Rap & Hiphop are a scourge

Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive and yet monotone lyrics, set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.

Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.

There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practicing until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat? Don't you KNOW this?

Those who "create" rap and hip-hop are an affront to civilization. They're the proverbial "slap to the face" to every man, woman and child who's pushed themselves beyond limits previously thought unimaginable, to achieve heights of success one could only dream of.

Those who willingly listen to rap and/or hip-hop, are the most dangerous of miscreants - examples of de-evolution. In essence, they're "regressing" back to their monkey state and, in my humble opinion, should be put down so as not to infest others with their disease. Ironic, really, since doing exactly that would be going against the argument in the second paragraph.

I genuinely hope humanity can recover from the plague that rap and hip-hop brought forth, but the more logical part of my brain knows it's truly a lost cause.

>tl;dr: rap and hip-hop are crap.

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We get it, you hate black people

OP confirmed soyboy



>despising rap and hiphop because its practitioners are lazy and avoid hard work, is somehow equatable with "low testosterone"
Stop stealing quality Sup Forums memes, you fucking fruit, and applying them in the wrong way. In fact, just stop breathing.

Just dropping by to wholeheartedly agree, if you're an adult and you listen to rap you're a joke of a man.
Rap is utter shit made by stupid people who can't play instruments for stupid people who don't know music.
Black people try to come up with a genre and all they do is steal other music and call it sampling while they talk about raping and killing people haha

If you're white and you listen to rap you're the ultimate soyboy

>a black person can make something this incredible, because he's studied for years - decades, perhaps - to perfect not only his chosen instrument but just about everything else about music
>"oh you hate black people because the lazy ones make rap and hiphop"
Wrong, you fairy. Try again. No, actually - don't try at all. Just die.


Really glad to see people here with their head on straight, rap isn't music, it's just niggers banging their heads against the wall making money for Jewish record executives while their neighbourhoods get shittier and they point the finger at whitey that made them rich.

Rap is proof that niggers can't make music.

That's not incredible though, simple chords, banal style, uninspired rubbish.
Never heard of this boon on guitar but he should have been a rapper then someone might know his name, he can play but has no soul, he's no clapton or Harrisson