I'm scared of the future, Sup Forums

I'm scared of the future, Sup Forums...

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And you realize this now?

World Government soon. Enjoy the internet while it lasts.

Welcome to fucking ten years ago you wonderful fuck.

i bet

Don't worry friend, the EU will save us. We just need to expand it more, the bigger the stronger.

good luck germany

don't worry, more migrants are coming

You will always have control over your own life. Governments and the left will always try to take it away but there will remain a ember. Do not let it die, feed it slowly until it becomes a roaring flame.

glorious ottomans wil sev yurop

pointless you are already dead

He wasn't scared.

But there is so much to look forward too
How about you just get banned on purpose from Sup Forums for a while OP
you sensitive faggot

I'm not. I stopped caring after I saw what is happening in Germany. White people keep whoring our countries out to shitskins, if you oppose it then fellow whites will attack you, especially women.

In the words of Hitler himself:
>"If they (the German people) will not defend themselves, they deserve to be eradicated."
I'm waiting on the eradication. I hope I get to live long enough for the "I told you so" to all the cucks who opened the doors to shitskins who never had any plans for integration or compromise.

There will come a time when even the cucks will see the fire from the forge they cast.

He was scared of the future, that's why he changed it

You did it to yourselves. The good times never last long. Don't call it a grave. Don't point fingers. Just live and die like everyone else.

since when does being inclusive with all genders and races take anything away from the white man except superiority. get over yourself


get inspired, lad

Pussy don't call yourself german

dont be worried
when the robots arrive, immigrants will become obsolete and everyone will stop worrying about the economy because robots got it covered. so everyone will vote thinking only about their lifestyle and there will be a place on this gods green earth for men of all walks of life.

Some people will still have more than other people

>kike detected

You should be.
Let's hope we survive till the end of this century.

Because white people are (for a whole host of different reasons) the glue that holds society together. Without white people civil society breaks down.

They're just enjoying a pint, nothing wrong here.

Yep, these authentic German citizens who are fully accustomed to German laws and culture and do NOT harbor any hatred for the indigenous German peoples AND surely contribute to their societies regardless of their welfare checks.

Nothing wrong here.

no thanks diversity

You were dead since the day you were born.

There's nothing to fear.

Compared to the hardships of history, this is nothing. We will survive. I have faith.

never forget the horrible sensation we all got on new years

something really fucking bad is going to happen this year

There is no future.

Utopian idealism. What will happen is the exact continuation of the automisation of the last 30 years - the rich will get phenomenally richer while wages stay the same.

Me too

Literally a friendless virgin, things wouldn't be so bad if I had someone to face the future with, but alas...

Just make yourself into a literal and metaphorical beast.

The collective is fucked. The strong individual is not.

I'm killing myself the day the internet ends.

Don't be scared, you just woke up, is all.

Now exploit the situation. Anyone asleep is fair game. Take them for every penny, they are so dumb, so wilfully ignorant, they'd only waste that money.

Don't get scared, get rich, then you can just buy your way out of the firing line as society collapses under the sheer weight of its own utter stupidity. It's not your job to save it, empires rise and fall all the time.

We tried to warn them; they told us to fuck off. Fuck 'em. Watch 'em burn, it's amusing.

>You did it to yourselves
>majority here are 20somethings

This. Stop worrying about those that clearly dont give a fuck about themselves.

Worry about yourself and a small squad you want to take with you through the changing societal landscape.

The collective is fucked because everyone thinks in individualism.

Who gives a shit? Those with more typically earn it or have had generations before then earn it. Nothing is free.

We all are, my friend. You must do your absolute best even in the face of darkness and defeat. Try to be a better person for your own sake, every day that passes. There is light somewhere, and it beats the dark.

Germans were arguably the most alpha and prideful of all whites at one time...

Pretty sad you guys have become so cucked. Your forefathers are beyond ashamed.

Its really sad and disgusting.

The germans will prevail, don't fear user. Your race has proven its strength many times, you are literally descendant of heroes, kings and generals.

Stay strong against the muslim hordes.


I wish I could do something more than just vote Leave. I want to help make Britain better but I don't know how.

Muslims are a problem, but don't forget the jew that flooded them in here in the first place. Kill the jew to kill the muslim. Every problem stems from jews.

Naw. Its over.

The Jew won a long time ago.

It aint over til its over.

I really want to fuck the HIGH TEST chick with the white cap and blue shirt in the front right

Whites have been in power for millenia, it's only the last 150 years or so jews have had an upper hand. Think about it, if the jew could pull itself up in the 1700s why can't we pull ourselves up now? It's easier than ever to make money now, and people are getting more wise to jewish tricks.

delicious, I would totally save the White race with this one

>tfw the people of my country really think voting is a legitimate thing and that their votes actually matter
>they don't understand that this country was bought and sold a long time ago

i still want tongue girl and the cheerleader

Lol cuba

You SHOULD BE, Hans!

>Le cynical post

Nothing matters anymore. Better to just die now since the future is either 1. You have no rights due to SJWs 2. You are in the midst of a race war.

I would be too, if I was a beta white boy. The future belongs to the dark skinned alpha male and there's nothing you pencil pusher faggots can do about it. Stay in your bedrooms and die.

Very nice, all of the girls in the front row are waifu material

So what? Then you can say "nananana told u so!" like a god damn preschooler. You're the cuck mate.

I suppose by "superiority" you mean "having their own homeland and government", right?

The white man has always been used as the enforcers, soldiers, and scape goats for the Jew. The war hammer, the manager etc.

Is that being in power? More like the guy everyone can blame instead of the Jew behind the curtain.

>Poor 'people' are actually brawling with each other over which sociopathic billionaire will continue to run everything into the ground


Why are you scared of this?

>do NOT harbor any hatred for the indigenous German peoples

It's not 100% you realize right?

get a black boyfriend

You should be

This is our future

You have no future, degenerated Biogerman.

What if we committed mass suicide? And write a declaration of hate on leftist. Oh well, the world's fucked.

That news was suppressed for days, buddy boy.

jews is good. nazi is good, all is good
Everything that happens, all the better

This tiems 100 divided by cuck

Fuck individualism

>Fuck individualism

You're sounding awfully like a certain Armenian feminist there

don't do that, if a world government rises and tries to steal every last thing we have, then we have to rise up, not concede defeat and off ourselves.

I'm gonna take a bunch of normies with me

Nah m8, don't do it. At least wait until you're old.

While we're young, the fight isn't over.

> He got on Mr. Bones Wild Ride

Bad news OP

I fucking hate niggers

pic related

But don't forget to strea... ohh, shieeet

i feel something almost parasitic


I used to be too

Now Ive lost all hope, now were just watching it burn

you have internet in Cuba?

Over the last few years, I've spent most of my time outside of my hometown due to work. I've only really driven through over the past few years.

Today, I went to celebrate with my family in town, and... I just don't have words. There were minorities everywhere. In less than ten years, my city has gone from one that was almost exclusively white, to one where you can't look around without seeing minorities. Often you could see clusters of 7 or 8 coal black niggers, without a single white person.
It wasn't like this just a few years ago. My town is only supposed to have 7% minorities, but it feels like 30% at least.

I don't know what to do. I suddenly feel like a stranger in my hometown, and I'm completely helpless to do anything about it.

It´s over pal, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Look on your facebook how thousands of dispora turks go apeshit about the Armenian thing. They´re literally threating us in our own country.

enbrace the pain cuck, the end is nigh, dont miss it !

The day the internet ends will be the best day ever. People will finally stop complaining over the most miniscule, nuanced shit, and most of the weird ass degenerate subcultures will cease to exist.

people wouldn't whine if they weren't failed by their own government's with their ineffective one size fits all fucking education. treating schools more as a daycare and a paycheck instead of actually trying to educate children to become skilled enough to know how to do things on their own.

people whine because they're a product of the state, the state left them out, the state failed them, the state didn't care about them

and yet other countries somehow get education right, but not in corporate america. not unless you're exceptionally smart, or just white or privileged. why even make your own populace smarter in the first place, the only thing they need to be used for is to consume. yet they can't even consume anymore because the retards running things would rather hoard every cent they can squeeze out of people until society just decays to the point where people want fascism

>relying on the state to make you a better person
Jesus Christ, you're the reason the world has gone to hell. The state in its current form exists to subjugate you. The only one responsible for making you a better person is you. If you recognize that you're stupid read a goddamn book instead of laughing a silly pictures on the internet.

yes let's put the blame on the individual, instead of the society that shaped that individual to what they are

Why be afraid of something that won't exist?

They effectively cucked themselves with those two world wars.

All their best and bravest alphas died on the eastern front and the beta leftovers of Germany gave rise to the joke we know today

because the individual is the only one who can decide what is best for themselves. More government is the problem, people need to go back to basics and learn how to think for themselves.

Its really sad and alarming that this is isn't painfully obvious to people.

I really dont think theres any hope for the majority, they are literally insects at this point.

>6 hour video

Sounds about right, the Internet will go down when they take over.

Here's your timeline.

>Phase 1: Increasing Refugee flux decreases financial and political stability.
>Phase 2: Government Coercion collapses causing the breakdown of society into militas armed groups.
>Phase 3: One of these militias will be hyper-competent and it will reform the State against all the other militias.

When Czar Nicholos set out to invade Germany, he wasn't planning on getting murdered by Communists. But the problem of creating bad policies is that it undermines the State's uniform ability to coerce. Likewise, the Chaos will grow and grow until the government collapses from its inability to govern.

You should be scared for the future, because phase 4 in 39 was total war. But understand that the winds of change will be blowing in another direction very soon.

Just ask the guys in Top Gear. Globalism can only go on as long as the money is behind it.

I was talking to a friend of a friend the other day. All this guy wanted to do is just smoke weed and do ecstasy. I brought up the idea of trans humanism and artificial intelligence. Whereas I thought this could lead to us realizing our potential as a species and traversing the stars, this guy cunt counters with his idea of an ideal future. A future where every need is taken care of by robots, and us as humans are left to indulge in any pleasure we want, basically becoming children with no responsibility.
I grew up being taught that freedom is always more important than security or comfort, and it always bothers me when people would sacrifice their freedom for material comfort.
Anyway, here's to hoping that WW3 sets us back a few hundred years so we can rebuild.

i disagree, the southern usa is the perfect shining example of how this couldn't be further from the truth. where corruption runs rampant, where society is fragmented, where education is low, poverty is high, hatred is the norm, all because the ruling class have everyone under their thumbs