name a race thats better than white
ill wait
name a race thats better than white
ill wait
>that flag
>that comment
You disappoint me
>said no-one ever
you imbecile we ARE white
Everyone knows that Philippino is the most powerful race.
>wings on your front AND back
wtf angels are you coming or going
I know right, so are my brown shoes.
lolyes. White=European.
4X400 relay
The human race you fucking bigot
Jews and Asians both have higher IQs than whites.
Sup Forums BTFO
>allocated all points into intelligence
>basically 0 into str end cha
too specialized to be the best tbhfamiry
>implying IQ is the sole determining factor that makes a race great
the seraphim in ezekiel are described as having 6 wings.
two to cover their feet, two to cover their eyes and 2 to fly. their job is to hover around god's throne saying holy holy holy is the lord.
you seem like the type of person who would upload a "27 questions for white people" video to buzzfeed.
How else do they trick normies into believing liberalism and communism
>have 6 wings
>still needing feet
im already assuming incompetence in them
The african space stargate space travelers
>'''''''''non hispanic''''''''' white
israel iq is under 100 and jews have never ever invented anything, they just got helped by demons
Did Africans build longships and discover America?
Everyone is African, so sure I guess.
>name a race with more guns than white
>enslaved by niggers
>master race
Pick one.
>Everyone is African
Maybe in Greece.
empirically correct, and white. The only non white Jews are the product of arab rape. Even the Jews that stormweinies complain about are the actual European Jews.
why is her tongue turd colored?
>enslaved by niggers
Define "white".
Blacks always win the race war.