Conservashits vote against their own economic interests
Conservashits vote against their own economic interests
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be more tolerant of their beliefs
Conservatives vote for what they believe will most benefit the country, liberals vote for what they believe will most benefit them individually
As a member of the middle class, socialism is not in my interests.
Conservashills vote for more corporate welfare . Liberals vote for what's best for the country
Still can't convince them all the mix race, can you?
You don't practice much integration either, probably.
The thing about integration is, if you can't go live it "before it was cool" you can't get many normies to take up the cause.
Cuckservatves vote for corporate welfare. Liberals vote for minority welfare. Actual conservatives want none of either.
> thinks flooding white countries with niggers is in his best economic interest
Kill yourself
dummycrats are still bitching about Reagan when Obama has been in charge for 8 years and done nothing for the american worker.
>Lower taxes are against the interests of the poor
Why do you morons take this bait?
Sage in all fields
>Acres of Land
Meanwhile the people that look down on this guy live in urban prison cells called apartments and take the Tram or Subway to work with a diverse array of degenerates.
That is the guy from the Michael Bloomberg-funded Mayors Against Illegal Guns television commercials, I doubt he votes Republican.
Like wow..... Damn senpai.... Really makes you think.... Am I team Hillary now?????
isnt this the mark of a good person? he doesn't only vote to gift himself more of his countries wealth.
Christmas voting turkeys.
link the article hoe
Bongman with best post.
>against their own economic interests
money is not the only value in life
Everyone here hates Reagan.
Yeah you mouth breathing hicks, stop voting against your own interests and vote for the anti-white party!
Why is corporate welfare bad for the country?
Meant for
This isn't true anymore DESU
Hillary/Bernie both have worse tax plans than Trump for the middle class
You would have thought that through the Clinton and now Obama years he would have money now... what happened?
I vote democrat because I work at a low paying job and need more tax increases. Also, we should implement a soda tax and television tax because some people drink soda and watch television too much shit let's go hog wild with it.
It is against my economic interests to support healthy deadbeats.
This is the second time ive seen this shit. STAHP.
>own economic interests
Or maybe, just maybe, they are country smart enough to see through the bullshit woven by academic ivory tower douche bags and realize that running up a whole new generation of mindless drone eaters on the national credit card would be a bad thing.
It is if what they get for higher taxes is free education and healthcare among other government services.
Making sure the free market continues function isn't really agaisnt my interest. I like being employed.
Name one US government program that is run efficiently without corruption.
Protip. There isn't one
>Not eating a the meat and the vegetable dinner with your communist wife and relaxing by your dilapidated pool with a warm the drink and your favorite the book.
A flat tax isn't going to solve shit.
There are more US billionaires today than ever, and the number has been rising since 2009, just after the housing market crashed.
Wealth is being siphoned up, not down. We need a more strict tax code, even at the cost of raising taxes for everybody.
How will conservatives ever recover?
"Conservashits" vote republican because they like free speech and guns, in this day and age
those memes were pretty good 8 years ago before liberals went full commie, though
>implying patience isn't the greatest virtue
woooo lad liberals of course don't believe there are vitues
>Being rich means you can't sympathize with the middle and working class
Even people that aren't the ultimate of shills have acknowledged that Trump deeply cares about the little guy.
Get fucked you Asiatic faggot.
"Deadbeats" spend money, when they have it.
This is good for the eocnomy.
Trickle down is a liberal strawman.
> against their own economic interests
your a dorable
Rednecks own guns, a lot of them. You arent going to find to many good ol boys willing to throw their firearms away in hopes of 15 extra dollars a month in food stamps
Rednecks also tend to be religious and arent going to vote for a party that says its perfectly fine to murder babies.
The economy almost always places behind social issues for most of the US
5/5 :DDD
it makes sense if all you care about is tax money, but if you actually care about morals you realize that if you take more money from the people who work the hardest and succeed to pay for those who work the least and succeed the least, that all you encourage is people to work less which is why the amount of poor lazy people has increased.
There's literally an anti-incentive built in to the system for people who make over a certain amount. Look at the welfare cliff and you will see why the current tax and benefits system is bogus
It's been almost 30 years since Reagan left office, when will the supply side meme come through on its promises?
This. Liberals vote in their own selfish self interest. They don't care if the economy as a whole goes to shit as long as they get their gibsmedats.
Also, why don't you ask inner city blacks who have been voting solidly Democrat since the 60s how their economic self interests are doing. Go on, I'll wait.
Lol look at this poor mother fucker.
Tends to be because even these PRAHD HARD WERKIN SUTHERNERS know that when they're unemployed government bennies will be there for them, but if fags get married or hood rats abort their children God's vengeance will be great and inextinguishable; of course appeasing God's rage is ahead of the economy.
They just rely on others to provide it.
I will keep my money and spend it myself, thanks.
That's nice and all, but taxes don't fucking matter when you're making $0 an hour
Do you think the owners of wal mart have a moral crisis from siphoning billions of dollars off of their employees?
If you're going to participate in society, you have to pay taxes. This taxation is theft meme needs to die. It's something that applied when people were actually able to claim land and live off of it with no government involvement. There are many things that are regulated by the government that we take for granted now, and doing all that takes money.
>conservatives cut taxes for the rich
>liberals add taxes to everyone else
>conservatives are bad guys!
did i say they shouldn't pay taxes?
i was making a point that a flat tax system is a lot more fair than the current system.
It's not about economic issues anymore, slowpoke
No it's not.
It's not being fiscally responsible to the people.
Unless, of course, you're talking about a 50%+ flat tax rate, then yeah, I agree.
>being for the middle/working class means handing them free money from the government
Is this really how liberals think?
Maybe, just maybe, they vote for things that make sense and are moral as ideas and ideologies, instead of voting for their wallets. If you believe a person should work to earn and keep what they earn because individual rights are sacrosanct, then you should vote for that. Or you could be like most leftists and not care about liberal rights like those and just vote gibmedat because work is hard and those rich people should subsidise your shit. After all, just because they worked for their money and earned it through their individual skill and determination and choices, doesn't mean that because you decide they have too much they should give it to people who apparently have no free will or agency and are just kept down by "the system".
It's Marxist bullshit thinking; classes are pretty much alien to each other and are eternally struggling and fighting against each other. A rich capitalist cannot sympathise or even empathise with a wage labourer because they were born to categories that are apparently really fucking opaque.
Holy fuck you're dumb as shit. You actually think socialism works. You actually think rich people will continue to operate their companies for no profit if tax rates like that are applied to everyone.
I don't understand how socialists cannot grasp basic economics like these. Does opportunity cost even exist in their worldviews?
>You actually think socialism works
In socialism there is no taxation. zero. nada.
There is only one genuine socialist country on this earth and even they call their ideology with a different name since it incorporates other non-socialist ideas into it such as confucianism and fascism. The ideology is named juche and it's the official ideology of the best Korea.
Taxation =/= socialism
Try harder
Even better yet, point out where I specifically advocated socialism.
That's not an economic strategy
Other than reduce unemployment from the mess Bush Jr made?
Well there's no way to know since Trump has NOT released a tax plan at all. Yet, you'll follow him blindly, totally ignoring his record as a businessman.
Have you ever seen the Apprentice? I used to love that show.
Pretty sure that's a Remington 1100. If it's in 12ga, I have the exact same model. Great bird & clay gun.
You watch too many movies
Unless there's a millionaire on Sup Forums. Who is against Bernie's plan?
>this is what conservashits actually believe
LOL Occupy Democrats. Try harder with your bait next time. I like how they are the "party of tolerance" yet they use some stock photo of a guy they think looks like the people they hate.
Oh no I just don't like that conservative votes put my tax dollars in organizations that can't survive on their own merits economically. However free money for me would be nice regardless, but I'm white so fuck those programs too.
stealing from the rich and middle classes, to give to the poor, is still theft
theft is wrong
liebereals have no morals
Because they're obviously the dumbest people around
>most likely kids and wife
libshits make fun of this man?
Kek I'm pretty sure that's actually an actor from a Bloomberg funded pro-gun control ad.
>Let me tell you what your best interests are
How about sage off with this fucking occupy bullshit.
lol i am rich so you can piss of mr gibsmedat.
>Conservashits vote against their own economic interests
This is marxist propaganda.
Marxist frame the world as class warfare.
Enlightenment Rationalists frame the world as ideals in competition.
The latter is the foundation of western society. The former is pleb tier bullshit that so many leftists today espouse.
>free education and healthcare
that they pay for with taxes
jesus christ, why are you all so FUCKING stupid?
Fiscally responsible to the people? You really think everyone is equal and deserves equal economic rights. That's damaging the incentives of our nations hardest and most intelligent workers.
>"Well you're making more money and there are tons of people that aren't making a lot of money. We're gonna tax you a lot more than them."
Right, so let's punish the people who generally work harder. A flat tax will motivate lower income people to earn more. I sure as shit know itll motivate me.
The poorest county in the US is one in Kentucky. It has more people on welfare than anywhere.
Of course it is a solid red district. They vote Republican.
They went out to interview the people. People go in and out of the welfare office to collect their check, and they vote Republican. They are asked why they are voting for a party trying to cancel the welfare they put themselves on, and get dumbass replies, if any.
These people are really unbelievable.
>Conservashits vote against their own economic interests
I've never heard a redneck vote conservative because he thought it'd make him rich.
It's all about social values and way of life.
>wow that's not an argument or really a response you fucking dumbass kid.
to a liberal
>owning your own truck
>having a farmhouse
>having a gun
makes you a low-income retard