Nigger hating thread
Nigger hating thread
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A bunch of jews hating on niggers?
Mfw what the fuck is going on?
they especially hate ethiopeans
It's OP samefagging
Just posting what I've got
get used to it
What's up, Idi?
shouldve crashed that skunks skull and an hero
Anyone got the "Mo! ... you straight ?" one, where the black cops slams the nigger into the pavement ?
'black cops'
Black = Nigger
There's absolutely NO difference, they're all ugly, stupid and disgusting
Each and every one of them should be killed, they're subhuman trash
This is kinda aa nigger story that cheers me up in a way.
how can white women compete?
so it takes a whale to even reach her pussy.
the bbc is oficially cucked
Niggers keep surprising me with their degeneracy. isn't it time we take action?
It'll be a fine day when you satan kikes get the punishment you deserve
this is a fate of every white cuck
sweet justice
in the meanwhile, enjoy your punishment goyim
>reddit tier false flagging
Fuck off kike
Niggers don't have a bigger dick, look it up before you say stupid shit like that. The black dick myth has been debunked numerous times. Those black monkeys got nothing: 1) Niggers are ugly 2) Niggers are stupid 3) Niggers do NOT have a bigger dick
1) A 2012 study showed that the average Tanzanian male was 4.5 inches or 11.5 cm (
A 2006 study showed that the average Nigerian male was 5.1 inches or 13 cm (
While a 2012 study showed that the average Caucasian British man’s penis was 5.6 inches or 14.3 cm (
2) It's also worth pointing out that there is no correlation between penile size and race (
3) The world's biggest dick belongs to a WHITE man (
4) Most of what’s reported is anecdotal, and prone to exaggeration. But the stereotype persists about black men having big penises in the USA, even though it has no actual basis in fact. There will always be extremes of size in any race of men, and it is often these examples we see in pornography that are presented as being the average black man.
Tables and maps you might find on the web showing the distribution of penis size across the globe are completely bogus, made up by people who want to spread misconceptions (usually to make money from men’s anxieties over penis size). So never take any information on face value
If any White reads this - Please SAVE this, and post it everywhere when this FALSE myth comes up - THANK YOU!
Did someone say NIGGER HATE?
Cool post.
Didnt read.
>having killed somebody doesn't make you a killer
the urban plight of the black American will only get worse with this kind of mentality, it has led them so astray already.
What do you even know about niggers you retard?
You are not a US citizen you delusional moron. Ethiopians are nothing like the violent apes in the US.
>ur titties are on fleek
Can someone please translate what the fuck this means?
>>implying niggers have sex with nigresses
it means on point
Fleek = perfect.
Often used about eyebrows, as this seems to be the main interest in teenagers' lifes.
Urban dictionary:
A neologism that means "On Point", but needs to never be used in any language ever.
Annoying Teen: "My eyebrows on Fleek!"
Everybody Else: "What? Stop... Just, no." *Facepalm*
Same IQ, same disgusting genes, stupidity and horrible ugly looks
Sources and proofs:
There's been a lot of anti-black-"people" protests in Israel lately.
But why the fuck do you care about america's blacks??? Stop living your life online.
I'm really sorry about your small dick. We're all friends here and if you confess anonymously you'll get much of the support that you really need. Most posters here have dicks below 4" when hard, so you're not alone.
Israelis of both ashkenazi and sephardic ethnicity need to accept them as they have experienced antisemitism in Ethiopia
Stroke the gentiles by the hairs and you would be suprised what we can accomplish, isnt it about time you guys go right wing and shill to us some good values?
international jewry relies on all kinds of traitors of all creeds.
i really dont see how you guys would mind real natsoc in israel.
To root out enemies outside and in.
just look at the numbers
the media coverage is retarded
The U.S. is a global super power, their politics influence the whole world
feminism is so overwhelmingly popular in israel because of this too, so, you gotta change the american people first in order to change things the world - this applies to niggers too
>implying anyone on Sup Forums has a life offline
4 parts of BLM ultimatum.
Part 1.
Part 2.
>when your fat is still cute
But your black isn't.
Part 3.
What flag is this?
Part 4.
IQ tests are racist.
They were made by white men.
Raid on Entebbe!
Got 4 parts of race baiting to share too!
Part 1
>iq tests made by niggers
>how much is watermelon times chikkin?
I buy a Jewish-Chinese sauce called Soy-vey, great stuff, real cheap too
Part 2
Part 3
A dindu named Melanin, holy fuck
Yids use blacks as a weapon.
You wouldn't want anthrax living next to you would you? Jews don't want blacks living with them
Part 4
Enjoy the perpetual victim mentality!
cherrypicking isn't your forte, you should try cotton next
>Mongolians smarter than Americans and Canadians
my sides
They are protesting those subhuman "refugees" coming from Sudan
have a read
bored stormwinnie with proxy letting it all out at ,east once a week. You have to let it out, or els it's Sudoku time.
>Cucks getting upset over this
Based Kike
What do Palestinians think of niggers btw?
That's because of the 13% of niggers in the united states, they're dropping the IQ average by big numbers
A free people would want self-determination. How can you have zionist world control if people rule themselves?
Nope, I'm really from israel
no such thing
Idi Amin mah nigga
Oh shit it's dat Koni
Oh shit whatup?
>Blacks only excel at running and jumping
>"We blacks are kangs, whitbois afraid of us"
>Whites excel at power lifting
>"Yo wahit boiys weez got tjem real musles"
What a coincidence
>Not Real
Agreed, they're just another shade of Jew
Not even a buttmad american, even if we were number one id say the same thing
IQ tests are fucking stupid. Attempting to define intelligence through some kind of limited test is retarded. 90% of the time we define intelligence by how well people can articulate and communicate, or by trivia, or by problem solving skills (but when these are tested they only test very particular problems, it is impossible to test someone on every problem).
I think intelligence should mostly be about someone's potential to be irrationally violent, other than that, everyone is smart about their own shit. A racecar driver probably communicates like a retard and could tell you fuck all about history or math, but I bet knows every single thing about racing and cars.
Well, that's a false myth, and a big dick is not a bad false stereotype - Why shouldn't I care?
The ones who don't care are the cucks, letting others lie and making niggers look bigger, pathetic
Well, in that case, welcome, m8.
So what do you think about the 6 gorillion hoax?
Have you taken that red pill?
Not trying to be a cuckold or anything but isn't this illegal? A guy in Canada got arrested for making fun of black people.
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