When will the wealth finally "trickle down " conservashits ?
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When will the wealth trickle up?
As soon as you get a job.
Once you become employed
remember to report as illegal, mods will delete it much quicker
When niggers get jobs.
I call that trickle up poverty
Good call. Thanks
When you get a job at Wallmart.
>ignoring the HDI
>ignoring the QoL
>ignoring the opportunities that anyone has to start a business
>believing someone owes you something for simply existing
holy fucking shit kill yourself
When you work hard and succeed in a career
How many times are you gonna make this thread?
Yes, trickle down economics was a meme, because the businesses constantly "streamline" aka try to cut every single expense they have, usually by moving manufacturing to poor countries or automating processes, which means that they do not turn their growth into local jobs.
When you get a job and earn it user.
It worked for me and all of my friends, but we actually have jobs, college educations, and not looking for any hand outs.
>he didn't account for crony govt. interference
>he didn't account for inflation
>he thinks all of the new technology and products you can buy now vs. in 1980 that were developed largely in part to increased incentives aren't a benefit
>he thinks the solution is to steal more money from productive people because that will totally promote productivity
I'm glad there is at least some common sense here.
>thinking immigration policies and outsourcing has nothing to do with this trend
>how is that working for you
amazing, I picked up a smart phone for like 40 bucks the other day.
Trickle down economics isn't just money in your pocket its the innovations that people benefit from because the rich were the first movers.
>You can buy those cool new smartphones, that means it's ok if you make relatively less money than you used to. Never mind the fact that cars and houses are three times harder to buy than 50 years ago, the "QOL" is better and that's all that matters.
>if you don't like it just start a business. Why doesn't everyone just start a business?
Pic related explains it. Stock market inflation. Rich people invest in stocks, real estate, capital assets, etc.
Poor people don't.You literally could have thrown a dart at any stock post 2008 and quadrupled your money.
i guess it does trickle down just not in real wages. I'm using a laptop that would've cost like 10,000 dollars 15 years ago. t. economic illiterate.
>Implying systemic income inequality doesn't affect conservatives just as much if not moreso than liberals.
Conservatives are just dumb enough to think the top 1% "earned" their wealth. Eventually they will realize that isn't true.
>muh surplus value voodoo "economics"
>muh rich people are ebil exploiter rhetoric
Okay there lad.
It's literally a made up meme by the left wing.
Tell me, are you actually retarded?
>be me
>put money in index fund
>literally make money without doing shit
They earned their money faggot. Stay mad. I bet you're some low-skill, blue-collar apologist. If you're too stupid to not see trends in an economy, than you'll be a poorfag for the rest of your life.
God damn, did you really think the jews would give up their extra profits so that the wagecucks can profit from the growing economy as well?
You really are brainwashed by media.
It did. Your lazy, worthless ass missed it.
Poor people in this country literally get free smartphones.
If they want to experience real poverty then they should check out Africa for a week
>they should check out Africa for a week
Better idea, they get a free trip to Africa and they can stay as long as they want! (with American citizenship revoked)
Eliminate zoning and building laws to let people build where and how they want and home prices would drop by an order of magnitude. But of course, "muh property value will drop." Shows how much you care about the poor so let's just repeat the failed cycle of rent control.
Also, people need to stop looking at the world from the view of a helpless consumer and take charge of their lives. Look at the world through the lens of an entrepreneur. Yes, everyone should attempt a business at least once in their lives.
>checks flag
A fucking leaf
Maybe when libtards stop importing the poorest of the poor for political gain, the wealth gap can close!
> conservanigs
>Sup Forumscucks still defend neoliberal economics even though it is the prime culprit behind the mass immigration and outsourcing that is destroying white nations
If you live in the United States, you are part of the top 5% of the world regarding income you dingo. How about you give all your wealth away to poor Africans at first, then we'll start talking about income inequality.
I advocate the AMERICAN school of economics myself.
>Never mind the fact that cars and houses are three times harder to buy than 50 years ago
inflation doesn't have anything to do with trickle down economics, its a completly distinct issue by itself.
It's been trickling down for decades. When will you acknowledge that illegal immigration has been a literal drain on our economy?
Not inflation. I'm talking about how hard it is to buy a car or house RELATIVELY to how it was 50 years ago.
People have to work more to buy the same thing. Yes we have some nice new stuff like smartphones and the internet, but we're still being fucked hard on a larger scale.