What is the best Sup Forums-related life advice to give ?
What is the best Sup Forums-related life advice to give ?
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The Jews did it
Hide your power level?
taking the redpill is easy. being aware of all the shit is hard
Don't have kids. There is no future for them.
find a way out of america if at all possible
Get a pre-nup
Around blacks never relax.
leave Sup Forums forever
Move your family to an all white state if you are not poor white trash.
Then sit back and laugh at all the whites getting culturally enriched.
Sit back and laugh at all the dindus getting beat by police.
Niggers and jews, bad news.
prepare your body and your mind for the future, it aint gonna be easy
Focus on fixing your own life problems like being overweight, social anxiety, ect. before you worry about political problems.
Understand what Herodotus said about perception trying to control reality regarding the Greeks and the Persians. The Greeks understood reality to be something always just outside of perfect understanding, but which could be accurately modelled, to an extent. Thus, you must make a careful model, but also, do not ever take it for reality. Persians didn't agree. They thought that what they could not comprehend must not exist. Confronted with a boy who murdered his parents, the Persians set him free, because they simply could not accept that the crime was possible.
Learn to laugh at how ridiculous the world is instead of getting angry.
Also there are some good men and women left in this world, only 99% of people are trash
If you want to know how to get better, ask why your emotions hold you back in the first place.
be urself!
This. In many therapy sysyems, the first thing they tell patients is to let go of Cosmic Justice Issues. The SJW thing is essentially the reverse, using abstract and unattainable utopianism to hide real and solvable crimes.
Do a flip
Live by your word and keep politics to a minimum.
how to find a good partner for either men or women: find someone who's parents are still happily married
Always take a piss bottle on long journeys.
Trust most things. Why would someone lie?
8th one
the whole Sup Forums in one pill
If you're different, you're going to be alone.
If it has a vagina, it's an enemy.
But the people who solved all their personal issues don't give a fuck about politics except in a superficial way.
Never trust a nigger.
dont jump!
Buy land and a home, not pointless distractions. Try to be self sustainable in every aspect of life. Get out of urban settings, you can always visit.
Put family above everything else, unless you believe in God, then put him first.
Buy items that will last, not cheap ones that will break every 3 years.
Never be a cheapo when buying tires or shoes, no matter your income.
lift and read
When you hit a wall ask your self, what would a STEREOTYPICAL nigger do? Dont ask what makes the most sense because youll have a half dozen choices. Ask what tyrone would do. Do the opposite
A few of these are stupid/degenerate, but most ring true.
Question everything.
get the fuck out of here with that MGTOW shit. it is your fault that you fall for whores. use your brain and don't let sluts exploit you next time.
dont stare at the sun
>male feminist detected
Read, especially history.
Avoid watching/reading mass media.
Few more.
Don't visit and post on Sup Forums. It's full of degenerates.
OLDGUYFAG is wise.
Live fast
Die young
You only live once!!
>Get a tattoo
>buy some art
>Apologize more than you need to
stopped reading
honestly should have stopped reading at 10 though
Don't ask for lesser burdens, ask for wider shoulders.
Life ain't easy, deal with it.
Everyone has problems at all stages of their life though? So just never think about politics?
I don't know about redheads though.
If you refuse to think for yourself, someone else will be happy to.
That Sup Forums is """conservative""" tumblr
Be responsible for yourself and don't let the liberal media brainwash you into being an entitled nigger spic hippy?
get off Sup Forums
two to the center of mass, one to the head
Don't try to impress ignorant people.
Ho-soe-evr shaal resiet dha wrdx av dhis kaampoezixn oevr himself shaal anoint himself with aaliv oil and with thik angueint, and hee shaal
hav propixatoree aafringx aan boeth his handx av insens, and behiend his two eerx shaal bee puer natron, and sweet smeling salve shaal be
aan his lipx.
He shaal bee arraed in a no dubl tonik , and his baadee shaal bee puerified with the waatr av dha Niel-flud, and he shaal hav apaan his feet a
per av sandlx maed av wiet (ledhr), and a figuer av dha Gaadis Maat shaal bee draan apaan his tang with green-kalrd oekr. Wen-so-ever
Thoth shaal wixx to resiet this kaampozixn aan behaf av Ra, hee mast prform a sevenfoold puerifikaexn for three daex, and preestx and
(oordineree) men shaal do liekwies. Hu-soe-evr shaal reesiet dha abav wrdx shaal prform dha seremoeneex wic aar to bee prformd wen dhis
buk is beeing red. And he shaal maek his plaes av standing in a srkl (or at an aengl).....wic is beeyaand (him), and his two iex shaal bee fiksd
apaan himself, all his membrx shaal bee kampoesd, and his stepx shaal naat keree him awae fram dha plaes. Hu-soe-evr amang men shaal
resiet thees wrdx shaal be liek Ra aan dha dae av his birth, and his poezexnx shaal naat bekam fuer, and his haus shaal nevr faal into dekae,
bat shaal endr for a milion eetrniteex.
2017 SEPTEMBR 23
I thought that was only if you're an idiot using a .22 or something else small. Even then don't mossad just silence and one in the back of the head?
where should I move. I was gonna move to America after I graduate
t. dual citizen leaf
Around blacks, never relax.
I disagree with the "traditionally male things" and "asian culture" one. I would replace them with "doesn't have any interests of her own". Obviously certain degenerate interests are still red flags, but if she has genuine interest in something outside of her social presence and it's more than just a cursory interest for the sake of attention, you're a lot more likely to enjoy talking to her. Girls with no hobbies are boring as fuck and will pull stupid passive aggressive shit or just flat out cheat.
Never heard of the "Djibouti Shooty," eh?
handguns a shit, that's why, however most people would carry those
otoh hydrostatic shock from a rifle is much much greater and one shot that connects to center of mass should be enough to put down anybody
Avoid niggers and spics. Never trust a Jew. Don't ever fall in love with a slut.
better than the meme list
Mind your own fucking business.
Hahah Djibouti
>gdp Per capita $2,874
the only advice that's worth giving in my opinion.
Without trying to go dad mode these are the general things a self respected man should achieve before he is 25 years old:
Get atleast a bachelor degree in STEM or finance
Learn at least 3 languages
Spend time living alone, preferably abroad
Read Corvey books about character building, behaviour and confidence
Learn how to dress yourself
IF one of these things are missing when you are in your mid 20's, you won't get the most out of life.
Achievements: 0
>other advice
Don't dress like that metrosexual faggot in anons post
There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
This is the most retarded advice I have ever read.
3 languages:done
spend time living alone: done
read corvey books: I'm not a frat boy faggot - skipped
learn how to dress yourself - done
Doing well senpai
I-it gets better
Marry a Christian white woman. Have kids and raise them in a majority white area.
I agree but his haircut is alright
That blacks will never improve a single society they are in ever.
>number 17
what the actual fuck lol
Don't let your kids ever sign a contract with Dan "Dump The Bodies in the Trash Can" Schneider
play stupid games win stupid prizes. Getting a liberal arts degree or gaining status in a toxic friend group being examples of playing stupid games.
I can't read this, care to translate?
tfw i know 5 languages and im 19
feels gud
Hitler did nothing wrong
>gaining status in a toxic friend group being examples of playing stupid games.
The irony of this being posted on a circlejerk like Sup Forums is truly astounding.
Always give your best, never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.
Don't become president.
agreed. Feels bad man. Can't stop now though
Read Proverbs for ancient wisdom.
Never go full Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.
Nice try Shekelbergstein
Acknowledge clearly that Sup Forums i a haven for asperger's and mental illness. Most ideas expressed here are fucking stupid and hateful and should only be read for lulz. The place is basically an autism zoo and no one should ever take it more seriously than that.
pictures of bush are similar
i worry for trump-senpai
Sup Forums is always right.
I did all of those things, except languages.
I have a lot more survival skills than that bullshit but another language would be nice
if you look past the women-hate and the "degeneracy" bullshit most of pol is more rational than normal American politics.
Get a gun
Stick to your money
Have plenty, but act as if you're broke
Be ready to hurt people in order to safeguard your property
Be that kike
>Sit back and laugh at all the dindus getting beat by police.
Cant we do that anyway?
You just know that the niggers are going to nig all over the Dem National Convention in Philadelphia.
Give zero fucks.