since the mods are sleeping, I have to ask: who is she?
seems like a touchy subject since the last thread was removed fairly quickly. I cough something about her being illegal etc? pls tell I'm no lurkin 24/7
since the mods are sleeping, I have to ask: who is she?
seems like a touchy subject since the last thread was removed fairly quickly. I cough something about her being illegal etc? pls tell I'm no lurkin 24/7
someone with big teeth
a girl is no one.
Looked like she could be cute in the thumbnail... nope she's not that good looking. Why do you want to know her name so much?
The reason your thread was removed was because it was off topic and violated the rules.
freeloadin maria
Some wetback who got a free college education paid for by Americans.
She made a tweet talking about how good she was in school or uni something where she also went on to say that she was an illegal alien, or in her own words"undocumented", residing in the US.
Some user sent a report to the US immigration bureau, reporting her as an illegal, which must have been kinda easy for him since her twitter probably used her real name.
Soon therafter her twitter was down and gone.
So yea, pol just destroyed someones life
swedes are so nice, thanks you!
I'm Mexican and even I wouldn't fuck her. Her overconfidence is unbearable.
What Ever I like Light skin Mexican Girls better.
Some nigger, your thread was deleted because it's unrelated to Sup Forums so stop spamming and fuck off.
actions have consquences.
dont break the law, cunt.
Who is she? Someone to be visited by the ICE.
Crossing the border illegally is an act of invasion. Should be met with fire on sight. It's actually in German law to do so. It's just border patrol of Geramny is too cucked to shoot.
Id smash and cum on glasses, only faggots and bronies feel otherwise.
¿nomed nemes siht si ohw?
I doubt anything is going to happen to her. She probably took down the twitter from hate mail. Unless you have proof she was reported to the immigration bureau you're talking out of your ass.
Why would the mods sleeping have anything to do with this? Do they really delete stuff like this these days? I haven't been around much lately.
Reverse image search.
No one needs to feed you information.
Possibly /r/, not Sup Forums.
this. and gloated about it on twatter. and she's illegal.
>So yea, pol just destroyed someones life
Not really. ICE isn't going to do anything. She won't ever be deported unless Trump is elected. She did shut down her twitter because of the backlash she got though, so that's something.
>Crossing the border illegally is an act of invasion.
That flag. The irony.
Just some white american that did well in school. The majority of posts were burgers showing the pride they have for educating their women.
Fuck her, bleeding my tax dollars she can commit hardcore.
I would too but she has to go back after.
I smell something. Did you step in Crimea?
Mayate Lara Ibarra
valedictorian @ her high school in Tx...headed to UT on a full ride nigga... ultimate waifu
>expelling illegals aliens
are these nice?
>So yea, pol just destroyed someones life
No. She destroyed her own life by being a fucking idiot. All she had to do was NOT TWEET TO THE ENTIRE PLANET THAT SHE'S A CRIMINAL, and she'd have been totally fine. Good thing a retard like her can get a great GPA, right?
It's okay if you make a sham vote to justify it :^)
Deported when?
Some Guatemalan slandering the Mexican flag on twitter
>muh euphemisms
I really hope someone reported her to ice. I really hope so, this bitch does not deserve a full tuition paid for. Sigh. Why are white people letting this shit happen?
she wont be reported, she's protected by DACA, so she has a working visa for 2 years
She bragged about being an illegal on social media
she wont be deported*
>Sup Forums actually helped save america, if only a bit
I'm proud of you, Sup Forums!
>she wont be deported
Oh well.
What the hell is up with her toe? That shit looks straight FUNKY
>destroying someone's life
>deleting her twitter
Oh no, the poor soul.
It's a bandaid
>bragging online about breaking the law and getting backlash from it is somehow a bad thing
It looks like she had been packing on mass recently. I'm not going to say she had some body image issues because that would be cruel.
>4.5 GPA,
>not intelligent enough to stay quiet about being an illegal.
She got what she deserved. The way she stayed it was a slap in the face to the tax payers who fucking paid for her education. "Oh, look at me! I got a scholarship for being a Mexican and probably took the spot of a taxpayers child! Suck it!"
She got what she deserved. She should thank God her parents didn't get caught crossing the border and she was welcomed by the people of this great nation and given an education. Fuck her.
>nice legs
I'm referring to her toenail. Looks all discolored and nasty
wow twitter seems to be going apeshit about doing damage control. trying to rope in ellen or john oliver.
If you're stupid enough to brag about breaking the law on social media you deserve it.
she graduated from a shitty high school
My school has an Undocumented Student Union. With flyers up and everything.
Is it within the POTUS's power to issue an executive order mandating that police forces enforce the United States Immigration Code as law? If so Donny boy just secured my vote. US taxpayer dollars are being used to subsidize illegal residents' degrees.
Serb bro! Get in here strong slovenians are uncucking their nation!
Also, her life isn't destroyed. No way she'll get deported. If any legal action were even hinted at she would reactivate that twitter account to try to pull on heartstrings and she'll win. John fucking Oliver will be saying shit on the John Oliver Show or whatever he hosts.
Social media makes people do stupid things. I've never really understood why.
Obama took it within his own power to stop states from enforcing their own immigration laws.
Trump will allow the states to defend their own citizens again.
>US taxpayer dollars are being used to subsidize illegal residents' degrees
In favor of legal residents
So you're admitting to ban evasion
She's about a 5/10, good enough for porn
>nice legs
don't forget the part about thanking mexico for her success and not this country.
hope she enjoys her time down south.
I dated an illegal, she was fucking hot, amazing titties, jet black hair, still an illegal though.
I don't care about Zlovenia