Nigger here, and I just got a test result of a 108 IQ. Should I reproduce and take the risk of having nigglet kids who regress to the mean, or end my genetic line on a positive note?
Nigger here, and I just got a test result of a 108 IQ...
Do whatever you think would make you happy, the future's fucked anyway. May as well enjoy it.
if you are a male and actually stay with your childrens mother you will be giving them a massive boost from the average niggy so go for it
108 is basically a stupid white person. I wouldn't risk having kids if I were you...
You should probably leave this degenerate shithole and never come back.
wait until genetically enhanced babies becomes a thing, if you are a hard worker and a non-criminal, you and your negress may have a white high IQ genetically engineered child
Go to Poland, i've heard polish girls have a thing or two for black cocks
Cons: the average pole is more stupid than a nigger so i'm not making promises on your offspring's IQ
Seek light-skinned mates of above average intelligence. Selective breeding can increase the quality of most any genetic line.
Conservative black bunnies
>positive note
Move to South Africa and raise a nice black family. You deserve it!
108....only a shameless nigger would even admit to having an IQ that low...
being serious here. nigs literally are proud of being stupid
Do what you want. The country's fucked either way.
not really it is above average user
Regression to the mean is due to smart people accidentally fucking dumb people, combined with smart people having less kids. Just find one of the few black women with an IQ above 100, and have 10 kids with her.
The average takes people with IQ bellow 90 in the consideration. A grown man with IQ 108 has nothing to be proud of.
You anime folk do a really good job of letting us know that your opinion should be disregarded completely. You do realize 108 is above average?
kill yourself, nigger.
He also has nothing to be ashamed of. Besides other things like drive, ambition, and impulse control are also incredibly important for success.
Its higher than my racial average.
>>Nigger here
I'm so sorry.
I'll give you that, there's nothing to be ashamed of either.
I didn't read the part where you said you were black, sorry.
Find a jap baby momma.
Help the whites by making the chinks dumber.
>regress to the mean
you don't even know what this means, do you? Stop trying to sound smart.
They'll be fine so long as you raise them properly and don't leave.
A good 70% of the problem we have now with niggers is caused by their daddies up and leaving and their garbage niggerboon mothers bringing them up to be terrible garbage vermin. If more blacks were brought up to behave in a human manner we would not be having these terrible racial relations that we do today.
99% of our problems are government keeping blacks dependent on the government, creating inbred retarded black people in ghettos that lack education. all desire is snuffed out by alpha blacks who say black people are acting "too white."
ambition and impulse control are amazingly important.
i have an iq of 143. I'm also unemployed except for when i decide to do construction work under the table so i can afford my daily pint of whiskey and a few beers.
Make black kids, raise the right, complain about how the problem with african americans are single mothers and dead bet fathers, save your race from the jew subversion.
Every one knows this but if it comes from any one else then a black person people will just scream racist and not listen.
Well then what do you think it means?
Are you actually going to make a decision based on what Sup Forumsacks tell you? If you are, then consider my opinion:
Reproduce. It's your duty as an organism to continue your genetic heritage. And do so as you see fit.
Wow, a smart nigger! A nigger as smart as yourself certainly deserves a reward for being so intelligent, no? How about a nice, plump white woman? Blond hair, blue eyes. What say you, goy?
was it a written test or one off of a website?
Do whatever you want dumbass. Sup Forums is satire
Written, from a psychologist
Hey, nice man.
I had 120 when i was 13 yo kid, now i have something between 155-160, but you're doing great for a non-white person.
Keep it up buddy.
dont you mean on a
>HIV postive note?
>In statistics, regression toward (or to) the mean is the phenomenon that if a variable is extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the average on its second measurement—and if it is extreme on its second measurement, it will tend to have been closer to the average on its first.
so it's more like, you got 108 on your IQ test, but then you take it again next time and it's 104, then your real IQ is likely to be closer to 104 than to 108, because several measures of the SAME variable tend to regress to the mean.
It's about what several IQ scores say about YOU, it has nothing to do with your son.
Mixed race detected.
why not mix with an asian SJW?
If you have children with a Black woman you have a high chance of the regression to the mean happening. If you marry a White woman you have a chance to maintain at least an average IQ, assuming your children and children's children breed with White people.
Wow. 108.
What will you do with your new power as King of the Blacks.
All hail.
King user IV. Ruler of the blacks.
Yes, I am about 1/3rd Irish.
Yes, as long as it's a daughter.
I'd move to Africa and be a kang desu...
Keep laughing at me you fucking roo. All you'll ever be is a faggot shitting in the outback. Your nation is NOTHING compared to mine, you hear?
He's not talking statistical term, but the idea is similar.
For iq, at least, if outliers were to mate with the mean, the iq will gradually return to the mean over generations.
For blacks, this mean happens to be 85. Op is average by the average of white, sitting at 108.
If he breeds with someone with lower iq (say 90) his children will prob have a lower iq than he does, and his grand children, assuming the same pattern follows, will have even lower iq that is closer to the mean.
This, go be like somalia user, go be kangz
eat dick pie
>For iq, at least, if outliers were to mate with the mean, the iq will gradually return to the mean over generations.
but that's not regression to the mean at all, that's just a normal averaging. Of course that constant averaging with the mean will return to the mean. Think about it for a bit.
A nigger, with an IQ of 108? Shit, you're going to be president some day. Your IQ is among the highest ever recorded by a nigger. probably double Obama's. Just learn to read of a teleprompter, and you will be Mr. Anonymous nigger President some day
108 is pushing the bottom of the high achievers.
If your kids regress to the mean, they will suffer greatly. If you can find an asian or a jew, you will give the kid the BEST option. If you select an 85 IQ african, you are not giving them great chances in this world.
You might as well enjoy life. The world is going to end soon anyway. Make sure they're Christian and homeschooled.
Average is shit
the IQ isn't helping. even when they are given everything and make it to college.
>tfw every black person on Sup Forums has an above average IQ
most people on pol probably do.
Average is dragged down by 13% blacks and like 30% hispanics
My IQ is 111
Bad news:
1. you're black and that will always be a disadvantage for you and your offspring
2. your IQ isn't 108 (you're in Sup Forums so your IQ is probably around the 95-75 region)
3. you're probably not going to reproduce
Good news:
You are not alone since the other idiots here are no better if not worse.
There are other races to mix with. Find an asian or something else.
>i have an iq of 143
But you're here too.
What's your point?
My IQ is 95.
108 is way higher for than OP's racial average and still higher than the white racial average. You guys are morons, read a fucking book for Christ sakes.
My IQ 126. Filipino here who has family who went to Ivy league colleges.
>french intellectual
I don't usually post on Sup Forums.
And my IQ is probably lower each second I spend in Sup Forums (only here to see Trump supporter rage)
You should probably leave Sup Forums too.
>Nigger here
however, OP image name
which is literally Czech for "mashed_potatoes.jpg"
=> proxyfagging Czecuck!
>2. your IQ isn't 108 (you're in Sup Forums so your IQ is probably around the 95-75 region)
lel, this. this isn't a board for reasonable intelligent individuals.
end it
Get a good job, a good woman and stick around to raise your kids in private schools, then they won't be retard niglets.
bramborova kase ? czech much ?
I'm bipolar and I've tested my IQ in high and lows. There was a difference of roughly 20 points, don't know why I'm telling you guys this, just thought it was interesting.
true, true
You don't need to be smart, just a good parent. Don't let your kids steal or become gangster niggers and actually be there to help them, and they'll be successful.
I'm in a similar position to the OP being a giga nigga IQ between 130 and 135. Personally I've decided not to reproduce without using a high IQ sperm donor, and only then if I end up marrying somebody with a reasonably high IQ. To help me stay the path I've already had a vasectomy despite being in my early twenties.
The main thing to bear in mind is that even if Sup Forums were to be wrong about the biology of race and liberals were right all along, racism would still exist and so passing on your black genes to your children would be handicapping them in life. Using a white (or Asian if you live in an Asian majority country) high IQ sperm donor is doing the best for your children and society at large pretty much whichever way you look at it.
>czech nigger
niggers have value among niggers, move to africa and use your part white dna to improve things
>The idiots here
yourself included burguer.
spoken like a true 108 iq pleb
Good call Texas
I'm just a slavaboo, you guys are based and humble.
>108 IQ
Welcome to the 90th percentile of black intelligence, OP.
Yes, reproduce (with a black woman).
Yeah, nah.
Nice try Přemo, but you will never be a real nigger. No matter how much you listen to hip-hop and all the greats of rap (2Pag, Biggie Smalls, Rytmus...)
>Nigger here, and I just got a test result of a 108 IQ. Should I reproduce and take the risk of having nigglet kids who regress to the mean, or end my genetic line on a positive note?
Well if you are above the 85 avg for that section of the population you should consider spreading that above avg seed, also if you breed with a good IQ there is good chance they will have good base level IQ.
Procreate with an asian.
Stop making us look so ill informed. 108 is above average for whites AND asiansx which average higher than whites.
Nigger with 129 iq here, git gud
Fuck an Asian girl so your nigglets have a better shot at intelligent genes and the ability to control their impulses.
Furthermore theres so many asians that blacks race mixing with them dilutes the black gene pool.
Find a black qt, have beautiful black children, and stay a family no matter what happens. Don't let you're kids become degenerate thugs and send them to a private school.
White dude with an IQ somewhere above 140. What do, Sup Forums?
Check your privilege.
Ok, how do I do that?
Major in EE. With your IQ, its literally a free 95k starting field.
I'm much more intrested in Physics to be quite honest with you, but I'll consider it.
Hypothetically, what would I do with the money afterwards? Past paying off college loans for a while I don't really know what the fuck I would want to spend it on.
108 in nigger world is basically genius tier. You should try to run for public office or become a doctor. With affirmative action you can literally be anything you want as a nigger with a 108 IQ even if you really aren't qualified.