1 million children die of vitamin a deficiency every year and the liberals still chimp out and won't allow a-fortified rice to be distributed because muh gmos. greenpeace literally goes in and burns down farms where they are being cultivated in the Philippines. science ok when it suits me, baaaaaad when it doesn't.
1 million children die of vitamin a deficiency every year and the liberals still chimp out and won't allow a-fortified...
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Nothing wrong with GMO. What do these faggots think the future of meat consumption will look like? We will have to rely on artificial protein pastes and lab-grown meat to sustain all of humanity
This. these dumb faggots don't realize that basically all of their current foods are GMO.
that's because we don't have good consumer protection and labeling laws
But if hunger is solved what will these organizations live off?
no thats because every animal and every plant has been selectivly breed which makes them gmos you moron
Nothing wrong with GMOs brah. The problem is means to produce and grow most modern GMOs are owned by the company that develops them. Seems kind of dangerous to have exclusive rights to grow a plant.
They shouldn't need to be labeled in the first place.
Labeling them would just turn the argument from
>If there's nothing wrong with them, then what's wrong with labeling them?
>If there's nothing wrong with them, then why do they have to be labeled?
If you give an inch, they will take a mile.
the fact that they sue the living shit out of you if you "re-sown" there plant with seeds from the harvest. they live of reselling you the seed every year
libtards actually hate humans
So? some africans die?
These fucking retards who are against GM just need to fucking leave. What do they think is going to happen, GM crops making people into zombies or something? Why would the big companies make a crop that HARMS people, once word gets out they will be sinking faster than Titanic. And why would they intentionally harm people, that is retarded. If they kill the peoppe buying their products nobody will buy their products.
And the government does not give a fuck about population control, it is only a problem in shitty countries, and look what happened when China made population control policies; the one child policy was shit and made a ton of problems.
And as for "Unintended consequences" what the fuck kind of consequnces will arise from GMO crops? Many are totally sterile and cannot breed, possibly being the work of the corporate Jew making farmers buy more seeds, but that also means that there is no chance of contamination. It is much safer than existing farming techniques of pesticide and harsh chemicals.
>Seems kind of dangerous to have exclusive rights to grow a plant.
The rest of the market needs to step up their game.
The big reason Monsanto keeps shutting down competitors is because they keep making organisms that only modify a couple SNPs in comparison to their products. They're different on the level of nucleotides, but codon selection results in the exact same amino acid sequence.
Honestly, this is what it really comes down to; GMOs are genuinely one of (if not THE most) ground breaking endeavors in the past several hundred years, and it's completely unreasonable to expect a market of copy right laws that have existed for a short while to adjust.
Pretty sure they're engineered to not leave seeds behind.
>they live of reselling you the seed every year
You have one of two options:
1) Allow the seeds to germinate and risk contaminating the the local wildlife
2) Genetically engineer the plants so that it is impossible to cross contaminate by removing reproduction all together.
It's a scenario of damned if you do, damned if you don't. Ethically speaking, sterilizing their product is a much better option than letting a GMO run rampant.
Monsanto dindu nuffin wrong.
you do know that the main thing were eating of those plants are their seeds?
>selectivly breed which makes them gmos
>creating a new genetic type of food
>breeding it
>perfectly safe compared to thousands of years of perfect rice
fucking idiots everywhere
He means viable seeds.
they didnt do nuffin wrong especially because they will be a german company soon enought
>1 million children die
good the world is full already
Why would anyone want an extra 1 million third worlders every year?
yes those seeds are viable or why do you think monsanto has sued so many farmers?
Because the left is AGAINST RICH/companies PEOPLE
its not about science its not about anything they just hate the bourgeois
How do you not know this yet
Is this just bantz, or are you actually trying to make a point of some kind?
partly bantz but also the fact that bayer tried to buy monsanto but was rejecet but will probably make another offer
>Nothing wrong with GMO.
True. However, when you add the shekelmaster's factor...
>do you think monsanto has sued so many farmers?
Not all of Monsantos products are completely sterilized.
But to really answer your question, most (if not all) of those farmers are guilty as hell of deliberately breeding Monsanto's stock and claiming it was an accident, as the distribution of crops was far beyond any projected threshold of what would actually be expected for accidental cross contamination.
Many of these farmers are salty over having vastly inferior products in comparison to what those atheist sciencey guys are producing. Never forget that all of them have ulterior motives for trying to take on Monsanto.
Sven gets it
This is a tough issue. I fully support GMOs because I'm not a retarded luddite. But I also support the starvation of nonwhite children to keep their population down. I don't which side to pick here.
>Not all of Monsantos products are completely sterilized.
Nevermind. Looks like I'm dumb.
>caring about niggers
>>>/reddit/ you nigger lover
or we can just release the latest bioweapon to take out a huge chunk of humans and have fresh food
btw, it isn't monsanto that's working on the golden rice it's the government trying to save little kids and libtards still don't care.
[citation needed]
>Any questions?
Yeah fucking source nigger
>what is google?
You don't inject gmos into your brain, you stuff that has had gmos injected into their brains, silly billy
A search engine you fucking nigger, I asked the source.
Eat stuff that*
>Make bullshit claim
>Get called out
>"I-I'm sure the proof is there somewhere. J-just go look for it!"
Either cite your claims or fuck off.
Burden of proof you stupid faggot
It's your job to prove your retardation
Or 60% of them
Reminder that corn is man-made.
>Muh cheap dollar meals bro
One million children die every year from vitamin A deficiency, but 500 million children die at least once a day when I jerk off.
Really makes you hmmm
i wonder why you dont use a razor to cut your wrist instead of worming new tor sites for your retarded gang.
>food's no longer safe because it's been selectively bred!
You mean, what's been done for centuries? It's NOW unsafe?
Really makes me think.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill
I pity you.
Hm. Really make you a twink hmm..
thats not a source you chucklefuck
Is that the same article as that other post?
Are you going to provide a citation yet?
reminds me of that one movie with liam neeson where they try to stop this doctor from getting whacked so that he can release his GM corn to save Europe
haven't found a single person that has both criteria
1) is against GMO
2) actually knows wtf GMO means (and just citing what it stands for doesnt count..)
Laced with Morgellon Nano Robo Fibers™.
Liberals aren't concerned about the lives of others. They just pretend they are.
I hate it when they try to rile up us Christians in support of their anti-gmo crap. God wouldn't care if we fed Children good food.
What if the GMO rice is an invasive species?
What if the GMO rice is the perfect food for an invasive species of bug or animal?
Instead of 1 million children dying of vit a deficiency, you have 10 million dying of a potential transmitted disease or loss of farmland / all food sources.
GMOs are perfectly fine if done right. The problem is trying to do them right is hard and there are always unintended consequences.
The problem isn't with the concept of GMO's, but with the ethics of companies like Monsanto.
He's being ironic and he'll continue spamming those images as he's googling them.
Ignore it.
take the blue pills if you want ;^)
we as Americans deserve to know and deserve to have a choice of what we eat. fuck the niggers in africa
There is a difference between selectively breeding and genetic modification you retard, they take genes from other animals and shit and inject it into the dna of other things, your retarded.
>muh tumors
Rats get tumors from anything because they're fucking disgusting shit tier rodents.
literally kill yourself, we'll never have such a big overpopulation problem
If they do not die, they will have children, the cycle repeats. Feeding is never a solution, it only worsens the situation.
If you cannot afford children, do not have them, it is simple as that.
We do not need worthless niggers.
why can't we just send them billions of carrot sticks?
Depends how it is actually spliced etc. In general I'm against GMO's, but Golden Rice is one of the few exceptions.
Saying GMO is bad is like saying an axe is bad cause it can be used to chop heads off
Or saying cars are bad cause they can be used to run people over
Or saying buildings are bad cause they can collapse on top of people
I have a problem with GMO shit but not because I think the actual genetically modified crop has something wrong with it. It's the bullshit the corporations that make them pull with copyrighted genetics and suing the shit out of farmers for growing a certain strain of crop.
Yet another thing to add to The-List-Of-Things-I-Have-A-Problem-With-That-I-Need-To-Carefully-Explain-Why-To-Reactionary-Retards. Like how I have to explain why I think the Global Warming thing is complete bullshit but that we should still strive for sustainable low carbon emission energy production and transportation.
Liberals also hate it when you bring up IQs by race, and they'll go on and on how niggers have giant cocks and can slam dunk on you.
They'll also bitch about how "science proves factories cause g̶l̶o̶b̶a̶l̶ ̶c̶o̶o̶l̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶g̶l̶o̶b̶a̶l̶ ̶w̶a̶r̶m̶i̶n̶g̶, the weather being different, and then they'll act like chopping off your cock gives you two X chromosomes and makes you "a woman".
The last thing white civilization should be doing is helping third world populations to grow in size.
>fucking idiots everywhere
you got that right *looks directly at you*
the GMO issue aside, "golden rice" will NOT adequately address the issue it is touted as solving....
Vitamin A - REAL Vitamin A - is strictly from animal products, and not plant products. the reason Beta-carotine is laughably referred to as "Vitamin A" is because it can (sometimes) be used by the body as a precursor to create REAL Vitamin A in-vivo - but, to do this absolutely necessitates other co-factors, such as adequate zinc intake - and these would likely be lacking in any individuals who are already ostensibly malnourished. even with all the essential co-factors present, a considerable percentage of people are unable to synthesize Vitamin A.
TL;DR it's just Big Agro lying to you in order to justify their existence and the introduction of patent-able "food stuffs," with the typical complete lack of regard for safety.
not a liberal here - i'm an arch-conservative and right of Ghengis Khan, and i happen to know a bit about nutrition.
what's wrong with natural food?
you haven't given a valid reason why GMOs are good besides niggers starving in africa
gmos keep our crops alive stop wining about things you dont understand
I bet you idiots are afraid of GMOs for the wrong reason. What you should be concerned about is them adding genes that code for toxins, or turning existing genes into ones that produce dangerous products. Toxic food can be vetted at the experimental stage. What retards probably think is that by somehow eating GMOs, the genetically modified DNA is going to be incorporated into them and they'll grow three arms. What they forget, or probably don't even know, is that DNA is broken down into nucleotides or smaller before it is absorbed by the body.
I bet these idiots, I mean. My bad, typo.
reminder that corn is actually supposed to be purple
righ right...
so its a gr8 invention as long as the jews dont get a hold of it
Cause we can make better crops?
oh well you've convinced me
what's wrong with our non-gmo crops?
If you eata gmo fruit and it contains no poisonous chemicals its safe to eat.
Its all about what substances a fruit or vegtable contain..
Who cares if its GMO or not, that is beside the point, what matters is what chemicals they have inside and they are obviously tested to make sure they are safe to eat.
GMO products dont contain magic or fairydust that is gonna do unpredictable things to you..
Damn you people are dumb as a brick.
>GMO are perfectly safe goyim
Organic Farmer here
The problem with GMOs is that heirloom seeds aka the genetic diversity of vegetables is VERY prone to being wiped out entirely if vegetable bight is able to mutate to these GMO modified vegetables, all the other varieties of corn beets apples etc would stand no chance against the new diseases. Plus, as more and more of these GMO crops are planted, they crosspollinate with all other varieties, effectively BLACKEDing their rare genetic code
Also, who gives a fuck if sandniggers die? Im happy liberalism is at least taking out a million shitskins annually. A million less for our grandchildren to fight
Do you even know what LD50 tests are? When someone says "a test showed that blahblahblah in sunscreen can kill rats" what they're actually saying is "scientists injected rats with increasing quantities of that substance until they died. The amount was 5000x what is in sunscreen, so now we know."
A GMO is a plant that has had it's genes swapped, like if there's a gene that makes the rind of a watermelon greener that was originally in a different plant. But nothing new is being created, it's just taking snippets of genetic code and putting them in different plants, or taking beneficial samples from many versions of the same plant to create a line with the benefits of all of them.
Cancer has a very specific mechanism by which it arises, and eating a watermelon with pumpkin genes is not it. By the time you digest it, it's all just proteins and sugars anyway. If we were genetically modifying our own cells, cancer might be a risk (as cancer is basically just damaged cells that have no limit on reproduction), but consuming plants with genetic anomalies is not the same thing at all.
The whole "let's not eat things that had pesticides" thing I kind of understand, although it misses the economics of food production, but the anti-GMO stuff is outright nonsense.
Where is your evidence that GMOs have ANY sort of adverse health effects?
I'll wait
A guy with a decorated background in agriculture taking several prominent jobs dealing with agriculture? Say it ain't so, boss, say it ain't so.