>mfw an American uses fahrenheit
Why are Americans so fucking retarded?
>mfw an American uses fahrenheit
Why are Americans so fucking retarded?
Water freezes at 0c
and boils at 100c
Why is this so fucking hard for Americans to grasp?
You can measure the wall in meters for all i care.
Mexicans can't even measure such things.
>ey ese, how haht ees eet mang?
>I dunno, but tha chorizo ees cooking hombre
water freezes at 32F and water boils at 212F
why dont we have this system.. it doesnt make sense
> big numbers for hot
> little numbers for cold
It's easily superior for the common man.
We learn both systems you dunces, we use what we use because it sounds cuter
how is arbitrarily basing your temperature measurement on water phase changes better?
Check my 76
>a fucking dog
0 Fahrenheit is really cold
100 Fahrenheit is really hot
why do europoors put what water feels above what humans feel?
>mexican intellectuals
>Celsius has negative degrees which are still actuall positive when converted
If you have a system where -12 degrees is still fucking above 0 degrees, it's retarded.
>mfw third worlders can't into linear plots
No wonder you haven't landed on the moon yet.
if you can't do conversions you are the retarded one
As someone who has lived around the world, while,metric may be better in the Science field, but imperial is better for everyday life, I wish my home country of NZ still used it. I don't understand why non Americans complain about them not being like everyone else. No one seems to have a problem with it.
not spam
Its simply more intuitive
No if your system has numbers above 0 that are actually BELOW FREEZING then it's fucking retarded.
We would honestly convert to the metric system, but the problem is that it would be too difficult to implement throughout the entire nation.
Worm in a dog > Cockroach in a Turkey &
Oh my goodness
I bet it is, Jew. How much did you spend on your Celsius campaign.
Freezing isn't the baseline for normal people. Why is water more important than the effect on people?
>implying diffeqs are hard
Oh and Fahrenheit is useless in science so it's just a meme unit in the US
Celsius and Fahrenheit are BOTH useless in science. Chemistry useless Kelvin.
Whenever you see a thread like this, don't be fooled. It's pretty much:
>please like our [______], Americans
Be American
Use English units
Be better than everyone else
MFW everyone else is so stupid and lazy they cant do simple math conversion.
What's with all the Sup Forums kids on this board?
>implying Fahrenheit is not the superior system to measure the range of temperatures which occur in one's day to day life.
Well, let's see
having negative numbers for everyday temperatures is not more intuitive
thank fucking god
I'm a patriot
>Le loaded question
Rankine scale best scale.
The freezing point of water is more relevant to our survival and science in general than how you feel.
>Mexican Intellectuals
Kelvin is way closer tp Celsius than Fahrenheit.
future IRA insurgent
>oh shit, it's 30C up from 27C
That says so fucking little. It's like measuring the distance between you and the nearest objects to you in meters. You'd need to use fractions of meters because it's a fucking garbage system for relative temperatures.
Major fucking keks.
the customary system is a uniquely American shibboleth
a symbol of our national pride and patriotism
every time we measure anything, we are reminded that we are AMERICAN
No it's not. The effects on your skin is, which isn't wholly reliant on the freezing point of water you fucking bong.
re-roll to see if im a turk
Because Celsius IS kelvin, just centered around the freezing point of water, not absolute zero.
Please 15
>every time we measure anything, we are reminded that we are AMERICAN
Then, why does it come from the British ?
Roll. No slavnigger country plz
Some countries use the Metric system, the others went to the moon.
Not bad
It's not spam.
T [°C] + 273 = T[°K]
Because we came from the British you idiot. They got cucked and now use a cuck system. We stayed true
Quebec here. Just use both, faggots. If you're constantly dealing and trading with 'murifats, there's no reason not to learn their unit system along with your own.
Or are you so retarded that you are unable to learn more than one unit system and the conversions?
71 replies in less than 20 minutes why are we having this fucking retarded thread guys :^)
Kelvin is thus more important you dumb fucking kike
100°C is boiling
0°C is freezing
Even ameridumbs should like this system, it's that easy.
I'll just leave this here for you OP.
Temperature is the only measurement I don't prefer metric. Fuck this thread.
europoors can't into feels
Technically the British were a bunch of barbarians untill they started learning Latin, and the foot is based on the Roman measurement system (Hellenic)... so you know you do the math man..
>but the problem is that it would be too difficult to implement throughout the entire nation.
More importantly, who cares? What happens in burgerland stays in burgerland.
A Mexican calling anyone retarded, yeah, good luck with that.
Europoors don't want to upset the waters religion so they use its method. Cucked by water
>white american iq - 103
>average amrican iq - 98
>mexican iq - 88
Why are British people upset that people still use their system? Why would you want people using a French system. And don't you guys still use MPH,Feet and inches for human height Yards for football, and stone for weight? Who are you to judge?
Yes it is
T>0 => no ice
>not using Kelvin
>implying the freezing and boiling point of water is the same at all altitudes
63 pls
>not using Kelvin
Why is is so easy to b8 americans on Sup Forums?
Seriously lol, all i have to do is have a mexican flag and make a strong remark about them.
best country incoming
Because ice is always relevant to how we feel the temperature, you stupid kike
I know lizards don't feel temperature, but the rest of us are humans, try to understand this