80% of Sup Forums is muslim, dipshit
They're both retarded? Yeah, guess so.
But which one is the master race and doesn't act like a bunch of welfare monkeys destroying everything Western Civilization has achieved?
Both also hate muslims.
I am now a #scudmissle
80% of pol are gay kikes
>pol is one person
always one fucking sperglord who posts this
Originaly, christianity stood for the same things (almost), no reason to be muslim if you can be christian (no protestant tho)
lol this is the point. Western Conservatism (aka Western civilization) and Islam are two competing ideologies and to use a feminist term, patriarchies.
If we dismantle our own patriarchy, that only leaves us vulnerable for another to take over our culture and races.
Also, aside from this, Western Civ has basically invented everything that we use in our modern world. The globe is the way it is because of Europe and the USA, period. What has Islam given us? Baba Ghanoush?
Yes but Islam also does shit like this
>Its a Sup Forums strawman episode.
>unironically raping children
>he actually thinks Sup Forums is stormfront
80% of Sup Forums makes up whatever fucking statistics they want at any given moment.
Islam is a religion made by shitskins for shitskins and will never be a part of it
I am now a #cruzmissle
This shit meme is even worse than this bait thread
why so salty paco