant implant. If you can figure out other methods of Birth Control by the time you have your third mistake it is time for the State to assist you.

Normally I say Abortion is up to those who parent the Child not me not society or government.

But when push comes to shove there are too many who can not figure out how to close their damn legs.

I also support mandatory vasectomies for boys at 13 which they can pay to reverse any time after 18. If they can not afford reverse procedure they really can't afford a kid either.

I mean, okay. I think I'm a completely rational human being that wants the species to function at maximum productivity and potential. But you know, whatever fam.

Could just mandate forced sterilization until you're old enough to have kids reasonably, then also be forced to prove income and ability to not only have healthy children, but take care of them without assistance.

>I also support mandatory vasectomies for boys at 13 which they can pay to reverse any time after 18. If they can not afford reverse procedure they really can't afford a kid either.

Yea, try to get that through Congress. Good luck.

I remember well when I was 4-5 and starting preschool.

Many argue that a zygote does not qualify as 'human' life for they have not developed enough to be considered as such.

Only morons. Any biologist will tell you it's a living human, you fuckwit. Whether a human life at this stage has a right to life is the debate, you mong.

Newt Gingrich proposed it in the New Deal..
Has been across the floor once in Regan's day.

I bet it would gain some traction if the Orange Trumpa Lumpa proposed it again.

I'd argue that it's more parasitic, personally.

lol its like that little alien from men in black

I'd take that bet. I'd give you 50:1 odds too.

What are taxes?
Fuck these millennials, who ironically want others to pay for their shit.

Kys prolifer.

I feel the primary root of the matter between 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' lays with when it's considered 'viable human life'. Do you consider it a human being the immediate instant the sperm touches the egg and fertilizes it? Or do you think it's later on down the line? When's the cut off if there is even one at all? (aside from the exceptions you have added which is when the pregnancy poses a danger to the mother's life)

Ok, pfiu, that's gonna be long.
Ah, no im not vegan, i considered it by just thinking avout health, nothing to do with animals, i mostly agree with they way they are killed, it seems preety humane, and we as humans would not do well without mean, tho i agree on over consumtion.

Woman should consider protecting themselves, if you are not smart enough to not have a child you should take responsability for your actions, this is what we teach our kids but most people seem to not belive in what they tell to their children.

No in dont see it as a punishment and as i said above there i dont care, if the only thing a person could do after the horible act of a rape is to commit a even worst act wich is murder than something is wrong, ok, you dont want it find a family for him, bit you have no right to kill.

If a woman is retarded enough to have a kid that they dont want yes, i consider them human trash anyway so risking their lives wont matter to me, abortions should be legal only if the womans life is at risk or the child had malformations, if you break a condom you have eyes to see it, there are other methods to prevent the killing of a child, the pill for exemple.

I pay a load in taxes. You're obviously missing the point, fuckwit.

No one should be burdened with financially supporting the existence of another human being that they don't want to. People shouldn't be forced to pay for welfare or disabled individuals. You should have an option if you want to help or not, instead of forcing people to do it.

I wish I we're at a computer, so I could tear this apart more methodically.

I can't speak for OP, but I personally am opposed to all forms of unnecessary suffering. Seeing as our ability to perceive the world as an animal does is limited, I prefer to take the "safe" route of avoiding most meat products. I still eat fish, but I'm trying to do better.

Conflating the "pain" of a mother with the termination of a life is complete and utter fucking bullshit. I don't even necessarily stand by the hard stance that "life begins at conception," but I will say that curtailing the development of a life, once the process of fetal development has begun, is a cowardly, selfish, and short-sighted act.

Pregnancy is not a punishment, it's the consequence of a choice. If you're not prepared to deal with that consequence, don't fuck someone.

As to your last point, do you think outlawing murder will just make murder go away? All outlawing murder does is ensure that it's conducted under shady circumstances and in unsanitary conditions. Fuck off.

And just as food for thought, by claiming that a woman would become "shackled" to her unwanted progeny, are you saying that children are a punishment inflicted upon women? If that's your view of children and parenthood, I sincerely hope you never reproduce.

That's the thing that made me decide on pro choice. Human placenta are different from most other mammals, ours gives the fetus unrestricted access to blood, whereas most other mammals give the mother complete control. A human fetus acts like a parasite: it will kill the mother to ensure its own survival

I could use this thread

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you're funny as fuck dude. The point is to end it's life before it becomes suffering. If the doctors torture the fetus during the abortion that is malpractice on their terms and not the females.

She did the best thing she could for her kid and that WAS her maternal instincts. Whatever the child went through was better than the years of borderline starvation and psychotic break downs that would have become.

Regardless of typing, it's still human. Unless you refer to cars as "more a Ford than a car".

Children to some people would definitely feel like a punishment. Especially if she's forced to have it. It's also completely based on opinion.

>And excuse me but yes, if this pice of shit liked taking a dick when she had more important things to do

Yeah because nobody in highschool should ever have sex, or enjoy anything recreational at all for that matter.

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It will become a human, yes. It has the potential to become a human. It's just a fetus that is unaware of it's own existence though.

again, she followed her maternal instincts and gave the child the best life it could live in it's current situation: NO LIFE AT ALL


La Dispute - such small hands

Look at

>Completely rational human being.

I can see that. You operate with about the same degree of empathy as my toaster oven.

Thinking that human beings and human society are analogous to a machine which can be optimized is the same conceit that got the Nazis trampled to death by a horde of hot-blooded, irrational Russians.

From the point the sperm touches the egg the connection is made, a elaborate process starts, the process of life, if not interupted those cells will end up a livong person as you and me, by aborting it you kill that is it, what it can be and everything it can do for others, if you belive in such thing you destroy a entire time line, but this is another subject that o dont want to get into, since the moment the sperm touches the egg you dont kill cells, you kill what could become a human beeng thus i consider it murder.

>as i have a chance to come back from the come that child has a chance to live a life

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Nobody should be forced to share a society with individuals who's contributions are as miniscule as yours (e.g. Sup Forumstards). Immediate death sentence is the only course of action.

Yes. Luckily I am a high functioning sociopath. I can see situations from a light devoid of emotions swaying me to one side or the other.

Jokes on you, I'm always ready to die. You're just making assumptions though. It's okay to be ignorant.

And your an idiot if you think every kid with shitty or no parents goes through "years of borderline starvation and psychotic break downs"

what does that article have to do with what I stated? I already know all the info that article stated anyways. Could you elaborate on your point?

the sociopath aspect would be pain and suffering. The point of the abortion is to prevent pain and suffering. If the doctor cause a deliberately painful experience for the fetus, the doctor is the sociopath or performing malpractice.

Even when a vet puts an animal down they do it with euphoria inducing chemicals. The point is to END THE SUFFERING.

These videos and images of doctors holding a fetus while it struggles. End it's misery. YOU are the one causing it pain, the mother only wanted it's potential pain to stop.

We have to strive to be morally superior to the building blocks of our biology. I don't care if the little fuck is a parasite, that doesn't give us license to curtail its existence.

you sound like a boring narrow lonely stoic dumbtard

Look at america. Talk a fucking walk through LA. Go outside.

>ad hominem because he has no valid point

How about the 647284628492746264748275 ways of fucking contraception retard?

>Devoid of emotions

I deeply, genuinely pity you. You'll never know what it means to be human.

are you vegetarian? do you ever look to see how animals suffer?

Supporters of abortion do not believe it is the only way

You don't need to. I have fully functioning friendships and relationships. I still understand and have empathy. I have feelings. I live a relatively smooth and normal life. You're just a stranger making assumptions through the internet because I don't believe a fetus is a child, or that the majority of society should have to take care of invalids.

So potential life towards a human organism is equal in value to you as a fully cognizant human being? I feel that is where you both of our ideologies find their divide. I feel before the consciousness is even developed and before the heartbeat is an acceptable date for termination. (ie before it is considered a human organism) What for you in your opinion makes this unacceptable aside from any potential endangerment to the mother's life?

OP here, i can imagine the pain and suffering a human can take while living, why domt you kill yourself if life means so less to you? I mean its just a bullet to the brain, it wont hurt, it will eng suffering, do it.

Imagine that you're Atlas, and you carry the weight of a world on your shoulders.

Only by your hard work and suffering is this world maintained, and oftentimes you feel underappreciated and maligned. That being said, your toil makes life on this world possible. Beautiful creations and new innovations are only made possible by your sacrifice.

If you were to let go of the world on your back, your suffering would end. The globe on your back would shatter in an instant, coming to a painless end. But all its associated beauty and possibilities would end with it.

Would you really drop the world on your back?

Sometimes suffering serves a purpose. Aiming to categorically end suffering isn't as simple or noble as it seems at first glance.

hay let me correct you by saying BELIEVE the fetus is a child, but also believe that you are preventing its misery in the same way that putting an animal down prevents it from suffering the apex of its disease. because you KNOW it will not get better.

This statement made me weary as it makes me think you would not value an animal because it is less cognitive than a human

Yes, this is exactly what we're talking about

If you have fallen for the "suffering serves a purpose" meme, I am very very sorry. I hope you can come out of that delusion soon.

Keeping something suffering because you think it is beautiful? Ignorant. Get over your opinions. Look at the facts.

How? One quich blow to the head AFTER they had a chance to live?

While this is a good metaphor, I digress that it is more so the many taking care of the few, rather than the other way around.

That's not my point, my point is that a woman carrying a fetus to term presents an active risk of death. 15% of women have life threatening complications from pregnancy, and the only way to really fix that is with expensive medical care that a lot of people can't afford.

I spent a while working with animals, if they got stressed they risked their body aborting their pregnancy, either reabsorbing or cutting off supply and having a stillbirth. They have the ability to control their pregnancy by themselves biologically, humans don't have that.

No, I do not believe the fetus is a child. I believe in aborting it to save the suffering of the mother, not the clump of cells.

They didn't mention contraception.
Read Again

Besides, accidents happen. Condoms can tear or break and birth control pills aren't 100% effective (and for some women can actually cause side effects such as blood clots). That's why we have Emergency Contraception (Plan B Pill) and abortion for cases like this.

You must adjust this understanding in order to make a more valid argument!

I don't mean to attack you personally. Saying that you're non-human was an emotive response to an argument that I hear quite a lot on the internet, namely that decisions made devoid of emotional consideration are somehow inherently superior to those made with them. It was as callous as it was inaccurate, and I apologize.

let me restate, the way you projected "not caring for the clump of cells" only supports an ignorant's argument of you being a sociopath. This has to be unanimous in order for it to be correct, or true.

lol when you think that for some reason it's your decision/your opinion that counts when it comes to a mother aborting her own child... Wow imagine being that autistic

Thanks for the apology. It's all good. It's not that I feel superior, but it's that I feel like a lot of times in these topics people become very heated or blinded by their emotions, so they quit being able hear anyone else's opinions. Which I think the point is obviously to reach a compromise somewhere.