Is Paul Joseph Watson right about everything?
Is Paul Joseph Watson right about everything?
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no, he just has a british accent
Probably not.
He used "cuck" unironically when discussing Brexit with Molyneux. Slightly jarring.
No, modern music is great. He's right about pretty much everything else.
>talking sternly into camera
He makes really compelling arguments though. And hes not as conspiracy theoristy as alex jones.
and modern music is shit
Any /polgbt/ here absolutely in love with him?
I've never crushed on a celebrity so hard before..
He's a smoker
Paul "There is no jewish conspiracy goy" Joseph Watson isn't right about anything.
He's actually a fucking moron
He's very redpilled and very normie-friendly. This is a great guy to point friends to, because he won't scare them away. Cf Jared Taylor's American Renaissance being the Jew-friendly race realist forum, as opposed to say Voice of Reason (RIP) which is great but which will never have wide market penetration. We need this kind of useful, respectful diversity. This is how we build an alliance.
he refuses to touch the jq.
>He's very redpilled
A real gay mother fucker took the time to make that, like REALLY gay
This dumbfuck was unironically advocating the "Trump is a Hillary plant" meme. Kinda tells you all about how far up his own stupid ass he is.
Hes right though. Jews do control a ton of the media, however, many outlets dont have a huge jewish influence. He said they run it, just he didn't see a huge influence. Its just some of the most popular ones that have the bigger influences
You were able to take something very dumb, reword it, and make it sound even dumber. Good job.
You didn't read it all, there's a happy ending
this guy is the charismatic youtuber pol deserves.
Why isn't there a contingent here that says:
/Paul/ is always right?
oh i did read it all, just because it ends with LOL FAG doesn't mean the other 95% of it wasn't conceptualized by some closet case
>happy ending
happiness is not allowed on Sup Forums
He is pretty hot
Why do people think a British accent adds credibility?
The rest of the world seems to associate our accent with intelligence and reason.
Am I the only one who hears our "intellectuals" and think they sound like pretentious cunts?
I missed something... Is this not in play anymore? Cause I thought it was still in play.
He doesn't even do the Intellectual Stutter thing like so many brit """""""""""intellectuals""""""""""" do.
>Self hating to appease the yanks
Nope I can't fucking stand that accent.
His videos aren't bad, although he tries too hard to be a pretty boy intellectual and RANdomly overPROnounCES WORDS
Ill tell you what he's gorgeous about everything that's for sure.
one thing he is wrong about.
the jew
which instantly discredits him on all else.
You cant admit to the jews controlling the media when you are in media thats like admitting to being a pedophile when you are a kindergarten teacher
A shit fuck cockney retard sounds like royalty to Americans. Most Americans are absolutely ignorant about the outside world and don't understand that England is mostly ugly troll people with harsh disgusting accents.
As a Canadian with family from Newcastle I know better.
Scratching the surface
Is he tall? That makes his words worth more.
I like him, but he is becoming a bit boring in some ways
part of what he does is just to advance his own eceleb status
get back to me when he namjes the jews, and I'll suck his cock
>says the idiot who probably only listens to dadrock
I guess not on everything. But his views are interesting.
>tfw one chance at having a glorious Southern accent
>objectively the best accent anyone speaking English can have
>born in Arizona, have Californian accent: the most nondescript accent ever
kind of thankful that I don't have to go through with my pledge to suck his cock
how fucking painful these cucks are.. they must have seen the "who controls your mind" infographs, and presumably they can use wikipedo like the rest of us, so they know, but pretend they don't
is he a collaberator or just scared?
He's proof that anybody with a British accent can say whatever nonsense comes to mind and American underachievers will buy it as bona fide genius. See Pat Condell; see also current year man.
>capitalism is good
>corporatism is bad
>secular liberalism is superior to traditionalism
No he's wrong about everything except his critiques on modern art.
I don't have a "crush", but I must admit he's pretty
full homo
Those are some weird ass proportions. Eternal Anglo strikes again.
I'm not doing it to appease the yanks, it's always fucked me off about our society. The nasal, middle class accent. The indignation and outrage face to get a point across.
Seriously, it's fucking annoying.
Scared probably. Entire nations have fallen to the chosen people.
pol is always right, Paul however, is not
>Self hating to appease the yanks
I'm still not happy.
I'm still and always 100% mad as fuck.
>Implying self hating isn't quintessentially British
Seems like no more awards should be given to anyone but niggers, sand niggers and Australians until they have an equal percentage
all nations?
they certainly are fucking cunning cheeky wankers, I'll give them that. like poison that you don't even know you have until you are half-dead
Paul is on my no-dotr list, as is jewnes himself
buy the filters tho bro
i cant exactly pinpoint it, but hes kinda annoying to me. maybe its the highpitched voice
His AMA was literally the most autistic q/a I've ever seen, he seems based, but he is legit full blown dyslexia when it comes to spelling basic words.
that doesn't sound fair, why not just redistribute the achievements by claiming most of them as niggers?
goddam I love this ability to say whatever the fuck I want. I bet even the liebereal fags who troll here start calling people niggers and faggots, then when they go back to plebbit they are upset that they can't do it, then they come here more, and eventually they become us
I think they have someone typing responses for plebbit AMAS
so its not ihs dislxya
someone claiming to be alexemiratusjewnes(orwhatever his real full name is) came to our irc once
we asked him the usual questions, he must know the answers, wasn't he divorced from a jew recently? aren't his kids jews?
It isn't.
There's a difference between being modest and self-hating.
must O keep this thrad alive paul?
Belgium has more then Swiss and Sweden
dat body shape
self-hating is a jew doctrine, and they have a lot to hate themsevles about
60 million orthodox Christians murdered in Russia, tens of millions more in Asia
they even caused the 2nd (and the 1st) world war, because they tried a communist revolution in Germany, which kind of left the Germans a little miffed
yes, well done
He's a bit extremist on his opinions but he usually presents facts
and I do mean that, not sarcasticly
shame about our faggot kike puppet EU dictator, the best paid bank clerk and damprag in the entire world
He didn't enter the answers as it was conducted as a webcast with some intern typing out his spoken answers:
He's one of these
>No, modern music is great.
It's really fucking not. It's MAYBE on par with 70's disco.
Yeah they were electronic contacts that change your fundamental pupil shape
doesn't seem very conclusive