Is shaving facial, body, and pubic hair the ultimate act of the nu-male degenerate? Why is it that more men are starting to and expected to shave more whereas women are starting to shave less and aren't expected to shave as much anymore?
Is shaving facial, body, and pubic hair the ultimate act of the nu-male degenerate...
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Because the West has lost their religion, and gender roles are reversing themselves.
I don't shave anything, and neither should you.
Shaving ones face is a noble step away from the squalid existence of the savage. If you're looking for 'nu-males' merely glance at the bearded hipsters bonding over their degeneracy at the nearest cafe.
Shaving anything else though is disgraceful.
nah, there's perfectly good reasons to shave your face
I trim my pubes and face, that's it. Shaved my pubes once and that shit creeped me out. Always trim though.
Go back filthy muslim
yeah mane look at all these nu-males
the main reason that I don't shave is because men are hairy
the other reason is that I can grow beard, so I must. I'm obligated to have one of the glorious trophies of manhood
Have you lived under a rock for the past few years? Beard culture has fucking exploded. Both rednecks and hipsters are in love with their beards.
Go back where, to Europe?
America doesn't really have Muslims, stay mad. And don't forget to shave your legs, faggot.
>Is shaving facial
shaving anything below your neck is pure faggotry though. unless you're like a professional swimmer
ass hair sucks
i hate it
actually, shaving the face became commonplace after WW1 when men shaved to create better seals on their gas masks, also miners had been doing that for the same reason
helps with sleep apnea masks as well
in a world of bearded faggots, shaving becomes a revolutionary act
>America doesn't really have Muslims
I trim my pubes to make my dick look bigger.
>le romans always shaved clean meme
> G-guys, I don't have my own opinion, please tell me what to think.
Fuck off, sheep.
Well no, shaving was common for men well before WW1. The war simply saw moustaches fall out of favour. It was certainly not nearly as common in the West to have a beard for example.
Yeah, we don't, dipshit. Less than 1% of USA is Muslim, compared to 5% of Switzerland.
This, nu males are hairy, stick armed degenerates using unkempt body and facial hair to "ironically" make up for their utter lack of masculinity
Shave face and pubes whatcha gonna do about it oh pee
>More than 30 terrorist attacks from muslims
>9/11 killed 3000 Americans
>0 terrorist attacks
Only a degenerate doesn't keep himself in check.
I just use an electric shaver with a 2mm attachment thingy. My facial hair grows fast as fuck, pretty annoying but at least it's blonde
I meant as a personal home grooming thing, before then it was a service, like a haircut
What's your point, retard?
Unless you want to end up like pic related i'd shave if i where you
Hairs hangin' from your face, beyond your mouth areas. You are unsightly, unsanitary and in violations of Godfather's groomin' standards.
>last muslim attack was just 6 months ago
What's your point, retard?
Go shave your legs, faggot.
>Less than 1%
Maybe in 1980, what rock do you live under?
>muh anecdotes
eat shit, niggerbrain, and come back after you check the facts.
>America doesn't really have muslims
Real men have beards
Ive never understood this. Fucking numales tanning to conceal their whiteness and shaving their body to conceal their maleness.
Shaving is a cornerstone of western civility.
>He believes every lie ZOG feeds him
Top lel m8
Nothing wrong with shaving your boipucci, my friend.
Holy shit, that's at least a hundred!
>being this much of a paranoid schizo
come to DC nigger, theyre fucking everywhere
>literally no body hair except for maybe a hair or two on my chin
I don't give a shit. Of course they stand out, and of course they are focused in large urban areas. But your anecdotes don't trump the facts that they make up .9% of the US population.
Stop being such a niggerbrain.
that disrepectful cunt
why doesn't she just burn it?
What about chest hair?
if your masculinity is rooted in the amount of hair on your body you have bigger problems to worry about
shaving anywhere, but the face is gay.
Trimming pubes is ok
There isn't a clean shaven nu-male in existence.
They're all hiding their feminine jaw lines under beards.
Beards are the ultimate nu-male fashion symbol.
Hallmark of true manness.
On shaving in general, think Übermensch not barbarian.
Huh, so you are implying Romans during the 2nd Punic war where nu-males?
not shaving your face is degenerate as hell.
having a beard is the utmost of degeneracy
Shave your face, facial hair cause irritation to women.
Trim your pubes if you want girls to blow you.
All the rest is for metrosexuals and olympic swimmers.
>canadian flag
>cries that not shaving is degeneracy
We got a chink on our hands folks.
Switzerland = 8 millions inhabitants
USA = 300 millions inhabitants
Is it possible to be so damn stupid ?
Americans will never have politician close to Oskar Freysinger. 60%
I shave all upper body, because not much hair grows there and face because hair barely grows on chin and neck. I can grow out decent whiskers and moustqches though. Prefer to be clean shaven though.
Romans was always alpha as fuck
I shave once a week.
For some reason my razor barely works and it becomes really painful if I shave again within 4 days of shaving.
You're a Inconsistent.
Had the same problem.
Use a safety razor, not an electric one
Fuck you, Pierre. Your country is burning. Enjoy your pseudo intellectual snobbery while you can. Your culture will die within the century, KEK
beards, pubes and ass hair can be shaved without hurting your masculinity
maybe armpit as well but you're stretching it
i dont really shave i odnt have much of bodyhair or beard.
Isn't it hygienic to keep your pubes trimmed? Not degenerate desu.
I use a safety razor.
But maybe I should check out some other blade brands.
>ass hair
So that dicks can penetrate you without friction?
nu-males don't shave
Shaving body and leg hair as a male is degenerate but there's nothing wrong with a face trim unless you want to hide a weak chin or something.
How ofter do you change the blades?
do you enjoy wiping your ass through a jungle of hair?
>women are starting to shave less and aren't expected to shave as much anymore?
If a woman is not hairless from the eyebrows down she is simply undatable. Thats one of those firm rules.
For men, you really need to shave your face. Its considered highly unprofessional to have a beard or even soul patch in a lot of careers
I guess so
>Is shaving facial, body, and pubic hair the ultimate act of the nu-male degenerate? Why is it that more men are starting to and expected to shave more whereas women are starting to shave less and aren't expected to shave as much anymore?
go outside, into the real world. both males and females are expected to maintain hygiene.
>If a woman is not hairless from the eyebrows down she is simply undatable.
>being this much of a pedo
>For men, you really need to shave your face. Its considered highly unprofessional to have a beard or even soul patch in a lot of careers
Only in faggy cuck jobs
I used to do it after like 5 shaves but I've cut it down to 2 shaves per blade.
I could do 1 shave per blade, they're dirt cheap anyway.
Shaving armpits should be mandatory.
Yes, except for the face.
Thats way more often then you should.
Better to get higher quallity that last longer
Your lather is probably no good.
>bare sweaty skin rubbing about
You madman. Armpit hair and ass hair are a gift from God
Only thing I shave is my face which is something that has been done in the west for 1000 years. Only dirty pooinloo or Mudslimes would grow a beard to the bloody ground
I don't think that matters at all. Same goes with tattoos/piercing and clothing. However beta faggots are always gonna come up with some meme about how everything that goes against their opinions is degenerate so they can feel good about themselves while being miserable and jacking off to traps in moms basement.
this. i clip my finger nails and also get my hair trimmed.
the notion that manliness is signified by shaving your facial hair stems from WW 1 when soldiers needed to have a clean shave in order for the gas masks to fit :^)
Even 1 Muslim is too many
I'll try to change around my soap and blades a bit and see if it works better.
Op... How do you know what the fuck every woman is doing with their pubes? Who exactly is expecting Men to shave? What magical source was this taken from? Why the fuck care what someone else thinks from the start? do... what teh FUCKK chu want ta do nigggaaa
Shaving your face is fine but not with one of those faggoty plastic razors they sell nowadays.
Get a double edge and shave like a man.
>cartridge razor = Justin Beiber
>double edge = John Wayne
This. I'm always ready for anything that could happen. The first thing I'll take if the sirens go is my razor. While I'm waiting in the bunker I'll shave my head and probably my body hair as well
Why? Because other than a gas mask having a good seal in war or situations where one must go for long periods without washing in filthy environments hair becomes a nesting ground for things like lice. And again having the optimum airtight seal with any hazmat equipment is more important than having "muh manly hair"
Nah, I just wait to shave, I only shave when it gets itchy. Why spend money on razor blades when you can get away for not shaving for a couple of weeks?
>double edge
Shaving facial hair is a corporate thing to keep the appearance of a tightly run ship and to keep down on as little dirty and stench as possible as well as sanitation levels(remember lots of people are terrible at hygiene)
Now armpit hair should only be shared by men who it would be a problem for in their job because it's a liability or you're a professional swimmer.
Everything else shouldn't be touched unless it gets insanely out of control like say your pubes in which case they should never reach longer than 1.5 inches just out of cleanliness alone.
If you have ass hair problem that is alright to trim up as well.
Overall shaving is for pansies
Nazis did it.
Try 2,500
Romans and Greeks shaved regularly
A good point, if inarticulate.
what if i shave with a double edge... MADE OF PLASTIC
A double edge razor you dumb fuckin leaf.