Should we start a white out day? This would infuriate black twitter and force them to reveal their burning hatred for white people. This could potentially lead to some lulz and even red pill some normies in the process.
It's black out day
bump for interest
Bump for interest
Let's do it.
It'll hopefully end like #WhiteGirlsDoItBetter did
Dindus especially of the female variety love to be challenged. They chimp out 110% of the time and even if they win by brute force, they do nothing with their victory.
I miss Steve Irwin..
It was only black and Latina grills that got butthurt. Asian women didn't give a fuck because they can easily compete with white women on the dating scene.
Even SJWs hate this cuck lol
>mango princess
Damn, she's actually cute
Look at this melanin enriched qt 3.14
Serious question, is it just a coincidence that blackoutday is on D-Day?
What we need to do is go all french girls app on them. pic related
or else just tweet shit like this
She is so fucking ugly
damn, those googely eyes
>tfw even the machine spirit knows you a nog
There's a lot of these coming
The very fact that you need a day to "celebrate" being a nog should tell you that being a nig isn't something to be proud of
No one cares. Stop basing your life around epik twitter raids you retard mobileposter.
I remember it being mostly dindus and SJWs that got mad.
No one cares to hear your whining. Go back to your fake happening threads.
Are there any red pilled black girls?
>gets anti zionist banned off youtube
>questions why we use logic of zionists
>That pepe face
>force them to reveal their burning hatred for white people
You mean, like they do every day?
I had to stare at this fucking picture for a minute to figure out what's going on.
They must be Aussies, right?
>working overtime to procure some white dick
I think this is more important.
They have less tweets than D-day. But are still #1??
Obvious shilling.
Pls be in DC bby