Does he have a point, pol?
Does he have a point, pol?
Absolutely cucked
>who really wins?
The woman and the jew
If I fuck your wife, you win.
> If you fuck his wife, her husband wins.
Spoken like a true cuck. Jesus
>If I fuck my own wife, you win
>If you fuck my wife, I win
Trudeau is cuck personified
I can't even tell if it's real anymore.
Funny edit. Alright, where's the original tweet?
lol me either
Does canadacuck mentality have no limits?
Leaf, when your daddy told you to cherish your nation like a mistress, importing black men to put her out when she's 'on fire' is not what he had in mind.
>>who really wins?
>the jew
What exactly does he win?
Not really, unless his point is that no one wins.
Nothing, but this is Sup Forums so... the JEW!
>tfw nobody will call you daddy while you nut on their face
The eternal jew has a plan, a plot. Some say it's to make money, some say it's to rule over a mixed race slave population.
At any rate, the goal is subversion. Whether that's subversion to achieve a plot or subversion for subversion's sake is irrelevant.
If it destroys traditional culture, the Jew wins.
Just tackle a Muzzy and hold them at gunpoint. It can easily be arranged.
I searched for it. It's fake guys.
I'm not sure if I'm into that
The fact that you had to search for it because it's semi believable is a testament to what it really says
Why go on the internet and tell lies, OP?
Collaborate joke of the week.
Thanks murica
It's a real tweet but made by another person.
hes a bigger loser than me
Poe's law
oh dude fucking please tell me someone hacked his twitter and that's real!? That made me laugh like hell
OP's isn't real, but this is.
It's like "if we kill the terrorists they'll win", so. I'm too lazy or sissy to do anything so I cuxplain myself to be the winner by doing nothing.
They didn't includ moon in the emblem yet. How racist and non-progressive
>gives wishes to mud slimes
>doesn't mention D-Day
It's not like they're opposed. You don't have to choose between your pet shitskins and real Canadians, with who you pander to you cock gobbling faggot
every month is peaceful for the religion of peace
I can't even tell if it's real or not, his actual tweets feels like satire too.
Actually, in Leafman's defense, he did mention it. In Sup Forums's defense, he mentioned Ramadan 3 hours prior to this tweet so he probably forgot about D-Day until someone reminded him.
Absolutely fucking disgusting. I hope that cuck gets beheaded.
Fuck I missed it while scrolling
Though desu I doubt weedman actually writes this shit himself.
It's probably an intern who's job it is to manage social media for the PM and maybe some other government functions.
There's actually some good shit on his Twitter. (Good in the sense that you can take the piss out of it.)
Not sure if this is a shoop.