Would this ticket stump the Trump? I'm scared Sup Forums.
Would this ticket stump the Trump? I'm scared Sup Forums
Never going to happen.
Too many crazy Bern supporters who'd take her out to make him prez.
Hillary/Cosby would stump the trump. So would Hillary/Bin Laden.
Get fucked republicuk
this is basically the only thing that could hurt trump.
but then bernie is a sell out and goes against every thing he stands for so his supporters will go through what ron paul people did.
and in 4 years they will be all out nazis
I'm begging Hillary to pick Shitting Bull. It would take this campaign to the next level of bantz.
>has an opinion in AMERICAN politics
please happen
screencap this
Am at the Hillary rally in long beach. There is an info wars interview being filmed with a man with a boot on his head
I foresee it shall be hilarious
Sorry this ha nothing to do with the thread
Bernie and Hillary are walking contradictions. a VP ticket is impossible at this point with vehement attack on Hillary by Bernie.
Stop embarrassing yourself you underage summerfag. The community pool is probably still open Trevor, go skateboard over there, you need to get out of the house.
To be fair, you probably are frightened by bed time, also.
No. Bernie's appeal is largely that he's anti establishment. He's wrong because communism, but still clearly different from Hillary in that regard and that's where a lot of his support comes from. Teaming up with Hillary would be casting that image aside and losing many supporters.
Then again most liberals are cognitively dissonant party loyalists. Their candidate could say or do anything and they'd justify it and not change their mind.
How many people do you estimate to be there? Her rallies are pretty sparse.
Maybe a little under 4 hundred
Pic is boot man and info wars chaps
A group of bern bros just grouped up near the pack of singing schizos and they are chatting about bob Dylan
Fucking long beach
That sounds like Vermin Supreme.
Yep. That's Vermin Supreme.
ask that faggot why he's fat while wearing ACU bottoms with flip flops and a t-shirt. He's a disgrace
Haha I guess I'm out of the loop cause a couple guys just walked past and said "yo vermin supreme"
Just in case anyone cares Hillary just arrived via helicopter
Wtf, Gandalf the Boot wizard.
Would a Hillary/Trump ticket be enough to stump the Trump?
He's been around for a very long time.
Hillary and pic related is a valid reason for concern.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are interchangeable and nearly all of Sanders supporters would vote Hillary just to have Warren as VP
>Implying Hillary being taken out and Bernie becoming president is bad.
Look at what happened with McKinley and Roosavelt.
Replace that shit with a Sanders/Warren ticket, and it wouldn't just stump Trump, but the Shill to.
If this happens I would like to see newt destroy bernie in the vp debate.
is newt good?
This is about as likely as Trump taking Cruz
Just got finished having a political discussion with a teacher at the school who I'm pretty sure is drinking rum and coke and is dumber than a bag of rocks
If Bernie did that he would out himself as an insider: part of the establishment and a traitor to his own cause.... a cuck.
confirmed bernie ticket