Why aren't more governments worldwide doing this?
Fluoride in drinking water
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>higher autism rate than any other country
is this some kind of depopulation ploy
I remember my drunk aunt telling me Fluoride caused cancer. Never did check in on that.
I plan on killing myself soon anyways.
>Nice full house, praise kek's will
>Every 1st world nation has a tiny population except America
>Non-white nations don't take statistics at all on mental issues and if they do its shortly kept and has a very small group to analyze
Keep talking shit caliphate
kek has blessed me today. i shall fight to make america great again a little bit longer. praise kek.
Never take your own life user I just lost two good friends to that and it's not easy for anyone -- even if you think there isn't someone who cares there always is.
Holland does it, my chemistry teacher once claimed it is why the dutch are so tall. I believe otherwise though.
I'd probably be more efficient to add fluoride only to sugary drinks, as those pose the most risk for the teeth, or at least the delayed sugar reaction.
Because it makes people ignorant. And ignorance is bliss.
So, we're going from 0.4 to 0.7 now?
What about naturally occurring fluoride? In Nevada, we pay $650,000 a year to add 0.4, when they report a natural instance of 0.3... so we're already at 0.7.
Do you think they'll stack us up to 1.0 in Nevada?
Interesting, considering Nevada is the worst state in terms of education, while we also have the worst water in the nation (fluoride, chlorine, lead, arsenic, radioactive uranium, 20 known carcinogens, and I'm sure a ton of runoff from incorrect pharmaceutical disposal).
>shhh a little more fluoride is nothing we swear
>we are doing it because it has a significant impact though :DDD
America also has completely different definitions of autism than any other country.
Don't yurocucks still use shit like ass burgers instead of a spectrum?
I don't have any friends. Not much family either. I got no kids, never had a gf, zero friends, chronic back pain, and obviously crippling depression. I understand staying alive if you have responsibilities and people close to you or that rely on you, but, I have none of that so it wouldn't even make a ripple. If I killed myself today in my apartment, no one would know until it started smelling. That's actually my biggest fear about killing myself, is I feel bad for whoever would have to clean it up and the whole after mess. I'm thinking of laying down heavy duty plastic so it doesn't fuck up the landlords place.
>Tfw no friends
>Tfw when your dubs are 00
it sounds like you're on that spectrum. autismo
Browse another board you are interested in.
wew lads i'm just saying, they've been expanding the definition of autism to make the numbers go up to justify treating people as sick, when there isn't anything wrong with them. Mainly to diagnose children then pump them full of drugs to make them easy to control. The fluoride isn't causing anything, they just make anything out of the ordinary something worth pumping a child full of drugs for. Just think about it, its much easier to just make the definition more inclusive than to pump drugs into the water.
this is what you are going to do , you kill a politician or invade a synagogue and kill everyone you can find in it.
you´ve to go out with a proper cilit bang , not some normie "i hate my life qq o y no1 feel sorreh for meh" do something that impacts us all and strikes fear into the hearts of those that caused this fear for you in the first place.
i believe in you , i will pray for you - do not leave us - you´ve a higher purpose and if you let me in i can accelerate you to stages of a mind and reflexes plus power you never would´ve thought are possible.
if youi let me inside of your soul - i will replace whats left of it and only your will determines what we do next.
just think of me and we will become one.
Stay alive for your wifu.
The false kek is kuk nontheless
are people this retarded? even if it prevents tooth decay why do people think its okay to drink? Just because it has some benefits for your teeth doesnt mean it isnt fucking up the rest of your body
nice numbers yourself fampai.
I do.
My waifu doesn't even know I exist.
>still believing ass burgers is real
Does annybody know what fluoride actually cause in ur body?
More toxic than lead.
>its okay we just put a little in the water dont worry about it goy
Uhm and l
how much would it need to do any damage to ur body?