>Google has banned an extension of its Chrome browser which was being used to identify Jewish names on the internet by surrounding them with three sets of brackets, or parentheses
>Those identified were then subjected to anti-semitic abuse via social media
>It was called the "coincidence detector" - a reference to a conspiracy theory about Jewish people and global control. Once again Sup Forums has taken it too far.
That is just straight hilarious. Also they fucking banned it!! Ahahahhahaha.
Noah Butler
do NOT 404
Angel Torres
get on Sup Forums more often. don't pretend to be employed.
Luis Mitchell
Quick someone needs to write this for Firefox.
>filter >user can determine name from set of parameters >have filters for every group you can think of
Lucas Jones
It was just a way to get my dad to be more skeptical of the Trump articles he read. Nothing malicious about it.
Lucas Williams
No sociological phenomenon is a coincidence. As though complex things occur without firm causal underpinnings. Nobody claims ethnic inequality is a coincidence besides ignoramus normies. The concern is what exactly is the causal underpinning, what is the nature of it. Redpillers contend that Jews collude with one another, or that they have some peculiarly jewish unconcscious hardwiring that promotes nepotism and ethnic likeness well beyond what is typical. You have no proofs of the fact of your belief, you just look at data then assume a network of causality you find politically or morally preferable.
Grayson Lopez
Joseph Bennett
I wonder what's moot doing there. He probably has to apologize to every kike he works with six times a day while thinking ?pol/ was actually right.
Brody Edwards
Moot is a sellout cuck. Even if he knows subconsciously that Sup Forums is always right, he would never admit it to himself or anybody else.
Liam Butler
>The extension was developed by a far-right group called alt-right.
Parker Wright
Damn, I had that extension. It was fucking hilarious.
Elijah Walker
He'll get it after a while after the kikes make him work more than others without promotions, only to spite him. Maybe he'll even write about it in his faggy tumblr blog. Hopefully he finds another job soon
Gavin Parker
You can still use it if you have chromium.
Isaac Sullivan
Why do they always cry ANTISEMITIC
Justin Martin
Jack Young
(((coincidence intensifies)))
Caleb Davis
the nose knows
Daniel Miller
New Plugin when? i can write the actual plugin if someone else can get link me a database of names to blacklist. Preferably an SQL database with anonymous login enabled.
Evan Collins
it will just end up on firefox if it isnt already. google is run by a poo in the loo and that faggot tried to erase trump from the internet on chrome i doubt any one here is affected
Hudson Nelson
Some kind user had written one for firefox, but doesnt seem to work anymore
Adam Jackson
Jewish identity as it developed over the centuries in Europe was deeply anti-christian and weary of assimilation. We see their attitude, everything European and Christian is bad and oppressive. We see their influence. If someone believes they control the world obviously they're deluded but if you don't see the anti-gentile agendas popping up everywhere you're equally deluded.