Someone explain to me how a nation of Manlets created the biggest empire that the Western World has ever known.
Roman Empire
It would be extremely painful.
Step by step.
they didn't racemix yet
They weren't manlets back then. Everyone was a manlet, therefore nobody was.
Strict discipline, rational minds and the belief in something greater than themselves: the glory of Rome.
Yes they did. Slaves from all over the place. Grant it, the slaves were caucasian, so it wasn't real racemixing.
Most of these paintings exaggerate the infrastructure of ancient civilizations.
lots of Germanic mercenaries and Christianity to infect the peasants with a slave mentality
You'd be surprised at some of the things they built.
The patricians were the children of invaders, the plebeians were the conquered Italian natives.
Discipline, mostly. In every facet of life.
Discipline and patriotism.
>Get biggest industry in history during the roman republic's separation of economics and state along with massive population growth as a result
>Turn it into a weapon-manufacturing economy after taking over the economy with welfare
>Get massive military industrial complex
It's just that simple.
I'm sorry, but the British aren't manlets.
What's the manlet cutoff? Last I heard it was 6'2
Not true, there was apartheid.
Every nation is a nation of manlets, average height rarely exceeds 5'8''
Plebs is a great TV show.
Rome did most of its conquering before its armies were made up Germans
Romans were Nordic
American education
Read the book Rubicon OP
Fuck Off with this meme.
Why the fuck would you shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane
by wearing war skirt, shaving their legs and sodomizing their comrads
Tfw 5'2
Someone has never read a history book and/or believes meme history/genetics from Sup Forums
>biggest empire the western world has ever known
Because I'm a big guy.
/his/ dumbass
At the Heigh of its Empire, Rome was Pagan. Nice try though.
When Christianity came into the picture, things quickly went to shit. Byzantine could never obtain the glory that Pagan Rome ever could.
things went to shit before Christianity had gained any real traction
>Biggest empire the Western world has ever known
Flag related.
Fuck that pansy board
people seem to forget that individual genetic superiority is not the same as superiority when it comes to empire building. Look at the british, how did they get this empire?
both have one thing in common:
they are betas and good at following orders. That's it. You need a nation of semi strong folk who are really good at following orders and don't mind corruption in their government to build an empire
Look at the british recently. They find out that their royal family are LITERAL PEDOPHILES who promote laws to help their pedophile brethren and what do the brits do? "gee I don't think this is right you know"
typical empire building behavior
Christianity didn't make the roman empire fall. But yes, it was pagan at it's height and adopting christianity was a sign of decay for sure.
see my above post about brits
>tfw so short im not even on the chart but wont kill myself cuz i have a 10/10 face
>But yes, it was pagan at it's height and adopting christianity was a sign of decay for sure.
Shows you that Christianity is not necessarily fundamental to Western civilization. The Roman Empire was able to thrive under other circumstances without problem.
tfw 5' 10" Sicilian King of Manlets
it's ok, I'm marrying tall and feeding my kids right (fuck sugar)
my friend was 6' 4"; the memes are true
so that episode when the British beat the french so bad at sea that the french had to settle for second-rate colonies never happened i guess
>roman empire
This has to be a jest, my good sir.
Oh but, in being Sicilian descended from Normans (I know nobody will believe me but my Sicilian Grandpa had ginger hair and blue eyes) my shoulders are BROADDD as fugg
like, broader than my 6' 4" friend
anyway, like I said, I'm in the process of buying land and growing my own food, I am also compiling the ultimate guide to natural test, DHT, and human growth homrone, through foods.
So my kids will be eating that fuh sho
Pride, discipline, not well-surrounded by other powerful foes, and their will to pursue reason and logic.
Wow, quality threads on Sup Forums today. Fucking retarded child
The success of the Roman Empire has to do with:
A.) Pure luck. It was at the right place at the right time
B.) Their military model
C.) Their assimilation of Greek-Macedonian culture and power
Where do you think Rome is, user?
Fucking up the kikes.
So are you going to start yelling "we wuz byzantium empire" next?
What's the reason Italians are so bad at war?
Germanics fucked them up so badly during the Roman Empire that now they are a shadow of what they once were.
>3,000 hours in windows paint
It's extremely complicated because the "Empire" changed its government three separate times before falling. Just read Starship troopers.
at the time, everyone in the world was a manlet because nutrition and hygiene were universally poor. romans were just first among manlets
>Biggest empire the Western World has ever known
Burger 'education' system strikes again.
What made Rome great was the racial blood, the blood that would later forge an empire out of three continents. The peace and prosperity that ushered into Italy during the early-mid participate made the population weak and decadent and over time the Roman virtues that were worshiped and admired by their forefathers faded into oblivion. A mass influx of foreign immigrants toppled with a loss of morals and traditional values, that surfaced because of centuries of peace, poisoned and destroyed the original Roman stock that made the Empire so great; the racial foundation was destroyed and therefore the empire itself ceased to exists centuries before the fall of Rome.
Nah, ancient records indicate that the so called "barbarians" were more physically capable than the romans and much much bigger in size.
>taking the manlet meme seriously
you are retarded
>lots of Germanic mercenaries
>britfag jealous his empire didn't last half as long as Rome
Are you under the impression that barbarians conquered rome? Are you a moron or what?
>Muh racial purity
Snownigger migrants propped up the western Roman empire for centuries after it's height, they volunteered for the legions at a time when 'pure' Roman men are documented as prefering to cut off one of their thumbs to avoid conscript rather than leave their cushy lives to fight the empire's enemies on the limes.
Germanic migrants adored the achievements of Romans of previous centuries and sought to mimic them while 'pure' Romans were descending into hedonism and prefered political infighting to national unity.
Hell, Romans weren't even 'racially pure' during their height, they got culturally enriched by Celts a couple of centuries before they started to build their power.
Try reading a fucking history book.
>Taking other peoples shit and then adapting it for their own use
>Control of the Mediterranean sea and therefore trade
>Use of mercs and pirates against foes
>romanizing authority figures of recently conquered lands
These strats were also used by the British empire to great effect.
Not "conquered" but gave the Western half of the empire the finishing blow.
>they got culturally enriched by Celts
AY LMAO. What would fucking Celts contribute to Romans at that time aside from a couple of soldiers?
>The success of the Roman Empire has to do with:
>A.) Pure luck. It was at the right place at the right time
And that was another episode of Le Reddit History with John Greene (this machine kills fascists x'D)
Tune up next time when I talk about how I like to lick a pussy that has just been fucked by 48 other guys before me.
Easy enough: lankletism, snow skin, blonde hair and blue eyes are meaningless memes that nonetheless make you feel safe because while the Jews drive literally every single moment of your life and your every thought, while the nigger apes take possess of your streets, your cities and impregnate your women, while you prep the bull and clean him off afterwards, you can still tell yourself "b-but I'm white, I have meme eyes and meme hair, I'm Aryan haha m-master race, guys.."
Wake up, cryptoniggers, embrace the fact that your genes are nothing but memes and that it is culture that will save you after the day of the rope.
If you want to make burgerland great again and forever, you must rekindle the spirit instead of cultivating weakness and cuckery and masking it with muh tall germanic looks.
Rise again, burgers, shed your cucked skin and fullfil your potential as Rome 2.0
>Bongistani empire only lasted two centuries!
I've had cars that have lasted longer than your nation's imperial achievements though Fritz so that's the pot calling the kettle black really isn't it?
Rome, the greatest empire of all time.
These were my people, Italic people.
I am proud to be of their descent. I look at one of those statues and see them with the same hair and face as me - I shed a tear of beauty.
Who is the true master race, you white faggots?
What's a cryptonigger/cryptojew?
Is this some le altright slang?
>I've had cars that have lasted longer than your nation's imperial achievements
Jesus fucking Christ.
Memes aside Italians are white though.
Romans=/= Modern Italians
>Celts were primitive barbar
Mail armor from Gallic Celts, sword smithing from Iberian Celts for a start.
There's a reason the archetypal Roman sword was called 'the Spanish sword'.
Well done for outing yourself as historically illiterate though.
You are saying Celts dominated Spain during that period? You are right though, I am not ultra familiar with this era of history, hence why I created the thread lol.
Italians lost any kind of discipline they had after the xix century
Lots of cock in ass
Because pasta is too good to go and die in foreign lands
That's right, Iberia was controlled by the Celts. Celts were widespread throughout Europe and even in Anatolia, modern day Turkey.
>Celts were widespread throughout Europe and even in Anatolia, modern day Turkey.
Interesting mate. WTF happened to them? Roman propaganda probably makes it seem that they were more primitive than most would think.
By that I mean, why did they disappear from major parts of Europe?
>look at that cat mom
Feudalism master race
The Germans weren't manlets though, they were noted as being taller than the Romans
Superior organization and discipline in their army. Bigger hoards of barbarians would rush in a mob, but the Romans had more flexibility and moved people from the front of the line to the back so that the people doing the fighting were always fresh.
A booming population allowed them to fight with suicidal stubbornness. In the second Punic war, multiple armies were totally destroyed by Hannibal but they just kept forming new armies to throw at him until they got generals capable of not wasting the men.
Joining the army was the best way for the homeless to get ahead in life, and military success was necessary to advance your political career, so everyone was always up for another war.
>the biggest empire that the Western World has ever known
Literally what.
Strong, stocky men of short stature. Heavily armed and armored. The most disciplined of the known world; their ranks of tower shields and short swords found tall, naked barbarians with two-handed axes easy pickings for an upward stab from the soft belly into the heart and lungs while the barbarians could hardly even reach any part of the Romans below the sternum because of their superfluous six extra inches and the large two-handed weapons that were better suited for small penis compensation than for warfare on a large scale.
The Romans didn't rule despite being manlets. The Romans ruled *because* they were manlets.
Yeah, I wonder where that went, Sadiq Churchill Khan.
You're living in it ahmed.
Well no, that wasn't my intention, but that is true as well.
They didn't "disappear". The French are mostly Celtic, and Spaniards too have some Celtic blood in them. I mean, even in Turkey you can find the occasional red bearded guy. They just got their language replaced.
A sense of nationalism and being Roman. Then it got filled with non-Romans and nationalism died, so the Empire died.
Tell me. Can you do pic related in your """"""""""empire""""""""""? Because you can in mine.
Of course the Romans were largely to blame but hey they created one of the greatest civilizations ever built in comparison to that of the Celts so no harm done right?
I am a Celt, the Celts were basically pushed back to the British Isles and northern France at the height of the Roman empire. For a while, the Celts took back control of Britain when the Romans left, but then shortly after the Anglo Saxons began to invade and settle in Britain.. The Anglo Saxons have mostly out-bred and inter-bred with (read; cucked) the Celts who remained in the isles, but not the Welsh. The Welsh and (I think) the Bretons of Britanny in northern France are the last of the pure Celts.