> conservashits
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do you love blacks
>Do you defend Terrorists?
>Hate your dad?
>Do you hate free speech?
>It's Better in Somalia
White people can/do live free, niggers can't.
Also, libs love that Somalia meme, but don't get that the nigger is the problem so they import it to Sweden, etc.
Someone post the screencap of the woman who tries hitch hiking through the middle east and (gets raped?) gets murdered.
I love that pic, it's magnificent.
libcucks would hate living in a non equalitarian society, Trump supporters ahve to go there and must wear a maga hat
Really makes ya think tho...
Those seem pretty liberal opinions to me.
>forgot to ask if I hate muslims and niggers
baka fampai
Commies cant even wipe their own ass without capitalism.
If conservatism is so great how come progressives and liberal people and countries are the best?
Even within the US you see that innovation and growth happen in the progressive states and cities while the conservatives sit around being unemployed, drinking bud light and jerking over trump hats.
>Taking this shit-tier bait
At least they wouldn't be importing muslims.
Disagreeing with the amount of taxes paid and how the burden is distributed among society means you "hate taxes"?
This is why no one takes you seriously
>Blacks, muslims and black muslims are just as peaceful as white christians.
>You deserve to live in Somalia.
>it's a violent cesspool of murder and rape.
>All they do is rape and murder.
>They murder the rapists. They rape the murderers and then murder them too.
>But thas nothing to do with islam or black people though.
America needs libertarian party. This liberal/conservative thing is a mess.
Countries BECOME lefties as they grow rich.
Do you love black people? Do you love Islam? Do you love diversity? Do you hate white people? It's better in Somalia!
>Progressive cities and states
>the best
The best places are places which are mostly white. Minority filled progressive areas are shitholes, not unlike conservative leaning minority filled areas.
It's certain kinds of Islam that are the issue, if we're talking about Islam at all. It's much more about fallout from the Cold War and economic issues.
Unfortunately Gary Johnson suddenly started going full retard right when the libertarian party was about to start to get real momentum.
It is a damn shame Austin Peterson didn't get their nomination.
If progressivism is so great, how come only white people are progressive?
Since the shills are in full force tonight, I'm gonna request a picture
It's a fairly recent picture (2015)
It's a screenshot of an email in which the sender explains that he'll pay the receiver to post propaganda.
Thanks a lot