Are Asians sentient?

Are Asians sentient?

There's something entirely off about Asians. It's widely known that Asians score high on IQ tests and excell in specific fields but why haven't they ever led the world in advancements.

My theory on this is that Asians aren't actually sentient. They are the equivalent of computers and process information in the same way. However they can't think outside of that absolute way (like a Boolean, true or false). They can't reason but only think in a logical tunnel vision way.

They have never had an enlightenment or anything along those lines. Their technology is always a half-assed copy of something white people made.

China copied all Russian technology and now still copies the US. They incapable of inovating.

Other urls found in this thread:, Xinjiang, China/@41.81718,85.5144252,5010m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x3813ad017a41a39d:0x70d0426078642290!8m2!3d41.827235!4d85.5012703 kanno plagiarism

I've noticed too.

Atleast they're not unless like niggers.

That's right. Asians are closer to ants than humans really. They're intelligent, but soulless.

Correct, Asians are notoriously not creative.

They haven't contributed to advancements?

I think it's time for me to leave this board, the stupidity posted here gets worse by the day.


Response not found.

Concept of "sentient" uncomprehendable.

Asians actually fit in with Nietzsche's description of the SUPERMAN. They are intelligent and their lack of empathy and other emotions makes them impervious to Jewish influence.

Asians are the master race.

They take orders well and can work when under guidance. They are ideal for middle management positions but have no real ability to push into new areas.

Our memes will block the sky

This is some bs....many of the talents just emigrates and take a new nationality.

But they are still East Asians.

But really though, what have they innovated in?

Their last achievement was accidentally discovering gun powder

Europeans had the industrial revolution first, so they were able to head start in innovating and inventing things. Asia of course was lagging behind, so now it seems like copying. But what do you want Asians to do, reinvent the automobile and computer, or try to improve existing things?


Buncha loser whiteys trying to pretend like they aren't just light nigger tier compared to asians.

Get cucked you delusional white supremacists

>no accomplishments
The chinks in vented gunpowder, rockets, compasses, and paper making
They've done more than most races

asians are subhuman hurrdurr because they don't want to control and oppress people that aren't asians. at least asians oppress other asians, instead of some race that tries to validate their superiority complex by murdering them out of existence just because they don't look like them

This is why Asians should crossbreed with whites. Asian cunning + discipline and White creativity + vision

Their society makes them autistic

Look up "the great divergence", essentially Asia hit a period of stagnation for whatever reason and they fell behind.
Civilization isn't a one way exponential ride.

It's ok Chang nobody said they weren't intelligent they just aren't good at developing new technologies. Leave your butthurt at the door.

>Their technology is always a half-assed copy of something white people made.
Designed by whites. Made in China.

This too.

Asians don't have the white fetish of being mentally cucked by the jews and physically cucked by muslims beaners and blacks.

When white people invent, conquer and succeed, it is just because they are following the orders of kikes or legit doing some evil imperialistic shit on their own (like genociding an entire continent).

Asians have their own evil and downsides and aren't some god but how often do they genocide, get cucked by jews and let shit tier races breed them into extinction?

I am a nazi but damn Sup Forums they were honorary aryans for a reason, they have some advantages over whites overall that are becoming apparent as we get cucked to DEATH

>says the guy posting on a vietnamese smoke signal forum for 24/7

Neck yourself.

>Canadian talking shit about others

Your country is a joke and you should be ashamed.

This motherfucker here and some of the Japs posters are proof that Asians actually can into humour.

If they can into humour they are intelligent and creative.

do you specifically mean china? china used to be innovative. i think the cultural revolution really fucked them over hard though. it wasn't all that long ago remember, only 40 years

>It's widely known that Asians score high on IQ tests and excell in specific fields but why haven't they ever led the world in advancements

I think their IQs are closer to the average than white IQs are. They all seem to be alike in mental capacity, while we have a much wider range, hence more white geniuses.

yeah, well taiwan is actually true chinese that got exiled by treacherous communist dogs who stabbed them in the back while they were fighting against japan

>what is being the jews favorite race to manipulate and cuck out of existence
>what is how much resources through centralized global banks kikes give to whites
>what is unlevel playing field
Whites aren't totally retarded either, but a few more generations of cuckoldry and they will be or they will just stop existing

This is a civil discussion, no reason to get offended by anything.

Nobody ever called Asians dumb, they just process information in a different way.

Asians are good at perfecting things that were already discovered. Asians are capable of learning math and physics to a fault but they will not innovate in the field.

White always look ahead and try to solve problems like that while Asians look at the present and try to make the best of the situation.

Wrong, I'm using a proxy

im actually white

But but muh anime....

Oops wrong one

So much hypocrisy from white supremacists

>not white
>niggers are so stupid man
>white race is master race
>first race in the history of mankind to get voluntarily cucked into extinction because of some jewish tricks
>"""""master race"""""

The Autism of Asians knows no bounds

>they incapable of innovating

funny you say that because china is devouring the automation sector

>implying asians have had jews rigging the worlds balance of opportunity for their cucked puppet nations that happen to be filled with whites
Seriously, how do you justify jews being responsible for all the bad stuff but whites are responsible for all the good stuff? Confirmation bias

Wake up and smell the coffee. You cannot blame jews for everything while taking responsibility for all the achievements that happened under Jew World Order control

t. chang, Xinjiang, China/@41.81718,85.5144252,5010m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x3813ad017a41a39d:0x70d0426078642290!8m2!3d41.827235!4d85.5012703

How can white people even compete with this level of hive-mentality efficiency?

Why didn't the beat whitey to the industrial revolution?

I am actually a white autist with a borderline obsession with my fellow honorary aryans because MY FUCKING COUNTRIES ARE ALL KEKING THEMSEVES TO DEATH AND I HAVE NOWHERE TO MOVE

>speak of innovation
>posts discoveries
You could have literally posted ANYTHING else to make your case and not look like a retard.

>incapable of innovating
you are a moron hans

They dont have real science back then

Their society back then shunned innovation / exploration

old news Hans, we figured out asians are uneeling automatons long ago. Hence working in factories 23 hours a day for $5 a month.

I've noticed this to an extent. Asians are always at work or playing some JRPG. At least they're friendly and not as bad as dindus.

just like dirt poor americans back in the 1900s

Shut the fuck up with your history and shit faggot.


Are you retarded?

Do you even know how those element were discovered? Through now INNOVATING method of extracting them. Someone of them were even made in an INNOVATING partical collider.

Until around 500 years ago asia was the center of the world and the most technologically and socially advanced place while europe was a backwards, wartorn shithole. With the renaissance we shot past the chinks. Then the enlightenment and industrial revolution put us even farther ahead.

Once again, we have to ask why? Why did their culture shame scientific ideas, and what made Europeans embrace them?

When it comes down to it, it's either genetic or environmental.

Jews help their easily cucked puppets way more than they help asians

It is amazing asians have been able to keep up this much with all the kikery rigging the world for the Jew World Order.

Whites have proven to be a tool used by the jews that has now served it's purpose and will voluntarily watch jamal, achmed and paco send him into the history books

>I literally never met an Asian, the post.

Ever saw an asian cover band on youtube for example? Or an asian x years old playing mozart or something?
They nail every note, but somehow it feels souless. They lack creativity.

True genious is to create something new, even if it looks simple in retrospec, not to be very good at reenacting the work of others.

I have always thought that they deliberatary train for IQ , PISA etc tests. It would suit their try-hardness. Also I´ve heard from university mathematics teacher that asian students got upset because he made some changes to the exam when students were expecting about the same calculations as in course exercises. He said that asians seemed to be rather poor in applying their skills.

They're sentient, they just have no souls.

They were more busy with civil wars and consolidating powers, no contact with Europe, i think even the turks were technologically more advanced than the chinese back then

Patrice O'Neil explains

>Never invented anything

So are you telling me you spend your time reading aboutthe latest inventions and discoveries done by Asians or scientists in general?

Or do you just roll out of bed and shit post on Sup Forums to feel better?

Learn some googlefu user.

Their fucking education and culture just doesn't stimulate any initiative or out of the box thinking. Until university everything is multiple choice and family honor is still a huge meme

asians are very playful. in my experince, sarcastic and playful



Niggers: dindu nuffin whitey keepin me down we wuz kang

White retard: jews are responsible for all the problems but all the good stuff? WHITES DID DO EVERYTHING. Also asians are subhumans because I choose my information based on what makes me feel superior

Then post the means, not the ends, Hanz.

Using music is a bad example considering Asia is arguably one of the largest innovators in modern music right now.

I wouldn't say they aren't inventive, they just lack idealism.

damn molymeme is going full fash

They were very good very early on, and success ruins people by making them complacent. Also they built strong power structures which coded creativity and dissent as intolerable threats. For thousands of years, Chinese who could think for themselves were prevented from reproducing.

You must say they are not inventive. There is no way to say otherwise.

tell yourself what ever you have to to sleep at night hans.

i will tell you this given the muslim invasion you should be more worried about the crazy potato lady running your country than some gook you will never meet

>Atleast they're not unless like niggers.

That's it I'm a #cruzmissile

Wtf I love communism now???


Mao Zedong was exceptionally inventive at fucking his country up.

Wtf is the Asian race?

Japs are much more creative than many so called white countries.

Of course.

Mao Zedong was a fucking (((communist)))

>Atleast they're not useless like niggers
Just because they're useless to you doesn't mean they're useless

Your white supremacist inferiority complex is showing

asians ripping american nignogs off kanno plagiarism

Why Lovecraft? I know he hated Jews but did he hated blacks too?


Why the fuck do I come to this underage board?

White Nationalists? good people
White Supremacists? Dogshit hypocrites that live in a fantasy to make up for their shit tier life getting cucked by every shit tier race on the planet sexually, economically, politically and culturally.

People seem to think so

A lot of the time white supremacy comes from meeting too many stereotypes irl

Aka seeing only nig nog dindu nuffins everywhere because you grew up somewhere without any sensible blacks

Whenever I see an Asian (actual Asian, not Westernised) express emotion I'm always taken aback.

It's really weird.

I like them though.

He called always called the blacks in his stories niggers, so maybe

AI already exists on this planet. The robots are called Chinks.

see Nigger tier stupidity there