Pretend psychology thread

Pretend psychology thread.

In this thread I will pretend to be a skilled and empathetic psychologist and you will pretend to be my patients. So what seems to be the problem this evening user?

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letty won't stop molesting my tails. what should i do?

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It's best not to react too much. If you remain motionless your attacker may eventually fall asleep and you can quickly swap out your tails for a large pillow or blanket and make your escape.

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thanks. i was trying not to hurt her feelings.

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I am being raped by my empathetic therapist.


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Can you tell me what exactly happened?

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I'm obsessed with a story's second half that I can't find, and I don't even know if it's around yet

I keep seeing this smug ass fairy following me around and insulting me doc, How do i get rid of it.

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Well you see doc I was trying to fuck this one italian girl but she wont let me cause of her "conservative" values what do doc?


DOC i need my daily dose

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I have repressed memories.

Stories can be powerful things, if a story is sticking with you particularly one that's unfinished in your mind it's worth pursuing some completion for it. What's the story?

Try being nice to it, its clearly looking for attention in unhealthy ways and may calm down if it finds a friend.

Do you feel this girl is being unreasonable to not sleep with you? If she legitimately has conservative values and feels it would be wrong to sleep with you given your current relationship, perhaps you should respect that choice.

Here is your daily dose of tails user.

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NICE trips!

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What led you to believe you have repressed memories?

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>Try being nice to it
You don't understand, It keeps calling me a baka (what ever that means) because i said not every math problem equals 9. It's everyday. I just want it gone.
Sexy trips

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Just slowly remembering things over time. A lot of horrible things that I don't like to think about. Too much trauma that made me forget everything and now I have to face it all again while trying to remember who I am.

Have you tried challenging it to a contest to determine who is the strongest?

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i'm a degenerate alcoholic and cokehead. i'm almost 30. wat do?

Yeah its unreasonable she's like one of the biggest losers in the school friends are all literal mental challenged nig nogs, shes got a big ass though & is actually semi intelligent unlike friends so she should be letting me fuck her brain out not cowering out like a fucking cunt

I just asked it to arm wrestle and it started laughing at me triumphantly saying it was the strongest and i could never stand a chance. Please doc help me, Should i try throwing salt at it.

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It might help to start talking about these memories. It can be difficult to put things together if you don't work through verbalizing them. What sorts of things have you been remembering?

You could do any number of things. But especially as we get a little older and more set in our environments and ways it can be very difficult to change a path if you don't have a clear sense why we're there or where we would rather go. The first question really is, would you like to be something other than an alcoholic and cokehead? Are you enjoying your life?

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no, i'm not enjoying my life. but i don't see anything getting better without drugs and alcohol.

i can only find sexual satisfaction by rubbing my cock on a cactus please help

Something that's important to learn in life is that you can never determine the "should" for other people. You seem to think this girl "should" sleep with you because of your calculation of relative social status. She is lower in ways you think are important and therefore she ought to sleep with you if sex is a game about getting social status through selling your body. If this girl is as you say, somewhat intelligent. Why do you think she would want to play that sort of social game with you user? You want to treat her like a social prostitute.

Yah, I'm out of ideas try the salt.

Drugs and alcohol are more of a band-aid than a permanent solution and I'm sure you know that. I'm going to venture a guess that something in your life has failed very badly and you've been feeling hopeless and unsure how to proceed for some time. Is something like that correct?

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Oof your right doc, wew have to rethink my life decisions now

Shut the fuck up.

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yup, pretty on point. no one that's happy does coke.

>I'm out of ideas
I'll go ask flan for help then.
Always know ran was a fraud and chen's useless.

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You should consider treating people with respect.

Who are you addressing?

So what was it that hasn't been right for you?

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A college friend of mine only comes down for holiday breaks but every time she comes down it seems she gets less and less interested in me and stops putting up an effort to see me what should I do

bitch back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up

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there's this girl i've been keen on for almost a year now and i'm just not sure if she's interested. everything about the relationship just seems uncertain. how do i resolve this, doc?

What sort of relationship did you two have before? How long did you know each other in person and how long has there been some distance?

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Nothing more than really close friends we have been friends for 2 years she left for college at the ending of July 2017

Honesty and effort. A full confession of your feelings or asking her out may or may not be appropriate depending how well you know each other. But if possible you should try and talk to her more and let her know that you would like to spend more time with her. If you do that the relationship or lack thereof will become obvious over time.

Sounds like you're making it up. Couple obvious tells, people who have trust issues do not say "I have trust issues" they say I can't trust such and such person, or I can't trust people. Memories of abuse from later childhood also tend to be sharp and detailed. It's more common that people are lying about remembering or not remembering because of the situation they are in than actually being unable to recall.

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If you don't mind me being blunt, are you a guy and were you hoping that the relationship with this girl might become romantic at some point?

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Okay, you caught me. I was only pretending to have problems.

No it's not like that it's just she has helped me with a lot of my problems and has been there for me when I needed someone but now it doesn't seem like she cares but when I try and leave she doesn't want me to go but it still doesn't feel genuine

stop lyin u kno u want her

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Maybe at one point I did but that's not the problem I'm just not trying to lose a good friend

>she has helped me with a lot of my problems and has been there for me when I needed someone
>when I try and leave she doesn't want me to go
Sounds like you both like each other just too stubborn or clueless to admit it.

Well I'll take it you are a guy then. Do you know if this girl has recently gotten a boyfriend or any other changes in her life that might be affecting your relationship? What sort of conversation did you have when you tried to leave and she did not want you to? That sounds like it might shed some light on what's going on here.

I can't judge since I'm only pretending to be a therapist. I can teach you how to tell more fun stories about mental illness if you like though. People always way overplay it, but you can do a lot with a slow-burn approach.

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You guys are derailing the main issue

Its okay, were only pretending. I pretended to be a patient, so I made up a story about some problems I had and you pretended to fix me! You're pretty good at this.

She doesn't have a boyfriend she would definitely tell me if she did when I tried to leave I said that this friendship is toxic and not good for either of us but after that she'll switch my words around like "so you think I'm toxic" and after she is done making me look like a bad guy she'll say I need her and she needs me but it honestly doesn't feel like that it's just a really big rough patch right now

I'm not, But from experience it sounds like you have some feelings for her to some degree. You are thinking about her and asking for opinions about her. And her not wanting you to go could be because she also likes you or still sees you as a friend.
But her not wanting to spend time with you when she comes down could be for meany reasons, family, old friends, new friends, independence who knows the true reason you might have a clue.
What you should do is what you want to do about it. Do you still want to be friends then make an effort to be friends if she doesn't make the effort move on. More then friends then make the effort to be more or if you want to just move on with your life.

>I said that this friendship is toxic and not good for either of us
>she'll switch my words around like "so you think I'm toxic"
>after she is done making me look like a bad guy she'll say
>I need her and she needs me
Forget what i said just bail. It wont turn out well for you and you'll always come out feeling like shit.

I am pretty gud, I wish I could be more fun though.

Did she say that specifically, that you need her? That language is often a signifier for a kind of dependent relationship. Could you tell me a bit more about this conversation you had? Why did you say the friendship was toxic for example.

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you're fun enough, Would come to this thread again

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Yea it seems like that would be for the best

Yes, you are good. I thought you were pretty fun. I try to be fun myself, but a lot of my bad habits always seem to get in the way of that.

*smears shit on walls*
me user-e-moose
*smears shit on your face*

It's toxic because we will be OK for a week but next week I would do or say something that upsets her like maybe 2 weeks ago I went out drinking with my friends and I told her about it and she just started to say "so you have money for once and you decide to spend it on booze with H" after this she ignored me for about 2 or 3 days came back and didn't apologize for anything she said to me just acted like nothing happened like everything was normal

I want to die, I've pushed all my friends away from me, I'm useless, I can't deal with stress, I'm such a weak person that I take any insult personally, I'm a drug addict, I'm a tranny and I have hurt every new person I've met since my friends shunned me.
Can you help me doc?

I used to know some people who were really good at switching from a lighthearted mood to a serious one. I kind of wished I could be like that too.

Your instincts may be correct here user. What right does this girl have to tell you what to do with your money? If she's getting upset that you would spend time and money on people other than her rather than being glad you are happy. That indicates something. My question for you is do you think this girl likes the fact that you need her?

Can't help you at all but I can talk to you a bit and we can probably work together to find the ways you can help yourself. What would you like to start on?

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Not pushing away any new people that enter my life by either:
directly summarizing within minutes of starting a conversation what comment they least need to hear or just flat out getting bored with them and doing my best to passively make the conversation end as quick as possible.

I'm not sure and I don't just want to assume I'll just have to confront her about it before she leaves next sunday

Well I don't think it will work for you to try and force yourself to get along with people you don't like or are bored by. What sort of people would you like to be friends with? And if you don't mind me asking why didn't it work out with your previous group of friends?

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My previous group of friends "disowned me" for starting Hormone replacement therapy. They were A-OK with me being a full time Transvestite though.

I want a friend I've been isolated and alone for so long anyone will do.
By bored I mean I can't work out how to hurt them.

That sounds like the right thing to do. From what you've told me it sounds like this girl may like having someone who is dependent on her more than she likes you as an independent person. If that's correct a person like that can be a very damaging influence on your life, discouraging you in all your attempts to grow and assert yourself to keep you needing them. Make sure you know what you want to say, say it clearly and don't humor any, "... so what you're saying is" from her when you confront her. And good luck! I hope you end up pleasantly surprised rather than having your suspicions confirmed.

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Well I'm sorry that your friends aren't talking to you anymore user. That's rough. Friendship is a mutual thing though. If you just start talking to someone you don't like or respect, even if they like and respect you it will quickly stop working. People don't expect perfect reciprocity in actions but they do want friends that care about them in the same way they care. And why is it boring if you can't figure out how to hurt someone?

111 and 222 in the same thread, the gods are watching out for us tonight user.

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>switching from a lighthearted mood to a serious one
What do you mean. Like, If someone gets digits now i'd be happy and check them
But if it's OP they'd have to meet an unfortunate end in hail and ice.

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Because hurting others is the only pleasure left in my life.
Also "not talking to me" is an understatement they are actively spreading rumors about me grooming and molesting my ex best friend.
>they have been doing this for 2 years and I can't show my face around my town.

So Doc, my motivation for a passion of mine appears to only rear its head when I'm on adderall (I have no prescription for it, taking it recreationally). Normally, i just don't feel motivated enough to create things unless my mind is stimulated, otherwise, I get lazy and it doesn't interest me as much as it used to.

How can I find my inner motivation without drugs, Doc?

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I need a place to just relax and be myself, but there doesn't seem to be any.
Everywhere i go there's always a million people trying their best to find a way to mess with me or pursue their agenda.
I'm having difficulty chilling and being myself, so i just keep pushing people away or acting unnaturally out of fear of information dissemination.
I feel like if i'm flat out nice, cheerful and relaxed, like ideally i'd like to be, it'll be an invitation for a shitstorm.

This would be so much easier if I had REAL friends, like normal people do. Just a person I could talk to about my life, who i could express myself to and who wouldn't turn around 2 seconds later to tell the world whats on my mind adding to my troubles.

Do you think it'll ever be okay for me?
I just want to move on to grow to become a good person, defined by their positive aspects and forward momentum, not a person like so many out in the world who live to compensate for their flaws or time gone by or their perceived lack.

Is there any basis to those rumors or is it entirely fabricated? You should try coffee on a rainy morning, watching afternoon light filtering through thick leaves of trees, the smell of ozone and wet grass. There are a lot of pleasures in life and while there's something to be had from hurting others I don't know if I believe you really find it pleasurable. It sounds like you feel angry and hurt and find the idea of hurting others satisfying.

My tails and natural fluffiness give me +99 frost resist.

Adderal is only a few atoms away from methamphetamine. All of the amphetamines will majorly mess with your dopamine system which is basically your reward pathway. Be very careful with that sort of thing, its basically synthetic enjoyment. The kind of chemical response you would normally get by pleasurable engagement with something you like and are good at can also be obtained by doing pretty much anything on adderall. You may have trained yourself to associate enjoying this passion of yours with doing adderall. To break that association you should find a way to spend time doing it enjoyably without the drugs. Was there a time when you had fun with it before?

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Of course there was a time without the drugs. Also, i still have somewhat interest in my passion for music and songwriting, its just not as prominent as it once was. But you're right about learning to get back into it without the drugs. I'll try my best.

That's alright, We at team are adaptable.

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It's fabricated, he was my best friend.
No on these SSRI's the only pleasure I can get is from hurting other people.

That's a difficult thing user. I wish there was a place where the kind perceptive souls of the world could go to be safe from all the agendas of the world and valued for their kindness. Where the light could be a little less bright and the noise cranked all the way down. I'd like to try making somewhere like that one day, but for now it's beyond my power and I haven't found a place like that that exists. It may be worth trying to be a bit braver in the face of the world and doing your own thing without apology or hiding it. If you're proud of how you're living your life then I don't think you should fear what people might say about you for it user. Vicious gossips gonnna gossip.

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Grooming and molesting is a fairly serious accusation, do you mind if I ask why your former best friend did not step in to disprove these rumors? It sounds like he would be the one in a position to do so. Is he also participating in these rumors or is there some other reason? SSRIs will do that to your dick, not to mention the estrogen or testosterone blockers if you're on those too. Are you on anything else or is it just the SSRI's and HRT?

Hey be careful with that, fluff is flammable!

It's a difficult thing, your mind is surprisingly sensitive to setting and reward. For a while I had unknowingly trained myself to associate a certain place with enjoying work because I would always go there to get coffee and do some things. And after a while I found I couldn't do work other than at that place.

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He is apart of those spreading rumors.
I want to die when my dick gets touched let's not bring that up.
I am on E&blockers, Mirtazapine, Sertraline and xanax.
I use Weed, Meth, Oxy's, DXM and MDMA regularly also.

Then you are prohibited from ever getting digits again or i'll be back.

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you have issues

That's quite a cocktail, I'm sure you're aware of this but doing things like MDMA that heavily effect serotonin when you're on SSRIs is not a great idea. Not to mention doing uppers when you're on tranquilizers. You should really consider either stopping the recreational drugs or getting off the prescriptions. If you keep taking things with heavy and opposing effects you'll stress out your physiological system to the point of damage. Why is he a part of spreading those rumors? Does he believe you molested him or is there some other reason for him to do so?

gee cirno, 2 9s?

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I have no idea and I hope this cocktail kills me.

Amazing insight.

Behold the power of the strongest. I'm the OP now.

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I'd be a bit surprised if you had no idea, you seem more unhappy about the loss of the relationships with this guy than with any of the other people you've mentioned. Do you mind if I ask what your sexual orientation is? Mostly straight, mostly gay? And I don't think you have entirely run out of things you wish to do in the world yet, so don't kill yourself too quickly user.

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I like men. Yes, I was attracted to him but he knew and we talked about it on many occasions. There was unrequited love for sure but in a meta context it was dealt with and those feelings were sidelined.

He was my best friend from childhood, he knew about me being trans from when we in primary school; his family took me in when I was kicked out of home for coming out. There's a lot of baggage attached to this and I have been hurt and betrayed by him.

The rest of these jokers asides from making it impossible to go outside in my own town, I couldn't give less of a fuck about.

Ah, that's rough. At a guess I'd say most of your anger and wish to hurt others comes from the betrayal and hurt you feel from this friend of yours who you loved and who is now treating you this way. Do you mind if I ask, was there a point where the two of you fell out? It seems very strange to me that he would be your friend for this long, take you in with his family and then start treating you this way out of the blue.

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The falling out was me turning up to the share house with the other main propagators after being invited over by him and being told to "fuck off and kill yourself" by his big brother.
There was no "falling out" as such.

You're telling me that it's strange along with the 3 actual psychs I've seen.

Well you have multiple confirmations that it's strange then. A falling out does not necessarily have to be face to face, was he present when you were invited over and then told to fuck off and kill yourself? That sounds an awful lot like big brother and company were told something about you that they believed to be true and were acting to try and protect your friend. Any idea what that might have been? For example would your friend have any reason to tell his family that you'd attempted to molest him or something similar around that time?

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No idea, he's just as much of a nutcase as I am.

It would be good if you could find some resolution to your love for this boy though. It seems very unlikely that any of what you've told me about would happen without his direct involvement. Either he decided to be dishonest and see you hurt through these accusations for some reason of his own or you're not being honest and did do something that gave him reason to turn on you. Both situations seem unrecoverable so I think the best you could do is come to some terms with them.

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if you want my best guess
there was another conversation going on about why he didnt have a gf but had a DDLG plaything someone goes u liek (me) and he goes no blah.
But I'm actually going crazy so take that with the mildest grain of salt.

Coming to terms with it was mirtazapine and sertraline's job, I've been institutionalized on suicide watch for 5 months of the last 2 years.

Would be a little sad if it was something like a young guys insecurity about being considered gay by his friends, but honestly that isn't that unlikely. That's quite a blow to a young guys ego and if he's been friends with you for so long and does not have a girlfriend to point to that sort of talk is going to cut pretty deep.

I'm sure if you didn't know already experience has taught you that antidepressants won't make you come to terms with anything. If you really loved this guy, they don't market anything strong enough.

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Yeah, one day maybe I'll "get over it"
Anyway thanks for your time user I'm going to smoke myself to sleep.

Goodnight user, its rather cute you know, to be broken up over a love unrequited and lost. Don't be too hard on yourself.

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>be me around one month ago
>there's this 9y girl I babysit, we're in love and we did some sexual stuff
>all was going nicely because we both enjoyed it (actually all begun because she asked me for it) and I started to tought that all the anti-pedo stuff was bullshit, and that it all could tourn out well. Also we did tons of other fun stuff beside cuddling, like playing and going around seeing stuff etc. Wonderful moments, best part of my life.
>For me, that was heaven, and I tought that it was heaven also for the girl.


>Around a month ago we did go to the park then we headed back to my home, we watched some toons and had some snacks.
>Out of the blue she asked where her mom was.
>I said that she was home.
>She asks if she can call her. I give her my phone and she calls her.
>After the call she asks me to go back to her home.
>I take her home and she said that "there's no way that I'll leave mom again"

and after that day she pretty much refuse to leave her mom sides, and everytime her mom has to go away she throws herself in her arms and starts crying.
That's the day I knew I screwed her up somehow, and this is killing me from inside.
Worst day of my life, and every day since then is almost as much painful.
I don't really know how to deal with this situation.