Ahaha, I never even thought of it this way! Sup Forums absolutely BTFO
Ahaha, I never even thought of it this way! Sup Forums absolutely BTFO
Michelle Obama is a man
>scandal free
>no drunken children
Wait another 10 years
Just wait until the "tell all" book comes out.
Would you stop with this nonsense. They have two kids. Pretty sure men can't give birth
There's only been 5 first families in the last 30 years, not really a fair comparison considering he's the 44th president.
Just another nigger post from butt mad commits.
>gay nigger married to a tranny nigger who picked two kids off the streets of chimpcago
>totally wholesome family
Scandal free?
>No drunken children
You forreal?
One of his daugthers was taking shots at a house party somewhere in DC.
The ugly one, can't remember its name.
Wasn't there that whole "government is spying on everyone all the time no matter what Edward Snowden" thing that happened
Find me a picture of Michelle pregnant
Because there's no other way.
4 families.
I also do not recall bush or Reagan family scandals.
Michelle's hateful ass attitude has nothing to do with the people not liking them I am sure.
Haha just a bunch of mad whiteys!
I think, just think, that bam bam gave the seed for one and Michel gave the seed for the other offspring.
>"scandal free"
Except for all of the political scandals involving the Middle East. But at least he didn't cheat, right?!
The goys stopped caring about the NSA
Remember that time Michelle Obama tried to starve students? Is that still going on?
Use Google stupid, there's a bunch of them
>Ugly one
I think some states and towns are trying to opt out of it, but they lose a lot of federal funding by doing so.
>no drunken children
Yeah, all of Obama's scandals involve national security, missile technology, arms deals, and shadow wars.
Quite wholesome.
Obama look up on google yourself there is none
>no drunken children
say what now?
except the image conveniently forgets to mention the indisputable fact that they're all niggers
>room full of white boys
>HATED by most white Christians
methinks the Angry Liberal has a rather large nose
>scandal free
>Fast and Furious
>IRS' political suppression
>Iran Deal
>Libya / Benghazi
>"red line" debacle in Syria
>bowing to Saudi kings
>VA in total disarray, thousands of soldiers dying
>TSA is completely inept and screwed up, lines are now hours long
>Obamacare is a massive failure, health insurance more expensive and less accessible than ever
Yea, "scandal free" - it's so hard to see the scandals because it's 24/7 with Obongo
I heard some schools were even banning students from bringing their own lunch.
It's fucking ridiculous.
It gets better.
>Catch trashy niggerslut who should know better getting wasted at a college party
>She does not attend said college
>Photos of it come out
>Trashy niggerslut gets apology
>Everyone claps because trashy niggerslut should be allowed to be 17 and wasted at a random college party while her father is the president
You never thought of it that way because you never think
I can't wait until both his daughters get bleached. it's going to infuriate him and Michelle.
I still would
Triples confirms
Praise kek!
Joan Rivers vindicated! !!
I wonder what it's like to be black and have absolutely no connection to any historically black community. Like even Obama is a half Kenyan Hawiian and his daughter lived a significant part of her developing years probably in the most upper class of private schools, with little to no actual time spent living in the same conditions as the majority of Washington, southern or Chicago blacks.
Only one of those is true.
Oh wait, never mind.
Why do liberals love to bring up Christianity in the mix?
>dat kerning
Worst part of this tbqh
nice bait, fag
a gay narcissist with low IQ pretend-married to a transgender man, with borrowed children, being used as a puppet by zionists. Yeah real wholesome
pretty sure Michael Jackson didn't fuck a girl either
His interference in the ATF gunwalking sends its regards.
it's not a dick, just some bountiful roast beef slices famarino
I don't give a fuck about his family. It's mostly him who's the problem. Also his wife is shit.
Yeah no scandals there, just the tranny first lady, and the muslim Kenyan president, with their two crack baby children. No scandal there, just crashing Lybia and Syria and flooding Europe with migrants. No scandal whatsoever, just a racebaiting president, that promotes black supremacism and burn down Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago. Nothing scandalous just letting in millions of mexicans set on conquering Texas, California and the rest of the states on the Mexican border. No scandal there, just selling americans into debt, while filling the pockets of wall street, bailing them out for the frauds caused by their uncontrolled greed. I could go on all fucking day, the nigger made everything worse, and created a whole new set of problems, which will take several decades to fix if not a century, if even can be fixed at all, ever. Kill the marxist muslim nigger scum.
30 years?
What family scandals did George Bush sr and Reagan have?