How did the first racist person "learn" it then?
Anti-racists BTFO
Liberals BTFO
How did the first racist person "learn" it then?
Anti-racists BTFO
Liberals BTFO
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Cmon Sup Forums.
It was a proper BTFO.
Hate is innate, tolerance is learnt. To not hate is to be less human.
Fuck off fat faggot
Well done, I'll make sure to use that one.
Genetics don't lie.
Fuck you, you disgusting gypsy. Don't you have some begging or scamming to do?
And more like God.
But you're not god, and you shouldn't try to be him. You're human.
Exactly. Liberals need to let humans be humans.
>learning is not part of a human process
You're not less human for being tolerant, but you're a proper dumb fuck for it though.
Racism is what cowards call competition.
It was pretty good. A very logical BTFO.
It was taught to the white devil by their master, Satan.
>Exactly. Liberals need to let humans be humans.
But we're not a very nice species. Left to our own devices, we are an ugly, violent mob full of hate and fear and confusion and angst. Best to keep that under a lid, no?
IQ has more to do with environmental and nutrional factors than genetics you sperg. whites have more optimal living conditions and therefore perform better on IQ tests.
you sound like youre promoting primitive behavior
>IQ has more to do with environmental and nutrional factors than genetics you sperg.
Spoken like man who'd be laughed out of every genetics lab on Earth.
>whites have more optimal living conditions and therefore perform better on IQ tests.
Or are whites smarter and therefore create more optimal living conditions?
Yeah, that's a pretty good BTFO.
I heard the MLG airhorns in my head as I read it.
To play devil's advocate, the idea is that racism was "thought up" as a lie by ebul oppressor kings/religious leaders (even though it was likely to be traders and explorers, not powerful people at home, who encountered new races), and that people just went along with it for ever until some (((clever people))) "saw through the lies" and "exposed it with science".
It's the same idea they deploy against the idea of religion. You see that conceit in stuff like Star Trek, where religion is something people "evolve out of", and where religion is something on its face "wrong" rather than at least recognising it as natural/pro-social/plausible.
It's pretty funny, but the elevation of scientism has begun to backfire on the "anti-racists", since WW2 and the whole "all racism is le six gorillion" meme were established before DNA was ever discovered, let alone mapped out to the extent that it is nowadays.
Not to mention the whole increase of people who've never been colonised moving into places that belong to people that never colonised, and the almighty god of statistics is showing egg on their faces.
Alas, it might be a case of "I told you so".
Iq is not genetics.
The intelligence difference is so insignificant if not nonexistent in blacks vs whites. White people dont create more optimal living conditions than black people because they are white. That's ignorant, stupid, baseless, just flat out racist.
Have u ever heard of the Hamitic thesis?
>Get bacteria
>raise it in a safe space with loving parents and no bullies
>give it nice food
>realise it will never be able to conceptualise the problem of inductive logic because of it's genetics
I agree
You present no counter argument to me saying "Iq is not genetics". You just put a sourceless picture witch African countries with low average iq's
Being less human doesn't mean being more humane.
Appeal to nature much?
Negroids are low IQ hominids. They are not modern humans, and they are completely incapable of creating or even functioning in a modern civilization. Your denial of these facts shows that you are ignorant and delusional.
I expect chimpanzees to develop first world nations before niggers do.
>t. triggered nigger
Not really but ok.
>genetics do not influence problem solving skills
>IQ is not a measure for problem solving skills
found the kike/nigger
In the united states on average those who are wealthier have higher IQs. But surprisingly the lowest income whites have a higher IQ than the highest income blacks.
But i guess being a nigger just makes you have a shitty environment and eat shitty food regardless of income right?
The amount of mental gymnastics libtards go through to explain away IQ differences is amazing.
>bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk
Sounds like a chicken or egg argument. Blacks have shown themselves capable of improving their living conditions just like whites have.
They are not low iq hominids. These aren't facts you bring up they are opinions.
So now tell me, how are you able to solve a problem presented to you with foreign concepts, in a foreign language etc.
Get it now?
If IQ has to do with environmental factors, then how are blacks not genetically predisposed to the environmental factors of their race for the past thousands of years?
>They are not modern humans
They exist in modern times, don't they?
And "human" becomes a meaningless term if you replace its common (and correct) meaning with "hominid".
That's just like the leftist anti-racist bullshit of changing the word to describe their race every generation or so, from "colored" to "negro", to "black", to "African American".
Words have meaning to high IQ hominids.
>niggers aren't humans
Post discarded. Find me any scientist, politically correct or not, that says that.
What about the hundreds of millions of blacks living functional lives?
If it doesn't, then how did Asians and Blacks get a higher IQ to begin with
IQ is UP TO 40 to 60 percent inherited, not 100. But you dumbfucks can't seem to wrap your heads around basic shit.
I've never heard anybody use the term mental gymnastics but it sounds like an unthoughtful term. You're doing the same amount of "mental gymnastics" if not more. You act like you administer, create and oversee iq tests lmao. You don't know shit bro.
Blacks in poor areas often live in rundown urban areas with lead in all the pipes and poor access to adequate food and medical care.
Also, your claim is unsourced.
Like which factors?
>inb4 Lamarckian hypothesis involving cold winters and Nordic "superiority"
sometimes a high EQ is more important for making money
>Lamarckian hypothesis involving cold winters and Nordic "superiority"
Is that meme still around? The autists here can't be that autistic can they
The first racist learned racism by observing how niggers conduct themselves.
That's right. Just look at Haiti on how many times they improved themselves.
Racism damn sure isn't taught. People being wary of blacks starts when they are in elementary or middle school. They see who the problems are. They see who's in trouble all the time. They see who the bullies are. Kids that go to diverse schools are pretty redpilled.
Well, Haiti is a country which fought off and killed most of the white and racist population and has been their own independent country for hundreds of years. You think civilized means going to space or something?
>which factors
How about having large organized societies that cause intelligence to be selected for more often.
Nobody gives a shit if you cant read in the middle of Africa where there wasn't even a written language. Compared to Europe where learning to read was a great way to advance economically. That shit got all the pussies gushing.
Non-Africans had more than a thousand years head start evolving to be more competitive in complex societies. The reason why they didn't really have any advanced civilizations is irrelevant.
Even non-subsaharan Africans had a huge advantage comparatively. And their IQ shows how important those years difference is.
>To play devil's advocate, the idea is that racism was "thought up" as a lie by ebul oppressor kings/religious leaders (even though it was likely to be traders and explorers, not powerful people at home,
>who encountered new races), and that people just went along with it for ever until some (((clever people))) "saw through the lies" and "exposed it with science".
'The idea' is that when Europeans colonised the Americas, they couldn't convince free whites to do work that poor Europeans would have done back home due to poverty, i.e. farming sugar and tobacco.
The Irish, already regarded as an essentially barbaric and unintelligent race by the Anglo-Norman gentry, were the first real chattel slaves, subject to the first modern racism. Remind anyone who says 'but chattel slavery is different' that they are voicing a slogan they can't properly explain.
In any case, slavers started buying from West Africa as a result of Portuguese exploration, and the process which began with shipping men of innumerable nations to Brazil and making them 'negroes', little more than ahistorical, faceless, anational 'blacks' begins.
As I said, the 'Tobacco Lords' and various elites of the New World could not name a wage high enough to bring free smallholders into their plantations, so they began to rely on slave labour. Over time, the slave class became the exclusive purview of dark-skinned men, and as with everything, puerile ideology accrued around real material events.
Economic relations in Central Africa, the Arab slave trade but most importantly American society provided the groundwork for what murks now export to Europe - racialist ideology, where Irishmen become 'white' and Afar become 'black', and the 'whites' must account for what Americans did to the 'blacks'.
'White' = fair-skinned American
'Black' = dark-skinned American
Anti racists are bullshit, racism is an instinctual attribute that encourages self preservation.
People who say they dont have prejudices towards those who are of a different race are fucking lying to themselves.
When shit gets real. you always group with your own race, look at what happens in prison.
I would love to see a white anti racist in prison try to buddy up with a nigerian.
Their assumption works with the premise of equal or at least near intelligence and education levels. Just look at the non-insane universities and their high amount of "multi culturalism". But if it's a selective establishment full of the brightest, people get along just fine and there isn't even a whole lot of division.
If everyone assumes distrust than they will automatically divide up. Racism might be natural, but doesn't mean it's beneficial in the long run.
Your post is all wrong.
he realized that black monkey thing was fucking his daughter.
what a beautiful culture. I'm sure there's so much we can learn from them.
what uh, can we learn exactly?
how to not get tetanus when you really should have tetanus
If people had an unmolested right to freedom of association nobody would live with people of another race.
Working with people of other races and trading with them are fine as long as everyone goes back to there own corner at the end of the day.
Racism is normal, it's fear of outsiders and those who are different
Does that mean it's right? no, but it's normal and not something that needs to be taught
We should still try not to be racist
>over 100
This map is wrong
>over 85
This map is outdated
You do know that racism is fear right? You're saying racism is natural which really means fear is natural. Some fears are irrational, and fear of another human based on them having dark and dominant phenotypes doesn't really make sense to a smart and open minded man. You already put a limit on your potential to interact, advance and better yourself as a human if you're scared of someone based on the physical features they were born with.
>as long as everyone goes back to their corner at the end of the day
That's your opinion and how you choose to raise your family. Will I respect you? No. In fact, you limit yourself and your life but hey, that's your own fault not mind.
Implying learning isn't the most human thing you can do.
How is it irrational?
You're saying I should stick my head in a lion's mouth because there's a small chance one is a vegetarian.
i'd bet money that you've never been to south africa or any other african nation or majority black neighborhood in any goddamn city in america. you go to compton with that attitude at midnight and you'll be dead by dawn.
Did I say that at all?
>living next to a black person
>sticking head in lions mouth.
There's your problem. You think the danger level there is equal
How much money did you bet? I am black you fool. And I'm around blacks every got damn day. And I'd be fine no matter where I'm at.
It's why I'm laughing so much at these threads. I'm reading writing being just as human as you guys are and you had NO idea. Why'? Because we are all anonymous and have no phenotypes to be scared of.
Yes fear is natural you retard, people who dont fear anything tend to die young and racism is a stupid word to begin with because racism is not fear its the hatred of someone purely because of their skin colour. Prejudice is a better word, anyone who hates all blacks or all whites is an idiot who is wasting their energy.
Come down here and I will personally pay for you to live in a black squatter camp, we will see how long you last. Even your blacks would get curb stomped for being different.
Same thing to you homo, come here and live in a black area, lets see how you will enjoy your open minded anti racism when trying to live around a bunch of highly emotional and basically retarded group of people.
True. Teachers had to tell us daily to deny obvious signs. All blacks were in the lowest level classes, especially math, and the wealthiest of them chimped out and failed classes. None got into good colleges despite affirmative action.
My school hired people to speak to us about the evils of racism. One guy told us blacks invented the cell phone and whites stole their technology.
Finally it was too absurd to not wake up.
Oh so you are black, go live in a white neighborhood in the USA and moan on facebook about all the dirty stares you get and then compare that experience to any unfortunate white boy who mistakenly walks through an all black area in the USA,
Guess what fucktard, I'm black too and I know better than to go down south central and NOT be wary of packs of niggers
you can take your pseudointellectual shit and shove it back where it came from because I grew up in the ghetto and I. Know. Better. You can't fool me with your ivory tower fairy tales about equality.
I'd STILL bet my fucking house that you've never LIVED in the ghetto or around 70%+ black hoods because if you did you'd know goddamn well that our community has huge cultural problems
Ethnocentrism is given to us genetically. Even animals have it.
I am black. But thanks for showing your true colors. Anything you say from now on will go in one ear and out the other.
this guy gets it.
Kai Murros, another Finn, sums up the importance of hate very well
Then explain why Jews have such a high IQ. They have been persecuted for centuries and have had really shitty living conditions.
As if I was hiding any of my colours.
I will be waiting for your trip to my country.
You will get along just fine in mandela park
Learned, sure. Taught, no.
You have issues my man. You keep bringing things up that I never said or am even thinking about
Oh so you wanna get aggressive now cuz u know I'm black? How bout u take a step back and think for a second. Of course we have major cultural problems in America, and I live in And have lived in and conduct my business and everything else around and in plenty of 70%+ black neighborhoods. It's all about the respect you show to another person way more often than not. I have been robbed before, I have been mugged before, gotten my car stolen, been in plenty of fights, gotten guns pulled on me, pulled guns on other people. I FUCKING HSTE IT.. YOU THINK I LIKE THIS SHIT? HELL NO BUT IM STSNDING UP COR MYSEL ON THIS BOARD FULL OF FAGS EHO NEVER WANNA FUCKIN TALK TO ONE OF US AND JUST BLAME US AND CALL US DUMB STUPID LOW IQ LIKE CMON NIGGA.
Got that outta my system
You came across as semi intelligent but now I know you just got a lot of issues. I mean, if it makes u feel any better I hope whatever ur facing will resolve itself
Of course I'd be wary walking through south central around a pack of fuckin anybody they can be yellow and green for all I care. Depending on how they present themselves. Shit I am 100% wary and on edge walking down the street to my grandmas house.
It's funny how ignorant western (specifically american) kaffirs are about racial relations in Africa. They think there's a shared sense of solidarity among blacks, they talk about moving back to Africa to get in touch with their 'cultural roots' or if Trump is to win the general election.
There's 0 solidarity among African blacks.
Last time I was in Pretoria there was a problem with South African kaffirs beating Zimbabwean illegals to death for competing for low skilled labour jobs.
I honestly hope more blacks move to Africa, hopefully try engage in some philanthropy, go live near Soweto and try to help out wearing their expensive gangster jewelry and designer clothes.
>Shit I am 100% wary and on edge walking down the street to my grandmas house.
Theorize why you might be concerned about the people in your grandmother's neighbourhood.
It's simple. I'm from the hood. Niggas from the hood ain't no good. Plus it's a habit, I've done it all my life.
But it is NOT because we are black or have low Iq's or aren't modern humans or anything like that. You won't prove any of that to me.
>I honestly hope more blacks move to Africa
Me too, every single one of them.
Except South Africa. That country should be made great again.
God gave us hate because he loves us.
"Isms" are just ideas that spread. If you started discriminating based on eye colour, that would be "eyeism". The thing is though, that you can't be taken seriously for that, since there's no basis for it. But racism has a basis, and that's what left wing people don't want to admit.
The basis is generations of passed down fear and hatred among whites? Cmon now. Back in 1885 black people were trying to make a living while every white person wanted to hang them. Is that the basis for racism?
>see someone different from mommy and daddy
>become cautious
why do white ghettos and white hoods have lower crime rates?
can you give me a total number of all blacks lynched in america?
Because there aren't many and there aren't many whites in them.
No but read books and you'll have an idea like I do
Of course it could not be genetics or IQ related but still you and other people generalize about "niggas from the hood" based on skin colour and location. I can't prove any WHITE MUSTARD RACE shit but I can suggest people avoid black people for a reason other than simple mindless discrimination.
It's so interesting to read the incoherent ramblings of Sup Forums on serious shit. Are there any actual high IQ folks on here?
because the cops don't report it.
>Because there aren't many and there aren't many whites in them.
there are more white ghettos and hoods, and more poor white people, than black.
>No but read books and you'll have an idea like I do
ok, read em. not even 4 thousand niggers were lynched, and they were hung for raping women and other noggery, which is why almost 2,000 whites were also lynched during the same period
so when you say "every white wanted to hang every black" that is completely false
thus your basis for why racism is also false. y'all are inherently fucked right down to the dna
This is absolutely wrong and I'm ashamed your american.....
Anti-racists tend to have low IQ scores. They are unable to recognize patterns.
>put all this stupid heavy shit on my face to look more like a warrior
>get btfo in combat because all this stupid heavy shit on my face
That's why blacks can't be racists, they can't learn anything.
>More white ghettos and poor
First off I'm going to need a fucking source on that autistic shit.... secondly whites are 63% of the nation and are less likely to seek assistance in the same financial situations as minorities. now I know your fucking autistic so I'll break it down for you. We out number you by a large margin if you break it down between black s population size vs whites you have more poor and ghettos by a large percentage than whites and fuck off with your dumbshit this is Sup Forums you will be called out on your fucking autism