What does pol think of AJ? Snake oil salesman or Paul Revere?
Pol on Alex Jones
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He's a person who believes in some of his own bullshit, but not to the extreme that projects in front of the camera. He's more or less a character. He exaggerates everything to hook people in and sell his merchandise.
he was full on red pilled in the very beginning. then he got bosses and had to pander.
he is coming back though and dropping "cuck" and "sjw" on a regular basis.
is forest bathing a real thing?
Bill Hicks turned into a hack
He's a wannabe hollywood media whore.
i didn't know this was a practiced thing.
i do it all the time and it definite has noticeable healing effects.
hey alex :)
there are about four main consensus on you that Sup Forums holds
>think you are jew shill covering for them by not naming the jew
bluepilled normies
>assume you are crazy and in it for the money
conspiracy theorist
>either a fan of you or think you are disinfo
most people fall into one of these categories
Nigger you only listed three
eh I was going to make another one but included it with conspiracy theorist
>breaking it
Fuck off Alex.
Stop making these threads.
Nobody wants your fucking filters or whatever snake oil you're peddling today.
>There are four main consensus on you that Sup Forums holds
>List three
A government shill spreading misinformation by hiding the fact that zionism is the true evil that everyone should be fighting.
hi Borat :>)
The thing is he can't outright name the Jew because his company is owned by Jews.
gee, never heard that one
I don't think he's necessarily wrong when it comes to the fact that the world is in the shitter and we're on the fast track to hell, but I get the feeling that a lot of it is overblown.
Buying filters and t-shirts isn't going to help you when the war breaks out. That being said, I can't hate him for supporting his own radio show by selling his own products.
aj is fake opposition. so, yea, run by jews
He's acting. Hes trying to run a business, he's not really genuine. The most obvious evidence to support this is that he was all anti globalist and he basically saw any mega rich person as part of some illuminati conspiracy, then trump comes along and all of the sudden he worships trump even tho trump is a billionaire businessman globalist, because the majority of his viewers support trump. And he's finally switched from fucking retard water filter shit to Muslim immigration and sjws and shit
Owner of GCN who plays infowars is Ted Anderson
Who specifically owns Alex Jones that is jewish?