Is having sex before marriage degenerate? I don't feel comfortable talking to girls and it would be cool to rationalize my inadequacy with a belief system that makes me feel superior.
Is such a thing possible?
Is having sex before marriage degenerate? I don't feel comfortable talking to girls and it would be cool to rationalize my inadequacy with a belief system that makes me feel superior.
Is such a thing possible?
Only if it's between degenerate people, committed long term relationships are fine to have sex in
Only if you prefer to get cucked afterwards
I see what you did there
Literally Sup Forums: The Post
You realize that slum people fuck more than you don't you
Are they better than you?
You are an idiot troll, a very basic person
so fucking beutiful and perfect
Extremely possible.
I know this is bait, however I think it is extremely beneficial for a man to abstain from sex until his is married. This is undoubtedly the best for society. I would argue it is best for the individual as well, as you can develop yourself in other areas. Focus on your career or academic development while learning other skills. No wasted time spent chasing girls, drinking and going to clubs etc...
rather staying home and jerking off, right?
Fuck off whore. Getting fucked by a multitude of people is unnatural in all human societies and draws down dopaminergic systems that were supposed to be used for pair bonding.
I personally haven't masturbated or watched porn for 2 years... Started nofap in 2014, best decision of my life. But to each his own.
top kek, Affleck meme
You see, the thing is they rarely have anything new or insightful to say. The only reason you're nervous is because you don't know how stupid they usually are. Given a slight bit of guidance you can play the 'game' (a very apt metaphor) and sleep with whoever. However, this is not going to result in fulfillment. I recommend you build your career and self confidence through lifting weights and/or playing a competitive sport first, and then you can go out and try to find a quality woman. Not sleeping with anyone yet is probably a plus, because once you have easy sex your motivation to truly succeed and hold out for a good girl starts tanking. I realize this post was supposed to be a mockery of the average Sup Forumsster, but in reality both sides are retarded. Don't feel superior for not having slept with anyone yet; but see it as motivation to succeed and make your first meaningful. And for those calling virgins autists, you're probably right, but at the same time you're really just trying to boost your own ego because you've simply managed to be a successful participant in an ultimately damaging system that celebrates casual sex.
>Is having sex before marriage degenerate?
Confusing cause and effect so hard. Just leave, user. You're not Sup Forums worthy.
>Is X degenerate Sup Forums?
delete this garbage faggot.
Thats why you need religion, son!
Already sounds like youd make a fiiiiine Catholic
In a world in which you can elope in a day and divorce in a week what is marriage even worth?
I already play League of Legends competitively...
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Tyler1 is that u?
Anything other than courtship and some form of arranged marriage where the parents are involved is degenerate, really.
You have to remember that "going out" with a girl unsupervised by parents was taboo only 100 years ago
You stayed a virgin by choice. But not your choice.
There's literally nothing wrong with being a virgin.