Who here comes here to go back into Plato's cave and help others find their way out of Plato's cave ?

Who here comes here to go back into Plato's cave and help others find their way out of Plato's cave ?

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I'm the guy standing at the top pouring water into the cave to drown them all


What you do to others you do to your self not very wise


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Is that why you put on that pepe shit. So they let you back into the cave none the wiser.

I roam here as well as Twitter and Facebook comment sections to break havoc. If I can take a person out of the cave, that's a good day.

Also, I've noted sarcasm, well redacted puns, or even direct hits seem to work to wake up people. If you're all about statistics and being soft they'll scroll you down. Some consider by approach rude, or even insulting. How can truth be insulting if well explained.

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boogie isnt that fat anymore

first off this is Sup Forums and not Plato’s cave and secondly I watch fox news so I don’t need help because I know where Plato’s cave begins and ends and fox news is definitely not Plato’s cave

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isn't it a bit demeaning to relate a great metaphysical mystery to superfluous identity politics?

Never noticed that before. It's beautiful

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I’m not American OP. Talk me through the revealed wisdom that isnt CNN etc.
