This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with this
This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with this
>everyone should be happy with this
Everyone except Grossgermanium and Neobyzantium kiddies
>swedish åland
thank you based op
>Muh Alexander the Great
>Muh Maceshit
Nice map OP
This map is perfect. Everyone should be happy with this. Also, 2+2=5.
RIP Northern Ireland protestants
No complaints here pal
Great to hear positive comments once in a while
Belarus needs to exist again, also annex Lwow area to Poland while giving Germany Pomerania, East Prussia (no Gdansk) and some of Silesia.
Grossgermanium kiddie your opinion is not welcome
Don't be a faggot, those regions were completely German. Anything past those borders was not and is justly Polish.
Thank the "liberators" for that.
Slesvig Holsten not danish
hahaha oceania in britain and iceland you don't know shit about geography, also 2+2=4 you moronic dirtbag not 5
it was never ethnically danish, only northern schleswig should count as danish.
You might have missed the point there, but nice try (also inb4 wuz only jking). Here, have another perfect map of Europe. Everyone should be happy with it, particularly the ostische Untermenschen (including OP).
>No unified Netherlands
thanks for the (you)s mates, really needed that
Croat here, like the map but...
Well, we are kinda still like vagina country(see that hole in the middle, this is Turkish doing in 16 ct. and Tito fucked us a little after WW2).
Basically , we look like banana, whole country is a fucking border, its really hard to defend country that looks like that.
If you want to go from Vukovar to Dubrovnik(like, closest route), you need to cross 2 foreign countries, all other countries have nice rounded shape, we literally look like boomerang.
Does any other country have same problem?
Im looking at US states, they are fucking perfect, squares, its so economically & strategically viable, this is why they will always be NO.1(no matter what).
not retaking Constantinople
You're welcome, my shit-coloured friend.
That's more like it.
Wait, what the fuck are Brabant and Limburg doing in France?
i like how you think
let's not got too autistic about this, you get the general idea, Walloons to France and the Flemish to the Netherlands.
>Cutting Poland from Baltic sea
Very much no. This is Polish clay, this was Polish clay, and it will be Polish clay
You gave very important natural resources (Slask) to German Calithate, as well as Kaliningrad area, in which I highly doubt there is any German alive.
Nice touch on Ukraine and Belarus thougj
Your map is still stupid
Pretty good.
For the first time I agree with an American
Two extremes
I'll write it off as an oversight then. Just don't think that Flanders when referring to the flemish people means only the provinces of West and East Flanders.
Also I didn't see Danzig there. Fuck you. Gdansk is Polish.
Yo we dont want any fags from slowenia, they can piss right off
t. german beach tourist.
Get out Hans. That clay is ours.
Tbh I find this map perfect
fuck off, Vilnius is Lithuania.
It's called Wilno fag.
>American pretending to know shit
Give me a single valid argument why it should be given to Poland.
gå tilbage til hamborg Fritz, hele Slesvig var dansk, Holsten var halvt dansk halvt tysk
The only thing that doesn't make it perfect is that Montenegro isn't still it's own country
>Swedish Ahvenanmaa
>Germanics in Lapland
Always knew Bulgarians were roaches
Put Bayern with Oesterreich, also fix Greece
But you could alternatively Flank Bosnia from a3 sides, causing the entire county to collapse like an alligator clenching it's mouth.
Also the boarder with Serbia, the only real competition in the area, Is very small, allowing 2 heavilly millitarized areas that will be easy to defend
>Finnish Åland
>Finns put in charge of the Sami
Woah, watch out.
You'll poke your eye out with all that edge.
Why do Europeans concern themselves with which principalities should be in which countries, how do you make these judgments, and how the hell do you remember the names of all these blocks of land?
Lucjan Żeligowski is a national hero
Brits angering everyone on mainland, as always...
>United Ireland
Kill yourself gypsy. Go to any part of Bulgaria on google Maps and it looks like a shithole.
this is perfect
Don't listen to the britbong, they're notoriously gay.
Can you redpill me on this? Do northerners hate southerners for being "lazy", or do southerners hate northerners for being German?
>northerners hate southerners for being lazy
>Northern Italians
Hah. Try again, fuccboi. While I freely admit that southern italians are niggers compared to northern italians, the latter don't even come close to par with the meister race. Well, anything's better than being a debtnigger I guess.
As far as recorded demographic history goes Poles have been demographic majority in the city only during interwar period, when you occupied it. Poles were minority in 1897, before world was 1, they were minority during USSR era in 1959, and they were minority after fall of USSR. So you have no reason to claim it based on demographics.
And sure as hell you can't claim it as historic Polish city. First people who settled there were Balts, it was settlement inhabited during medieval era and it served as the capital of Grand Duchy of Lithuania since XIV century.
I fixed some of OP's mistakes
Red is the Scandinavian Union.
Dark grey is the grand duchy of Livonia or the Baltic Union.
Germany gets most former HRE members besides Italian states and also gets east Swiss lands.
Greece gets Cyprus cuz fuck the Turks
Albania was better off Italian
Hungary gets their Magyars back
Germany gets Konigsberg back (with memel)
Great Britain 2.0
Celtic peoples of Brittany and Galacia are free
Considered letting the celts of Britain have their freedom but I like them better as a unified state.