>be me, 21 years old apostate
>living in western europe
>telling my friends that islam is a threat to Europe, the west and everything
>"oh come on stop hating yourself man, you sure have an identity complex"
I just feel like the west is really doomed, actually I don't really care as I'm used to the muslim way of life.
Be me, 21 years old apostate
so is it really true that muslims love to rape and murder?
Leftists will use the most bizarre "logic" to try and convince themselves that they are right, even if it's full of contradictions. It's nothing new.
Nah do not worry brother, people will snap out of it whenbit starts effecting their life, the majority of leftist who ignore violent islam, have never actually been around crazy islamists but if they were theyd become rightwingers and those few who still fall for it will see their mistake before death
It's not a religion thing. It's a race thing. The barbaric races are just attracted to Islam due to its assertiveness, white/chink Muslims actually are peaceful.
Yeah, but when the mudshits take over, won't they execute you for betraying mohammed (piss be upon him)?
Keep fighting the good fight, we need former muslims to shit on the "religion of peace". Enough of this "not all muslims" deflection bullshit.
You're part of the problem. The left won't take you seriously because you're their pet and the right won't take you seriously because you're failing at one of the core principles: staying where you belong and fixing it.
>barbaric races
kek...please explain what race is that?
I mean housing prices in france along with taxes are crazy high because of their 10% muslim population welfare so
anything native to lands south of the equator, or near the equator.
Nope. I just fake it.
>Based ex-muslim
I feel for you, bro.
Jokes on you, you'll be the first on their killing list as their book says Allah will never forgive those who forsake him and then change their minds and come back.
South America, Mexico, Abbos, Africa + Middle east?
I clearly agree with what you mean. I've been in contact with some ex muslims that claim that the west is best etc....sorry but no. It's clearly not in the human nature to assimilate to other groups. That's called treason. I'd love to fix the muslim problem, but there's clearly no way I'm going to make this, There will be a war and we cannot avoid it.
So, pakistan, basically?
sounds about right, dunnit? You also forgot south east Asia.
>Beards are going to come back into fashion
>No more bacon
>Gays thrown off buildings
You win some, you lose some
WHAT? South of equator? Australia?
Perhaps you mean Barbary which comes from the word 'Berber'?
North Africa? Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya etc..?
How do you make your classifications ? It doesn't really make sense to me.
Are you calling yourself barbaric?
Nah m8, every race that originates at or south of the equator is absolute shit. Look at abbos, they are the epitome of barbarism, as defined today.
Well, ok, maybe the Indus Valley Civilization was an exception to the rule with its high-quality agriculture and hygiene practises, but otherwise you can't deny that the equator is what divides the civilized from the savage.
What the...You're not making any sense. And Abos migrated from India to Australia. G'night. Shabba Khair etc.
Pooman you're actually on to something.
I rarely reply on Sup Forums, but something about how you identified "berbers" really struck a chord with me. I personally have nothing against most muslims, I just really hate berbers, I didn't know barbarian came from that.
Thanks for the post, I'll keep in mind to put my hatred into subhuman berbers from now on.
You are doing god's work, user. You help those who want to be helped, and let the rest burn. Stand out and shine in the face of untruths and conformism within the status quo. I believe France can be great again.
He means the entire third world.
Of which only a minority is Muslim. So his theory is obviously flawed.
Ah, I guess I fucked up on my estimation of how close to the equator India was. My bad.
Were the mongols what you'd call civilized ?
Plus, I don't believe the middle east and north africa (before islam especially) were more barbaric than the celts, the germans ... ?
Dude, how do you even tell the difference between a berbers, arab etc?
barbarians doesn't come from that. Barbarian comes from the greek word (meaning, non-greek, or non roman)
In north africa, those who identify as berbers aren't muslims most of the time, or they are pretty peaceful.
Historically, berbers were pro rome. They became a problem during the ottoman empire, when they started to consider themselves "arabs" even though they weren't.
The arab mentality is a problem to civilization. They created islam, berbers didn't. Their only crime was to lose against them. (One big army will always win against a thousand tiny ones)
Well, That's a good question. On the whole I'd say not, assuming by Mongols you're talking specifically about the 200 years before and after Genghis, since the Mongols wouldn't have been able to prevent an implosion of their society if they stopped invasions for the purpose of expansion. They'd be like the tiny warring factions they were before Genghis Khan united them.
only inbred muslim middle easterners who had their genetic heritage tainted by arabian nomads are barbaric. Christian levantines have no arab admixture.
You should try to read Evola's book, revolt against the modern world. It explains some important ideas about races, less ethnic, more spiritual. I think it's a better way to explain this.
true, same for syrians, or iraqis. The less arab they are (race and spirit) the nicer they are.
You're not the first atheist from a Muslim background to recommend that book to me. I'll look into it, but I don't think it'll change my opinion that on average some races are destined to be shittier than others.
nah it won't change it. Only confirm it, differently.
I'd be glad to know where you've met people from my background recommending this book btw.
I really how this would end, if it really came to war. With all the weakness, pathetic leftist ideology, self-loathing and effiminate nu males around, the West still has enough nukes in his arsenal to kill every living thing on planet earth a dozen times over. Although you cannot target your own country in a case of civil war, I simply can't believe the West would just die with a whimper, like a rubber ball shrinking, or a baloon loosing its air. This can't be the Europe in which every major country once had a world dominating Empire, can it? How could this even be possible?
Holy fuck this is some Argentina is white tier level shit. You already live in a shithole that is coveted by Israel don't divide and conquer for them.
Lebanon is cool, you shut the fuck up fag
At my university. There's a lot of non-practising Muslims in my generation, and some of them even profess to be on-believers in private, although that's still illegal here. Work is being done to develop the legislation necessary to replace the existing blasphemy and apostasy laws, so it won't be this way forever.
If we're being honest: what would MEN have to lose, if Islam took over? Cheating, feminazi, appaling women who won't breed, but take your house, your money and your children? Slaving in work so the matriarchy princesses can get free stuff? A degenerate life style of promiscuous sex and drugs with barely any children, but a lot of abortions and single mothers supplied by alimony and the welfare state? Narcisstic materialism?
If the worse happens, then the best is yet to come.
How's that Taqiyya thing working out?
I guess you're not muslim yourself, aren't you?
I see the same situation in north africa, islam is losing territory. Some people are starting to realize that their civilization didn't started with islam.
oh no, I'm plenty Muslim. Some consider me not to be since I'm a Shia, though.
Do you know Tariq Ramadan ? very good example of what Taqqiya is. It's not something most people do. Most muslims don't mix with the others at all.
Shias are clearly nicer to speak with than sunnis. This also has to be considered.
>implying every "muslim" follows the book word by word
Question: Do you obey ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in the bible? Prolly not, and through what stupid "logic" do you conclude that all muslims do
The Taqiyya meme is not helping anybody, because you're silencing and distancing actual muslims/ex-muslims who speak out against islam.
Non, trop sentimentaliste. C'est un genre de gauchiste anti islam.
Did your family disown you? My Dad snapped at me last time i saw him because i made a joke about Mo. Wish i could live free but afraid that isn't possible in the Islamofascist West
I wonder why it is that most of the extremists and suicide bombers and other terrorists are Sunnis. Afaik Wahabism also is a form of Sunni Islam and so is ISIS.
Not that Hezbollah or Iran are particular friends of the West, but I think Sunnis are on another level of murderours contempt and terrorism.
You could still move to a Eastern European country. In Poland they might beat you up, if you have brown skin, but Hungary might be an option. IF you could get in that is.
The whole creation of the Sunni sect was around rather questionable and suspicious event. That's why the Alewites view themselves as the only "true" muslims, and that sunnis are completely in the wrong. And afaik there are no Alawite terrorists.
Because they're Arabs.
The Alewites are not Muslims imo, since they believe in the divinity of Ali. I'm also biaed against them since they give all Shias a bad name.
If Alewites were the dominant islamic sect the middle east wouldn't be the shithole it is today
I didn't claim otherwise.
We only became a "shithole" after a massive demographic shift due to the civil war caused by the israeli gift of 500k palestinian muslims, what is your point? besides even with 60% of our population being muslim, we're still similar to romania in terms of living standards, and we're nowhere near as degenerate as you.
It really must suck being a non-insane person in Pakistan.
I'm originally from a pretty shitty country too, how do you cope with it all?
I have a question for you: do you still do Ramadan and eat pork? I know you drink alcohol, of course.
It is not a race thing, it is a religion thing.
We are taught since little that Islam will dominate and that it is just a matter of time.
There is something about this religion that is turning their followers crazy.
I know because I was raised muslim and I m quite skeptical about it but I would be lying if I said that I don't believe.
I'm really conflicted about this.
How do you know I'm not insane? Some of the people I hang out with say I should get tested for paranoid schizophrenia, although I'm sure that comes with being a Shia in a Shia-hating militant society (also because I'm a gun-nut). But really, nothing is as bad as it could be, if you have a nice home and some money to while away the time with.
I have Muslims who work for me that eat pork and drink beer like it is going out of style. They watch porn and cheat on their wives and still go to Mosque every Friday. Leaving Islam is the best thing you can do.
I meant not a zealot retard who doesn't do honor killings and other third-world country shit.
nobody I know does that stuff. You're thinking of rural Pakistanis, and urban migrants from rural areas.
you know that your type is first to die right, you born with the privilege of having a muslim family yet still lost your way...and people wonder why islam suggests to decapitate those who leave the way of allah, these guys are even worst then cancer of the world cumskins.
My muslim 'friends' here are absolutely insane.
Could you please come here for refuge and convert them away from islam please. America still has hope
A combination of skin tone, dialect, attitude, facial/skull structure (they have different noses for example), and most importantly hair.
Africanoid people's have fuzzy hair, almost like the negro.
What are they if they are not muslims.
I was born in roachland, and no one did that stuff around me either. It was the rurals. The problem is migrants from the rural areas were enough to turn the nice cities into complete shitholes, and they brought their political party of sharia-preaching fucktards into power thanks to sheer size.
It's intolerable.
Yeah, we re more handsome than gulf arabs that is for sure and we are not africanoids, what the fuck are you smoking?
I think the problem is the religion having way to much political undertones
Goodluck with ramadan though must be rough up here north
that must suck. Here, people from rural backgrounds have no economic power, or if they do they're overwhelmed with newfound access to hedonism. Either way, it prevents them from organizing real political power; the religious right in Pakistan has no religious agenda, they just manipulate the voter-bloc for political gain. It also help that the army and bureaucracy work together to hold a coherent progressive narrative together, and the current govt goes along with it since it benefits their economic backers.
That something is simply Islam.. I was a serious Christian, and I remember how faith can dominate your life to the point of life and death. Now just imagine this faith also tells you that your religionn shall and will dominate the world, its the command of God and that you are allowed to spread the religion with violence and that only peace will be when there is no more fitna.
It doesn't take a genius to understand that a system like that, especially if it doesn't know a seperation between religion and state, will lead to war, violence and civil war. Whenever you believe you are innherently superior and are destined to dominate the world, that's going to cause one hell of a lot of trouble, user.
>I just feel like the west is really doomed
We kinda are. Do you want to start the western equivalent of the muslim brotherhood? It'd be fun.
Almost every time, I read a roach poster on this forum, I wonder why you haven't been kicked out of NATO and sanctioned to death like even Iran couldn't imagine.
and what's with paki sandniggers?
>hygiene practises
And we'd also be subject to barbaric restrictions on leisure activity, and be forced to hold nonsensical, anti-scientific beliefs while practicing iron-age rituals
R/k reproductive selection criteria. We're geared to having as many offspring as possible, and when you look like us, rape becomes a more feasible option by the day.
I'm not a Christian, but in my mind the difference is that the Bible is divinely inspired, and mostly the testimonies of the apostles when talking about the New Testament. The interpreted nature of it makes it easier for Christians to rationalize disbelieving the more radical stuff in there. The Quran, on the other hand, is the literal perfect word of God to Muslims, and more importantly, it's unreformable. So if God is literally telling you that killing apostates is just, you will probably hold the belief that killing apostates is just.
Not necessarily. If Germany for example would still be as strong as under Hitler today, WE would mould Islam to fit our society, with the warrior culture and family policy, not the other way around. Today however, yes, the West would bend over and be a good dhimmi.
It's funny that a Germann politician who metioned exactly that, Björn Höcke, caused a massive scanndal and was called a racist Nazi for even mentioning it - without the rape. Just birthrates and r/k strategy. There you see one example how cucked Germoney is.
Not only that, there are two important corner stones for the seperation of religion and state innstalled in the religion already: firstly "render unnto Cesar what is his" in the New Testament. Then the teaching of the two realms of heaven and earth, civitas dei and civitas terrena. Which St. Augustine created after the Ostrogoths saccked Rome which at the time was idenntified as the literal 1000 year empire before the apocalypse. He also created the teaching of original sin and was vvery active in the logic that if bad things happen to Christians, they must have sinned and acted against the will of God.
I think you underestimate a key part of what makes Islam so dangerous - that it claims itself to be the perfect, last and final word with no need for reform. There are just some concepts in Islam that cannot be removed from the faith due to its unreformable nature, concepts like
>Death for apostates
>Death for non-people-of-the-book
>No alcohol
>Mandatory prayer sessions
>Food must be halal
>Subservience of women to men
>The Hajj
>Concept of Jihad
>Concept of Martyrdom
While I don't disagree with you, let me provide an additional piece of knowledge that'll rationalize the degree of prohibition that Islam imposes on apostasy. One thing you have to realize is what political Islam considers apostasy to be. In Islam, you have certain responsibilities towards the State, but beyond that, the State doesn't have any rights over you. When you become an apostate, you violate one of the fundamental rights of the State, which is Zakat (poor tax). While jizya is always a set amount, Zakat is a percentage-based tax on your assets at the end of a fiscal year. Naturally, people will be incentivised to apostasize (apostize?) in order to save on their earnings. In fact, this is what happened during the first Caliph's time, the rich tribes of the land refused to pay Zakat because they claimed to not be Muslim anymore, and offered Jizya instead. The Apostasy purge was the result, and since then there has been a very strict prohibition on apostasy for fear of civil war.
>tl;dr there are historical economic reasons for not being allowed to become an apostate.
You won't get an argument with me regarding that. You're cucked as the day is long.
Yes, I should have mentioned that line (from Mark I think?) Anyway, Christianity did a very good thing for its longevity by having that "render unto Caesar" line. Islam has no such seperation between church and state, and in fact encourages their combining. That's why the majority of muslims nations across the world are religiously-dominated, and the internal strife within these countries is usually sectarian in nature
Forgot to mention, as long as you pay Zakat, the shariah state can't/won't/shouldn't brand you an apostate unless you go about telling people you don't believe in the pillars of faith that make up Islam.
>"oh come on stop hating yourself man, you sure have an identity complex"
You do though. I'm a sort of ex-muslim myself too but I still support the conquering of the West by Islam because I'm not a self hating cuck. I only wish that the rapefugees waited a few years before they started fucking shit up. This is why I find it hard to relate to ex-muslims. Most are gay-loving liberal degenerates who want us to get cucked by the West. Fuck that, be strong, have pride in your people, and destroy your enemies.
That explanation makes sense to me, but it's also in the Quran itself, that those who have turned away from the faith are to be killed, so even in Muhammad's time (probably, I realize the first evidence of a written Quran only came to be about 150 years after his death) apostasy was a crime punishable by death. I don't doubt that the economic factor played a role, but in the moden day I see no way that Islam can reform into a more reasonable version of itself
Of course. There's no getting around the punishment for apostates. But exactly who gets branded as an apostate is left up to interpretation.
>gh-quality agriculture and hygiene practises
I don't. You just already mentioned this, that's why I didn't repeat it.
>There's no getting around the punishment for apostates
How about you do what any modern state does and subject ALL people to taxes, regardless of religion?