How can i convince a girl to have an abortion...

How can i convince a girl to have an abortion? We've been fucking for a few months and now she tells me shes five weeks pregnant and might keep it. Shes already had an abortion before so idk what her problem is.

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don't, by 5 weeks it's probably sentient.

ive seen 5 week old babies, that look far from sentient. lol

any given 5 week old baby is just a pink gross ball of screaming shitting and puking. and i just want to kick them .

Protect yourself then.

Not sure what the laws are in your area, but you should sign away all rights of your child, so you don't pay child support.

Explain to her, "you" don't want to be the father, tell her you're not ready. Tell her you'll walk away, and never pay a dime.

Once she realizes her "support system" is non-existant, she'll have to consider getting an aborition

....unless she is real adamant about keeping the baby, but at least you'll be free and clear of any responsibilities.

>so idk what her problem is.
Most likely she's been sold a bill of goods from the 'pro-life vs. pro-choice' bullshit. Thinking "her body, her choice" empowers her, and grants her entitlement to everyone's wallet (your wallet, or my taxes).


exzibit 1: when mothers give birth they are so filled with chemicals and motherly instinct they would lift a tractor of their babies to save them. but some babies are soo gross and selfish screaming balls of puke that some mothers even cook and put the leftovers in freezers and shit.

cook their babies i meant

kek, he thinks you can just sign away your 'rights' to the child and not need to pay child support

Tell her you've got some fucked up genetic disorder. One for which there is no test.

huh, actually a good idea i havent ever thought of for convincing an undecided girl to get an abortion

>he thinks

I know,

....but again "it depends in your area" and what laws are there.

There are ways to get around paying child support, and the "easiest" way to be in mutual agreement with the mother. Given the details of the OP, if the mother is hell bent on keeping the child. Explain to her what the score is, if she carries it to term. "He won't be there." And if she's fine with that. Then he can walk away and continue with the bachelor life.

Even in California law, there are such provisions to allow to terminate your rights, and walk away. But judge tend to lean on the "family" angle, and always favor child support. It's extremely hard to pull off.

Still leaving the courts aside, the 'reality' is "He doesn't want to be there, nor doesn't want to pay." The guy could just make life difficult for her, and watch her "starve" while the courts go through their processes every time he needs to make a payment to her. Again, these are option she herself have to consider before going through with the pregnancy.

how many steps does your ladder has??

Question- did she trick you into not using protection, or did your stupid ass not use it in the first place? Because if it's the latter, you're on your own.

>It's extremely hard to pull off.
that's the problem, considering what's at stake and that they can scale how much they take with how much you earn to make sure it hurts you no matter your salary, it's a crazy risk to try and go down that road. if OPs willing to risk it though, then that's his choice

Do you live with her?
Some nigger here made his wife get an abortion without her even knowing. Basically he fed her some vitamins(mixed in food or some shit) and she kept eating them until she got a miscarriage and boom abortion for free.

She was using birth control patches

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Don’t worry. It’s probably not yours anyways.

Make her some herbal tea.

Eh kind of a boomer post there

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That MIGHT stop her becoming pregnant. You should have used condoms as well, always used them with my exes.

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could try this, also seems from what i've read as though vitamin c can do the trick too, search around

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Stab her in the guts and dump her in a lake. Fuck sake, dummy.