Unless they learn that women are second-class citizens and that Muhammad was a pedophile, how is it unbiased.
>Many schools have introduced visits to Tokyo’s largest mosque in the belief that the cultural experience will provide students with a tangible, unbiased grasp of Islam. The visits already have proved effective.
Nobody can escape the ride on a multi-culti train.
>“All the news about IS jumps into your subconscious, but apparently Muslims are really good people. Only some are acting against their values,” said Senaga’s 16-year-old classmate Naoto Takaku.
This should not happen.
What the fuck is japan doing?
was july a terrible time to go on holiday in japan or did i come just in time
I've got so depressed about european future that i don't care about the future of Japan.
And i did care about them before.
Where you going?
If tokyo, check out roppongi or kabukicho if you wanna see how niggers manage to ruin even japan
Japan probably does this shit because it looks hip and cool, like Christianity.
Oh boy, they said that today is gonna be the end.
It's just starting.
Good to know you goys.
aha fuck off
There is already a thread about this:
The problem is that arabs or muslims in general are filthy liars. Taqiya.
And japs are really gullible and naive when it comes to assuming other people tell the truth.
The west is trying to destroy Japan along with itself.
I heard in the news the other day their prime minister agreeing that Japan didn't take in enough muslim immigrants.
What is the problem of our elites? Why muslims? They are literally human cancer.
Won't be long till China and South Korea follow this ride.
Remember, no one survives it, once you're on, you're on.
The majority of Muslims are Sunni and Taqiyya is a shia practice
tfw Japan surrenders to Kebab.
All I know is that all of you are two-faced slimey rat-like liars.
I have yet to meet a honest muslim.
The worst part is that if you call muslims out on their casual lies (which most people dont do because muh polite education) they start shrieking like madmen and throw themselves on the ground.
You people are really like parasites that pretend to be human.
Implying during fighting against an enemy (non muslims) you can't lie to continue fighting.
The Nations with the most Nationalist past are the ones being attacked most. Britain, Germany, and now even Japan.
We need a rebirth of Fascism.
>muslims succeed in invading Japan itself
Wouldn't surprise me if Islam succeeds in Japan, the men there can easily be converted.
Isnt it possible to rile up 2ch to go full breivik?
did they forget that sand niggers behead 2 japs already?
damn. only south america left.
Nobody cares. About muslim, chritianity, shinto, buddha.
Lol, japanese girls only care about shopping, clothes, and getting married/babies.
Guys, well, it's too late for us...
It is, but you need to make those red-pilling video with headlines in Japanese so they can search it and spread it themselves.
Those fucking Nips are done for if something isn't done.
lol no, some jap men are fucking lazy if they have too do mandotory 5 prayer ritual ahmed time, they will say fuck off, its bassically retarded peoples fault honestly, only the insane and retards want islam they want too engulge into shit like this muh culture explortaion though its bull shit i don't understand when people read the quarn why aren't they running it clearly states lie cheat steal kill, all people who oppose you. Are they editing it for the retards so they don't know the filth they are reading.
>this is fine
Hahaha top bait
>In Japan.
Why would you come onto the internet and lie like this?
its not too late your purpose is to serve the BWC :^)
Japan has a higher birthrate than germany.
And that is already factoring in the countless niggers and sandniggers that shit out their wellfare brood all over germany.
Abe would literally choke on Obama's cock if it meant Japan became more western. Seriously, Japan isn't as great as you people think, their entire societal structure is an attempt at the American way of life with constant tweaks....including diversity.
I'm a young man. I'm around young girls. They talk about getting married with their bf's and getting babies.
Doesn't mean they will. Many won't.
>Seriously, Japan isn't as great as you people think
Come to germany, ride our subways, see the dirt and filth. See the muslims, see the poverty and complete despair in the peoples faces
Source? all I see is Germany having higher
Noooo Japan. What the fuck are you doing?
im allergic to mudslimes too
It doesn't matter what your friends say.
If you let down your guard against muslims they will fuck your society over big time.
Because you people are too nice and naive and avoid conflict.
Muslims would fucking waltz over your island and it would be terrible.
You seriously underestimate how dangerous muslims are.
They lie to you with a straight face and their entire thing is deception.
If you just shrug it off you will have a situation like in germany, where nothing works anymore, public transport is basically dead and all the state money is funelled into muslim assholes, because they wont stop scamming, stealing and destroying until they get their way.
>Source? all I see is Germany having higher
>Germany passes Japan to have world's lowest birth rate - study
Germany just passed japan one year ago. Now they're the lowest.
Also wall just got ten feet higher.
She's right, you know. Their values include killing infidels. And only some are acting against this.
Is there a way we can make Japan wake up?
Anyone remember that Sup Forums video which got millions of views?
Could someone maybe translate it to Japanese and upload it to Nico-nico douga?
Dang germoney good luck
Good idea.
Thanks! You too! Don't get beheaded pls.
Leaf, you'd pay a year's worth of syrupy bacon to choke on Obama's cock anyway. Leave Japan out of your cuckold fantasies.
something is going on, do you think islam is really the culture of the dark beings, they hypnotized the weak and the strong will fight against retards. Because think about it they mysteriously fall too the religon, uk everyone and only few realize whats going on.
>something is going on, do you think islam is really the culture of the dark beings, they hypnotized the weak and the strong will fight against retards. Because think about it they mysteriously fall too the religon, uk everyone and only few realize whats going on.
At this point I'm completely fucking clueless about why so many people completely turn off their brain when it comes to islam.
Maybe most people are just easily fooled and we built societies that were so safe that people that would have gotten fucked over without a cohesive monoethnical society taking care of them were able to survive?
hes right abe seems to be changing things lately
pic related
>Below 1.5.
East Asia is safe from mudslims. Anyone says the opposite knows jackshit about that region.
Look at how many people lived in japan before WW2 even.
Japan had such a population boom in the last 100 years, it's only natural for it to level off at some points.
Birthrates aren't a fixed thing, it's cyclical and has to do with many factors.
Germany basically doomed itself in comparison by importing nigs and sandniggers.
Germans make even less babies now and the mudslimes keep on breeding the germans out of existence.
Great plan there merkel, schmidt and schröder.
And so it begins.
>the nigger in chat
blew air through my nostrils/10
So where do I find myself a japanese Muslim to lay my seed inside?
What happened in '66? Release of birth control pill?
>today’s Japanese show greater interest and don’t tend to express anti-Muslim sentiment
Why even support these rat eyed nigger lovers?
Protect your culture, protect your traditions.
The muslims will try to turn your nations into Snackbars, they succeeded in subduing Bangladesh.
They are also attacking the Philipines and Myanmar, and Thailand.
Once they are done withthose countries and turned them into zombie muslims they will come for you guys.
This is the first step in welcoming mass migration of muslims to Japan.
First they have to undermine the Japanese strong xenophobia.
>go to mosque
>get unbiased view of Islam
Are you sure Mr. Author? Are you sure there's no bias here? No bias in a place that only exists for the worship of Islam. That's like saying, "School Takes Students to KKK Cross Burning to Glimpse Unbiased View of Black People"
this is not like my animes at all
i wonder when they will start pushing this shit in SA, hopefully we will go full Monkey and start a new inquisition ourselves
What's with Asians and face masks? Do they get operated on every month or what?
Whenever I see a public picture of Asians there's ALWAYS at least one with a face mask.
Most western nations are like that, only they have immigrants that pop out babies like crazy to offset the numbers.
Women love Islam, they probably like it even more than men.
UK is the opposite. Immigrants and city dwellers are at 1.5 while rural white is slightly over 2.0.
Of course we are bringing in more immigrants than people are having babies because muh EU and muh Commonwealth.
It's for hygiene. When they have a runny nose or the flu they wear that shit so they dont spread their germs everywhere.
droplet infection.
If you live in urban centers with 38 million people it makes sense and is only polite.
Meanwhile in the munich subway muslims cough snot balls onto your hand and then look angry at you when you wipe it off on their shirt.
To avoid sickness and not spread it. Or if your Chinese, the air is too polluted
Weebs btfo
>j-j-japs are honorary aryans cuz of muh anime
Interesting, thanks.
They were once great
who fucking cares
Kamikaze Jihadists; there is no god.
You just know that in a few years we might just have this thread about poland. (from our respective exile somewhere without muslims)
For the most part UK is fairly high tfr throughout compares to other places in the eu, but the majority of the births come from areas with the lowest white population (metro areas like London).
>In 2014, 27% of births were to mothers born outside the UK, a 0.5 point increase since 2013. The 2014 fertility rate was higher for foreign born mothers (2.09) than UK-born mothers (1.76). In the 2010-14 time period, the most common country of births for mothers (excluding the UK) was Poland, Pakistan and India; and Poland and India for fathers. Within the UK, Newham, London had the highest rate of births to non-UK mothers (76.7%) and Torfaen, Wales the lowest (3.2%).[30]
nationalists care
Honestly, they are only going to make some twisted mutation of it, like their take on Christmas or Confucianism. It might even be helpful because it will be the moderation that Islam needs to become truly great, since Japanese really don't care about traditions and make their own they are free to bastardize Islam into something beautiful.
Whatever happened to them hating gaijins?
Kraut, just because you think of Poland as retarded, that doesn't justify making stuff up. You yourself are far further along the same road.
It's just depressing at this point.
I'm not even a fucking nationalist, I just want other countries to to protect their cultural uniqueness which was given to them over thousands of years.
I want to world to be rich and unique, I don't want the whole world to be islamic hell holes all over the place.
This seems like Japan's "neat culture. It rook cool but I not take it seriously" shit.
They're interested in it because it's foreign and not usual. But I doubt they'd let tolerate or let muslims in. This is Japan we're talking about.
They told us diversity was our strength but they never told us we'd all have to have the same religion, and buildings style, and foreign music, movies, laws etc.
I mean speaking as a USA guy we all need to have Spanish everything, Hispanics in every show and movie already as it is. Luckily, we have just few enough Muslims where people can be religion neutral.
Always knew those kamikaze japlets had an affinity for Islam.
OK Muhammad see you in 10 years
Screw you mom. If you knew anything about Japan you'd know the hard on they have for western ideals.
>western ideals
Today a western ideal is being a liberal, self hating cuck.
Nicely done, Japan.
The German Tourism Department really needs a new slogan
The point being nobody would have expected this from japan either.
You have to be aware of how sneaky muslims are and not boast how great your country is and how this could never happen (see germans on Sup Forums just a few years ago)
no such thing Kahn
muh feel bro
Muslim hijab girls kind of turn me on. Whats wrong with cute muslim girls?
Don't worry, Japan is weird and they just see it as some sort of hipster fashion.
Exactly the point. Japan is fucked.