It's over guys... i'm afraid Trump has been Stumped

It's over guys... i'm afraid Trump has been Stumped.


Other urls found in this thread:

>buzz feed was in cahoots with the RNC



>1.3 million
>a substantial amount of money
>an even noteworthy amount

Jeb's campaigns alone lost 130 million.

>10 Reasons Why Being a Single Mother is the Best
>8 Things Your Choice of Lipstick Says About You
>17 Cute Kittens Doing Cute Things

Wow, I'm now a #HillMissile

>buzz feed was in cahoots with the RNC

that is pretty disgusting

>7 Ways You Can Change Your Government for the Better by John Oliver (#3 and #5 Are Our Favorites!)

Why was Buzzfeed even part of it?

Reminds he when donald skipped a debate last fall because they has secret sjw questions in there

>gawker and buzzfeed go down in the same year

2016 starts to feeling good Sup Forumsbros

I'm now #Shillin4Hill

2.016 HillCoins have been deposited into your HillWallet

Wow, a shitpost by a Leaf. That's it - I am now a #HillBilly

It actually could be a big amount if this was a signed and agreed upon deal. RNC could sue them for breach of contract for millions. Buzzfeed is stupid but I doubt they are that stupid but gawker proved left wing tabloids are awful at law.

That's it, I am now a #Jeb!pistol


based republicans

ITT people who are shocked that (((news outlets))) take money directly from political parties.

The Federal Government directly subsidizes networks now under Obama.

I really hoped they get destroyed like gawker

Buzzfeed is a bullshit site.
No loss.

and I thought my flag was gay

>even gayer

As much of a cuck as Maddox is, he's made some pretty good posts about buzzfeed and SJWs in general.