True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost

Trump University (Gonzalo P. Curiel) judge on the board of a private private charter school (parents complain of studentd using porta-potties & parking lots for playgrounds) Urban Discorvery Acadamy, it's the Democrat California primary tomorrow (do or die for Bernie Sanders), Hillary Clinton's brother-in-law (Roger Clinton) arrested for DUI 2 days before primary, 15 terror attacks foiled before Euro 2016 tournament, NATO countries begin largest war game in eastern Europe since cold war (31,000 troops and thousands of vehicles from 24 countries), Islamic State Militants (ISIS) fire on civilians fleeing Fallujah (Iraq) and Bilderberg 2016 is this Thursday in Dresden (to plot against Brexit). Ghost goes off on Bill Maher's rant against Capitalism, Communist musician Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine gutiarist) and Mohamed Ali. You calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radi Graffiti!

Get in here fruitbowls.

Other urls found in this thread:



youve finally give up huh

I can't post on /ic/ because of the rules.



Let's hope "Berning Rice Paddies" and "Vietcong for Trump" does just as good of a job at setting him off.

yeah youve definitely gave up.
no wonder ic is dying

I haven't given up as a matter of fact I'm painting something right now I just can't post it because of censorship so I'm going to start frequenting hotwheels.

you also havent made a site
whats the point of drawing all those if nobody is around to see it

youre gonna be like that guy that his uncle died and he inherited all his supplies, a literal nobody.

Does Tub guy browse here? I want to meet him someday.

>Left arms in rice patties.
kek. Always get me.

Now you're just trying to bait me, I don't make a blog because I don't want to be distracted Sup Forums is a distraction enough and also I am a hermit right now I'll make a site when I reach the level of White Datura.

cant wait for teutonic plague



he waits

Well that didn't last long.

you should reach that level about 6 months ago.
you havent improved a bit ever since. youre not even firez level yet

These things take years.

8gag was never going to be able to last long. It's design was inherent to failure.



He's OK, youre an angry piece of shit.

So the "Hotwheels Paradise" came to an end? Damn.


Is there a youtube mirror or anything? For whatever reason the player on blogtalkradio isn't buffering tonight for some reason.

shilling my ghost splice again

press this

It hasn't been buffering for me for the past 2 shows

thats what other Sup Forumsacks suggest, I didnt confirm it myself.

art is scary, squid
one day you're good, another you're bad.
some people became bad and they never returned to good.

firez and lefty has headed the way some people went. if you went their way, you'll complete the three spic brothers of ic cycle.

you know what, you should change your allegiance to me. become part of the malaysian boogieman.

Um, anyone having trouble getting the show going?

press arrow button, blogtalkradio kind of sucks.

Sleipnir wanted to download it, so I had to open it in iTunes


I'll tell you a school I'm disgusted with: DePaul

He doesn't even mention its D-day fucking dropped

become part of me
support me whenever i post my shit
laugh at the triggered dumbasses that thinks every single posts mentioning me as one person
make the mods shit tons of bricks upon seeing a report with a mention of my name

come join me and terrorize the whole site.

There is lots of news bud..

And this Trump shit is so triggering I can see how he might pass over it.

I mean google does not care so why should we right?


> google does not care so why should we
With that logic, who cares about Memorial Day?


There was a ribbon.

That is what they would say.

>could care less

Fuck that weak ribbon. I wanted a FUCKING DOODLE

wh-who... are...

Been watching since 2012 tryin to call 1st time today

Skype says show is full... anyway to get around this?

Who are you again?

call 15 mins before the show. I have to do that to get on.

yeah he should talk about jewgle didn't put a ribbon REEEEEEE


damn k

werent there a couple other numbers u could call too? BTR numbers or somethin?

Skype and the one on the site

There should have been some elaborate artsie bullshit like they did for that commie chink etc.

is anyone gonna send it to trump

But who cares about the people who risk/lose their lives in the name of freedom? Certainly not Jewgle.

this isn't the first time

Direct stream link, plug it in your media player.

Well at this point I am so demoralized even I have a hard time thinking the sacrifice was a big deal since it was totally in vain.

They could've at least done that...

As long as we vote in Democrats, the sacrifices don't mean shit.

Holy shit is bernie impression is grand

Even Emperor Trump cannot save us now.

Thanks for reminding me...

hes pretty good with accents, his british accent is really good

I think he is a voice actor. He has to be with his almost-perfect voices

>inb4 Joe Biden

>inb4 Joe Biden


>inb4 biden



>Inb4 Joe biden

someone should ask him what his business is about
maybe we'll get his name too

lol ghost is watching this thread he literally said "Inb4 Joe biden"

>feel the burn in your assholes

Feel the burn right in your asshole
Lost it

My Hern is Bern and there's only one cure


Can't wait to message my Berniebot American friends tomorrow


what software do you use for splicing?

audacity ?

Ghost is drunk off his ass today

ghosts laughter gets me every time

>Degenerate shit kickin hick

Not bad ghost

> using software

Degenerate retards needs not apply to the ghost show

Found Roger Clinton's mugshot from the DUI arrest

goddamn soccer watching euros


We /divegrass/ now.


He's taking down all the SJWs


It shocked generals, it shocked Templeton, it was a shocking thing to see

One of Masked Pony's "stories" that he on Friday mentioned

literally just an excuse to eat burgers.

>several referees on the field
>numerous players and coaches on sidelines
>cameras everywhere
>stadium full of witnesses
Yet these idiot soccer players try to play the victim

I fear for humanity


>mfw that picture of him on his twitter
>mfw his deviantart account

So is someone going to point all of this out to Ghost?

I know. If UEFA had balls they'd start fining divers.