Nurture or nature?
Why are Jews so smart?
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Nature, the jewish religion literally tells women that they should fuck the smartest guy.
So the smarter ones have more kids.
hahahahahahahahaa funny post man xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD really made me think xD!!!! goosebumps!!!!!!!!
Where in the Tora are they talking about women "fucking" the smartest guy??
their ideology makes them study and read their entire life
Because they start reading and educating their children in both religious texts and academics as early as possible.
All the smart Jews knew to get the fuck out of doge before Hitler got em.
Hitler killed all the literal retards and left only the wise to breed. Fucking asshole.
Combination of the two jews with low IQs are out to work as laborers and the smarter jews and rewarded with women trained from birth to be loving mothers and wives and taught that they should have many children to promote an increase in jewish population
Irrelevant. Without morals, intelligence is meaningless at best and dangerous at worse. Raw intelligence is only a small part of who you are. I know plenty of room temperature IQ's who are the most honorable people I've ever met.
She is cute. How do I get one?
Complete horseshit. Most Jews are Atheists, and those who aren't virtually never go to church. They literally are the Synagogue of Satin.
There is only one reason jews are so succesful.
They have this culture where they are only willing to do business with other jews. Unless they have to deal with a goyim because there's no jewish plumber within a 100 mile radius, they will never give any business to anyone outside of their tribe.
Its that fucking simple.
Israeli right in this thread biiiaaatch. You can't imagine how stupid many of us are.
>implying intelligence is not a perquisite to morality
This humble bro virtue signaling has to go
Only Ashkenazis are smart on average.
I think the Holocaust has played a factor, the smart (rich) Jews fled Germany, the poor stupid Jews got gassed.
Chosen people.
Both. Clearly they're the master race.
should i make aliyah?
Half jewish NEET
they aren't at all
Natural selection. The dumber ones have been killed for centuries.
do it. IDF would put stupid from you, you'll have option to kill muzzies, you get to fuck and drink in army.
That still doesn't mean they don't start educating their young early.
Hitler was the true Zionist and did nothing wrong!
Already 25, so I don't need to do IDF, was thinking of becoming a cook
Ive never met a laboring jew.
You always read about it in history but you never actually see the jews putting their stone positioning prowess in action.
>The dumber ones have been killed for centuries
Seems not being the case for sephardic jews
That is because Judaism is more than religion, it's culture.
Many things to take into account (climate, costs, language, etc)
Nature can't really explain their intelligence. King David was just a sheep herder and many other examples. Like Moses not being well spoken so God gave him a sidekick instead to speak for him.
I think they've simply been encouraged to study and also the Hebrew language is the most complex language in the whole world. By far. Every letter is a number and every letter has 7 different meanings and different combinations change those meanings. Its absolutely mind boggling how anyone could understand this language.
Maybe there is some nature here though too what with needing to be able to speak the complex Hebrew language and understand the complex religious aspects of life and not find them tedious or burdensome.
The dumb ones were rounded up and gassed. We could greatly improve the quality of our niggers by repeating the process with niggers.
You are both faggots, jews are no smarter than any other race except 3rd world ones, jews are only good at lying, deceiving, and greed
Yes, and most Christians are also atheists. The only real Jews are Orthodox Jews
Chosen by Satan
Life is much harder that in France
but I need to get my shit together, last chance.
If I succeed, great! If I fail, suicide in the Holy land
Win-Win scenario
Now that is horseshit.
Cool, ein Österreichischer Jude? Dann kann ich Dir die Schuld für Hitler UND für den Tod des Messias geben. :^)
what do you think?
They aren't smart you fucking retard. Only reason they have any positions of power is nepotism and white guilt.
We call them Mizrahi they're around they're good for little more than physical labor
We have nigs and arabs. Hope that one day we will have anti-judaistic uprising, purge Haredi, nigs, arabs and lefties and reinstall our full on secular culture of ones fierce warriors of Judea. They shouldn't see us merchants and banks yet. They should see as the wrath.
Why are white Americans hysically the strongest?
Didn't this guy die to a roid (and God knows what else) induced heart attack in his 30s...?
>Strong family
>"Jewish clan" culture
>No christian guilt
>Us and them mentality
>We are the chosen people mentality
>City dwellers
Reproducing these values over time must have translated into nature.
I'm a fucking NEET!! I'm worthless, too ashamed of myself to continue living in France and too much of a pussy to overcome my autism.
Even if I love my country and will only feel french to my death
This is purely survival now
Their race is literally the most autistic race, its a mistake to confuse it with intelligence. Ever since the diaspora they have developed a culture of studying various writings of rabbis and commenting on them for as long as they live. This gives them an obsession with small details in writing and enables their disposition towards law, journalism, banking, and accounting. Beyond that they are not creative, they do have an obsession with argumentation which allows for banter that is humorous but nothing more. Jewish philosophy is shit with the best being spinoza, jewish art is nonexistent beyond what they fund, jewish economics is best understood as an obsession with capital and Marx really was just an autistic analysis of Smith and some other Germans. They don't produce merely subvert, that is not intelligence
No it's not, 90% of Christians don't follow the bible even on Sup Forums self proclaimed Christians will call you a Muslim when you mention something from the bible. It's the same thing with Jews, all this degeneracy pushed by Jews in Hollywood aren't real Jews they're Jews in name only because saying they're Jewish will help them. They get circumcised and don't eat pork but that's it
They teach their kids that everyone is out to kill them. Then they tell the kids they are God's chosen people.
God Complex + Persecution Complex = High-IQ Psychopaths
How old are you and why are you a neet? Life story?
You are a Jew. Come home. People will help you to set you up.
Je t'aime mon frère, bonne chance là-bas
>don't eat pork
even thats a stretch for 99% of fake jews
And you will notice most of their arguments come from authority or a victim complex. They will cite x authority or x event to say the other person is in the wrong or just ignorant, and what we would call Godwin's law is their absolute victory in any argument. If they can link someone to Hitler successfully in the argument, they will conclude they have won
>25, always been a little autistic
>finished law school
>get Keratoconus, an eye disease that I can't really correct that gives me a hard tim reading, >get depressed, become a NEET 2 years ago
>slowly loosing my friends and my mind
>too much of a pussy to overcome my disease and start learning a trade in France
>Heard about Aliyah, start thinking about it as my last chance
brian shaw is still alive and healthy, he is 6'8 and over 400 lb
The Jewish race hasn't expanded in size much because the men are notoriously effeminate, it makes building a population problematic.
They self-cuckold
Merci Pierre
Exactly my point
He's a big guy
good work Dr. Freud
can i get a bump yet or what?
That's Judaism corrupted our warrior race. I am fucking against that inbreeding religion. I am fit, served in IDF, work as shooting trainer now.
so youre a jew living in Russia?
For this year, yes.
Did you work as lawyer or whatever? Where do you get money from?
Genetics (selective breeding) and its only German Ashkenazi Jews - the Sephardim are dumb as shit and the mixed Russian Ashkenazi/whites are basically just white level IQ. Don't even even ask about the Ethiopians.
>tfw no smart jew gf to cuck me
Nature. During the middle ages jews worked in what basically amounts today as white collar jobs (then lower prestige), this produces environmental pressure for intelligence selection.
No, it's clearly genetic. All Ashkenazi Jews can trace their heritage to about 350 people that lived about 1000 years ago. Intelligence is heritable, and because its such a small gene pool certain diseases are more prevalent. Same as whites but even more so. Every Ashkenazi is basically a cousin of every other Ashenazi to the 30th remove.
That's what I said, nature=genetics. I gave a possible reason for the evolution of that trait. By the way, the intelligence trait in Ashkenazi jews show some evidence toward relatively recent (and rapid) differentiation. So I would bet for hundreds of years, not thousands.
Selective breeding is not natural selection by definition - it's genetic but not "nature". If that's what you mean by "nature" then we agree.
Ok. Then we disagree, what do you mean by selective breeding? I've never heard of anything like that being successful with humans, do you have any evidence?
he means incest
Why are Germans so cucked?
Jews or Ficki Ficki?
That's not selective breeding, though?
You have to be smart to lie well.
it is if you select to fuck your cousin or sister
It is but you can't call it that because that would make people cry. Inbreeding is a form of selective breeding and if your population is arguably inbred (like Ashkenazi) then it is a product of selective breeding.
No. Everyone selects their partner. It's selecting breeding when it's done systematically with the specific intention of creating a genetic trait in the population. I see no evidence of this being the case.
the monarchs of europe did it specifically for this purpose.
their goal was to keep the bloodline pure, systematically. if even between royal families.
wouldnt that be selective?
If they select it within a small, isolated population = selective breeding. Isolation can be cultural and self-imposed and in this case it is. Ashkenazi Jews only married other Ashkenazi Jews and they all descended from a very small group of people (
Also, "intention" is not a factor. Breeders did not "intend" to create inherited disorders like hip dysplasia in purebred dogs - it was an unforeseen result of inbreeding. Ashkenazia Jews did not intend to produce children with higher rates of Tay-Sachs but it was the same - a result of inbreeding which is a form of selective breeding. Case closed.
thank you sir.
i am presently 6 fingers into a fine scotch and went for the easy answer.
We know its pointless for us to do manual labor since other races are bred for it, like niggers and whites.
So we study and innovate and create jobs so whites and niggers and spics and other animals wont die.
You must know little about philosophy.
Spinoza, Bergson, Derrida, Walter Benjamin, edmund husserl, adorno, martin buber, minmonides, marx, wittgenstein, karl popper, marcuse, levi strauss.
Not enough?
Lets just say that your entire world view and perception of life have been strongly effected by jewish philosophy.
In ancient Israel Jewish boys were taught to read and memorize portions of the Hebrew bible starting from a very young age.
They did not. They did it for political reasons. That's entirely different.
>Breeders did not "intend" to create inherited disorders like hip dysplasia
That's a side effect of the selecting breeding. The breeding itself is selective if they're working towards a specific phenotypic traits, as described in description of purebreed desired traits.
I don't see how them being culturally isolated is inconsistent with the usual mechanism of evolution, selection through environmental pressure.
Not Jews:
... and the rest.
Oh what would we do without the Jewish "philosophy" of word games and subversion. lies, propaganda and impenetrable texts, Where would the western world be?
Probably colonizing another planet in the Milky Way. Don't forget who got us to the moon - he wasn't Jewish.
Lol. With how many jews did they compete? That's useless info.
>babies first philosophers
there is no doubt those are the most important philosophers in the western cannon but because of how old they are, they are also basic.
all modern philosophers and their writings are replies to those that came before them, across the historical spectrum.
To understand modern philosophers in depth you must read and understand the many who came before them.
>That's a side effect of the selecting breeding
If you don't understand that breeding can be selective without intention, without "working towards something" you're just are dumb or trolling.
The extremely high prevalence of inherited genetic diseases in purebred dogs and in Ashenazi Jews PROVE they are inbred and therefore the result of "selective breeding"..
A genetic "bottleneck" is not the same as inbreeding and does not create inbred populations BUT can magnify the effects of selective breeding in succeeding populations.
Jew please
Methinks it's you who is being intentionally obtuse.
Seriously that's a basic definition.
Is that what you really want? A race of more advanced niggers?