Moar like this

Moar like this

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Other urls found in this thread:




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you need jesus

You need less jesus

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yall need yalls ass whooped good

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got a vid of that anal?

Nah, that's all i got

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Crickey thats fucked!

op here,

wtf mane, i was just playing dawg.

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Dudes gonna catch a nasty infection

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"Jesus is awesome." -Brad Petrey

they love it, i can tell.

do you work in the morgue?

Fuck, OP..... This is some vile shit.

no, just in my basement

that's just your opinion.

That's enough for today

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morgue workers around the world do this. its like an unwritten rule... its like how people who work at mcdonalds get a discount on a couple of cheeseburgers.

How so, it isn't hurting anyone

i've worked in a funeral home for 7 years and you are correct.
i hate sloppy seconds.


i'd be worried one day some cold case faggot or podcast picks up the murder and they do new DNA tests on the body and find my semen all over the face.

be pretty hard to explain that one.


no one sees the soft underparts in the casket.
it freaks me out to see some old guy with his ass half torn out.

Need moar

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>its like how people who work at mcdonalds get a discount on a couple of cheeseburgers

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The world we live in man

fucking came

amen Sup Forumsrother

What age range you go for?

Yah, it's all fun and games until the guy gets necro-aids

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Op, how'd they die, also you better use condoms or you might get some gay disease!

Your DNA will have been rotted away long before any cold case digs her up.

Now this is the Sup Forums I remember from my youth!!! Moar OP. I DEMAND MOAR!!!!!!!!!

they're dead, there is no age range.

yea but I have hyper verile seed that lasts a Milania

it's easy enough to rinse them out/off.
(yes with chemicals)

What if you get haunted bruv

(funeral home guy)
after dealing with as many as i have. i don't believe in any sort of after life.

Is is weird fucking a cold pussy with no pussy juice in it?

funeral guy...
isn't that pussy cold?
do you have a way to warm it up?

what makes you say that?

They probably microwave their condoms

also curious about this

we do womens hair here, so a curling iron is always around. i set it to '2' and leave it in there for a few minutes.
the pussy gets wet. it's probably just what was left over before they died. or maybe just fluids being released from the cells lining the walls.

none have come after me yet

I'd like to be the mortician who gets to take care of pic related

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so you think there is no spirit world or continuation of consciousness?

too soon!

Too far what the fuck man

nope none
the brain shuts down like your computer does with no power.

lol dat file name

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hmm yeah thats what I think. just hoped there was some way to continue this fun adventure. oh well, next time.


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welcome newfriend

Its too soon rip

lurk more newfag

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Fuckin kek

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Like dis?

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>oh well, next time.
there is no next time

Wanna get a mortician really mad?
Just bring this topic up.
You will never see a man get more defensive in your life.


The ole " she was dead already" defense.
/b would the only evidence keeping him out tha electric chair.