What does Sup Forums think of surveillance camera man?
He goes around the Seattle, WA area filming people in public (and sometimes in private)
What does Sup Forums think of surveillance camera man?
Are Americans really that hostile to each other now?
only idiots in cities
Eyepatch guy is cool
He seems pretty cool desu senpai
That's the Northwest for you
Texas master race here
The next step will be planting cameras in arab's houses and businesses and mocks so that we catch their reactions to terror attacks etc...
Maybe I just don't get the point of the video, but he seems like a bit of a cunt for doing it.
American life looks dull as fuck
Why do you want to watch me make memes out of terrorist attacks and other fucked up events?
Sage stealth cuck thread
I'm not even Muslim anymore but it's called a Mosque.
keep selling wolf ticcets whiteboi
holy shit lmao they all look ultra inbred autists
Not much really matters about it except that its interesting to watch.
does he keep a straight face through al of this?
What the fuck is a "ticcet"? You mean a "ticket", pavement-ape?
that rant at 38:05
Mock, dummy, get it?
Americans are usually friendly, its probably cause of his camera and also at some parts he probably couldnt stand any closer to them
nigger u cant pump gas in ohio without someone getting in your face
So as to erase the moderate/radical notion and make sure everyone knows there is only one type of islam.
>Dude goes around filming a video
>Lefties want to kill him
>Big brother government records every aspect of their lives
Fucking liberals.
He has the right to do what he is doing, but he is still a huge douchebag. I think it is funny to record people who are doing something wrong or illegal, but to walk around filming innocent people is just dickish.
American society looks sick and dying
He needs to get his ass beat. 'AM I BEING DETAINED'-fags (and "It's just a prank"-bros) are just niggers of a different color.